Mattis Leaving in February

Definitely a troll.
You misspelled moron. I have been nice to him as of late. Not wanting to be a jerk. What he doesn’t realize is that he is just not intelligent. He is a mouth breather. I come to that realization not from his political beliefs. To each their own. It’s his lack of understanding that someone can disagree with him and not be anti-America. Well that and his ability to just label everyone with names. Which is why I used the same names against him. Oh then there was my favorite moment, when discussing illegal immigration, he thought he was making great point about if any of us would let an illegal sleep a door down from our daughters. I wouldn’t let a stranger, legal or not, sleep a door down from my daughter. He’s in the bottom of the intellectual kiddie pool.
Do you ever take a day off from huffing glue? I mean seriously. You are disparaging a man who has done far more for this country then you or I. Simply because he thinks putting troops on the streets its a terrible Idea and questionably unconstitutional. You don’t even realize how anti-liberty you are. Despite your beliefs, you can be pro-freedom, our constitution, and American and think Trump is a **** leader.

It’s amazing to me that so many of you trump folks can support him so hard to check logic at the door. Mattis is the same man Trump put in his cabinet. So is Tillerson. And many more. Yet when they leave, and talk **** about dear leader, you blindly accept the leaders version. Every single time. At some point do you not pause and say well crap they can’t all be FOS.
For a leader they seem to think is infallible, he sure does put a lot of "traitors" in his government.
Funny Trump mentions Mattis being mediocre when he draft dodged due to bone spurs and was not even a good businessman. Filed bankruptcy how many times?

If I were Mattis, I'd wear trumps assessment like a badge of honor.
View attachment 284794

Did President Snowflake make it out of his bunker to whine about being a victim today, or did he call this tweet up to the military policeman he sends out for his orange concealer?
How misinformed of you. Trump was just giving The White House bunker a routine inspection during the Pennsylvania Ave riot. He wasn't actually using it for protection.
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I'm a big fan of Trump's new nickname: Bunker Boy.
You guys didn't get the memo: Trump was only inspecting the bunker. There just happened to be a riot outside of The White House when he chose to make this inspection. Such an alpha male as Trump, would have no reason to hide from a bunch of hippie protesters.
You guys didn't get the memo: Trump was only inspecting the bunker. There just happened to be a riot outside of The White House when he chose to make this inspection. Such an alpha male as Trump, would have no reason to hide from a bunch of hippie protesters.

President Trump is an egotistical pri*k. He is trying to portray strength, even though he looks silly doing it.

However, it’s not his call to go down to the bunker. The Secret Service mandates how to protect the President and First Family in all events.
President Trump is an egotistical pri*k. He is trying to portray strength, even though he looks silly doing it.

However, it’s not his call to go down to the bunker. The Secret Service mandates how to protect the President and First Family in all events.

You didn’t get the memo. Everything is Trumps fault. He makes every call about every single thing that happenes in the United States on a daily basis.
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President Trump is an egotistical pri*k. He is trying to portray strength, even though he looks silly doing it.

However, it’s not his call to go down to the bunker. The Secret Service mandates how to protect the President and First Family in all events.
It's not that Donald Trump was in the bunker that makes this funny. It's that Trump is so sensitive about having been down there. Trump actually told Brian Kilmeade of Fox & Friends that he just went down to the bunker in order to "inspect" it, and the fact that this "inspection" happened while there was a riot taking place outside, was nothing more than a coincidence of timing. How dumb does that sound? Trump's insecure nature is so transparent, and it's this insecurity which makes him appear to be weak. At heart, Donald Trump knows he is the same guy who dodged the Vietnam War draft over medical deferments due to bone spurs. Trump knows he is a silver spoon fed, tender foot... and he is always trying to overcompensate for it.
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You didn’t get the memo. Everything is Trumps fault. He makes every call about every single thing that happenes in the United States on a daily basis.
Donald Trump brings that type of scrutiny on himself by acting like such a narcissist. This White House bunker story is a vintage example of "Trump-ism". Due to Donald Trump's own ego and insecure nature, he has to put a spin on what happened in order to make it sound like it was his decision alone to go down to The White House bunker, and that the only purpose behind going to the bunker was for him to "inspect" it, rather than for his security. Men who are truly strong and secure in who they are, do not feel the need to act this way. They aren't this insecure about themselves. Trump is a pitifully weak man. That Trump supporters see toughness when they look at him, says a lot about what type of John Wayne world they grew up in... John Wayne is tough in their eyes, not the soldiers who actually served in World War II, but the actors who looked cool while pretending to serve.
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Donald Trump brings that type of scrutiny on himself by acting like such a narcissist. This White House bunker story is a vintage example of "Trump-ism". Due to Donald Trump's own ego and insecure nature, he has to put a spin on what happened in order to make it sound like it was his decision alone to go down to The White House bunker, and that the only purpose behind going to the bunker was for him to "inspect" it, rather than for his security. Men who are truly strong and secure in who they are, do not feel the need to act this way. They aren't this insecure about themselves. Trump is a pitifully weak man. That Trump supporters see toughness when they look at him, says a lot about what type of John Wayne world they grew up in... John Wayne is tough in their eyes, not the men who actually served in World War II, but the men who looked cool while pretending to serve.

Do you spend a lot of free time concerned about what Trump says? If so, why? Why do you care if he is insecure? He is definitely egotistical. Trump is the president of the United States. He is a tougher man than most of us out here including myself. I seriously doubt any of us on this board would be able to handle even a fraction of what’s on his plate on a daily basis.
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Do you spend a lot of free time concerned about what Trump says? If so, why? Why do you care if he is insecure? He is definitely egotistical. Trump is the president of the United States. He is a tougher man than most of us out here including myself. I seriously doubt any of us on this board would be able to handle even a fraction of what’s on his plate on a daily basis.
You answered your own question. There is nothing about Donald Trump's character or personality which exhibits strength. Trump is constantly casting himself in the role of a victim, where there is never any accountability or responsibility taken... just dishonesty, excuses, deflection, scape-goating and self-pity.
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You answered your own question. There is nothing about Donald Trump's character or personality which exhibits strength. Trump is constantly casting himself in the role of a victim, where there is never any accountability or responsibility taken... just dishonesty, excuses, deflection, scape-goating and self-pity.

So he is acting like former presidents then?

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