Maurice Couch Tweet

so you were able to work and earn money. How exactly does Couch do that?

His wife does.

I understand that may not be enough in some cases but ppl act like they were living out in the street. Doubt the $1300 spread out over time really made him or broke him.
lol wut? how do you figure that? this should be rich.

I figure the people who hate to hear that right is right, and wrong is wrong, are generally the people that are most offended by the "wrong is wrong" part.

"The world cannot hate you, but it hates me because I testify that its works are evil." -- Jesus, John 7:7

No, the ones that play the high horse card don't have their head up their butt. I know not a single person is perfect, so don't act like you are on an anonymous message board.

Since when have I acted like I was perfect? No one is.

I'm not sure I follow your logic. Unless a person is perfect, they can't have a moral view? (You've admitted to not being perfect, so can you have the moral view that it's wrong to be on a high horse? You seem somewhat hypocritical in your application of "high horse". Where is your head?)

It seems to me that the person who is not perfect can still ascertain and vocalize moral/ethical viewpoints. It seems to me that, to live out your belief that only perfect people can hold people accountable, then no one would hold anyone accountable and we would be living in a very savage society.

It also seems to me that you are tending to apply this belief very selectively, since you've expressed a moral view, and are seeking to hold fade and myself to a standard that you aren't willing to keep. (I mean, you told us to stop doing something wrong, right? You told us it's wrong to tell people that what they're doing is wrong.)
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I have to laugh at the people hidden behind keyboards chunking rocks at these guys under the microscope each week.

This owns me LOL !!! this is funny I don't care who you are. GO VOLS Lets eat some Duck
I figure the people who hate to hear that right is right, and wrong is wrong, are generally the people that are most offended by the "wrong is wrong" part.

"The world cannot hate you, but it hates me because I testify that its works are evil." -- Jesus, John 7:7

Since when have I acted like I was perfect? No one is.

I'm not sure I follow your logic. Unless a person is perfect, they can't have a moral view? (You've admitted to not being perfect, so can you have the moral view that it's wrong to be on a high horse? You seem somewhat hypocritical in your application of "high horse". Where is your head?)

It seems to me that the person who is not perfect can still ascertain and vocalize moral/ethical viewpoints. It seems to me that, to live out your belief that only perfect people can hold people accountable, then no one would hold anyone accountable and we would be living in a very savage society.

It also seems to me that you are tending to apply this belief very selectively, since you've expressed a moral view, and are seeking to hold fade and myself to a standard that you aren't willing to keep. (I mean, you told us to stop doing something wrong, right? You told us it's wrong to tell people that what they're doing is wrong.)

I'm just gonna nod my head and bow out of this conversation. Have a good day.
Its you go. They can work...up to two grand a year. Live on that, I dare ya lol:

NEW Academic Year Student-Athlete Employment*A new NCAA rule permits a Division I student-athlete to earn legitimate on- and off-campus employment income during semester or term time, provided such income in combination with other financial aid included in the student-athleteís individual limit does not exceed the value of a full grant plus $2,000, provided:*A) The student-athlete has spent one academic year in residence at the certifying institution prior to working; and**B) The student-athlete is eligible academically to compete for the institution.Further, prior to commencement of employment, the student-athlete and the employer must sign a written statement to be kept on file in the athletics department which specifies the following:*A) The student-athlete may not receive any remuneration for the value or utility that the student-athlete may have for the employer because of the publicity, reputation, fame or personal following he or she has obtained because of athletics ability;**B) The student-athlete is to be compensated only for work actually performed; and**C) The student-athlete is to be compensated at a rate commensurate with the going rate in the locality for similar services.In addition, a student-athlete who satisfies the above-mentioned conditions may receive on- or off-campus employment earnings up to $2,000 gross without considering such aid to be institutional aid, provided the employment (other than employment in the institutionís recreational sports unit) is not in the athletics department.* All employment earnings from work in the athletic department or athletic facilities are considered institutional aid.Full Scholarship Student-Athletes*Full scholarship student-athletes who have met the above criteria may earn $2,000 gross during any academic year and are prohibited from working for the Department of Athletics or in athletics facilities.* You may work for the institutionís recreational sports unit.Partial Scholarship Student-Athletes*Partial scholarship student-athletes who have met the above criteria may earn up to $2,000 gross in combination with other financial aid included in their individual limit up to the value of a full grant.* You may work for the institutionís recreational sports unit.Entering Freshmen and*First-Year Transfer Student-Athletes*All entering freshmen and first-year transfer student-athletes may receive legitimate employment earnings during the academic year in combination with other financial aid included in the student-athleteís limit only up to the value of a full grant-in-aid.* You may work for the institutionís recreational sports unit.*

So, he could have worked for $2000, or cheated and threatened everything personally, and all the team threats, for $1300.

Makes sense.
He made a mistake. He's human and hopefully he learns from it and becomes a stronger person.
I've seen you post that before. I suppose you were a virgin in college? Or if not, you wrapped up everytime?
Either way, stfu.

I just saw this. It's just not ideal and maybe Couch wouldn't have had to accept $$$ if he'd been smarter about it. Plenty of college students make it through without having kids, and plenty of athletes who do have kids make it through without taking money and breaking the rules.
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has never happened and will never happen as long as CFB is big business. Only (alleged) difference between Couch and thousands before him is there was a paper trail

You're missing the point! I don't care about the business side, we all know what goes on, nobody here is naïve, but our entire argument is that he (or any other player) shouldn't take money, you know the consequences, they aren't good.
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via Twitter:

@MoTrilla44: I want to apologize to everyone from my family,teammates, n the Volnation. Im sorry I let u guys down. #orangeswarm #beattheducks #117
A little rephrase of the statement might be "I want to apologize for being caught to everyone..."!:cray:
I was pretty harsh on him yesterday. The fact that he is owning up to it and apologizing goes a long way. We all make mistakes. Solid character move Mo.
You're missing the point! I don't care about the business side, we all know what goes on, nobody here is naïve, but our entire argument is that he (or any other player) shouldn't take money, you know the consequences, they aren't good.

I haven't missed anything. I just realize the only difference between Couch and thousands of others is that there was (allegedly) a trail to follow
He just admitted his guilt. That's not going to be overlooked by the investigators who normally would have the burden of proof. Mr. Couch just played right into the hands of the ncaa goons. Apparently no one ever told him that, unless there's video evidence, you always deny, deny, deny!
There are a lot of holier than thou and judgmental people up in this thread. I'm not saying what he did should go unpunished, but it is obvious that a whole lot of you guys have never had to face real life. You still live under the impression that everything in the world is either black or white. Let me tell you that the majority of life takes place in the grey. It is filled with decisions between doing things that are ideally right and things to simply survive. For those of you that basically said that you would allow your child to go without in order to do what is morally right in your opinion, shame on you.
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"Hey guys, I admit I took cash." Dumb move. Never admit guilt, ever.

Deny, deny, deny, and you could get away with it if there aren't enough proof.

Yeah, that's always a great strategy. Ask Ryan Braun.

Depending on what is important to you, denying might work. But if they prove it, you are now a cheater and a liar.
There are a lot of holier than thou and judgmental people up in this thread. I'm not saying what he did should go unpunished, but it is obvious that a whole lot of you guys have never had to face real life. You still live under the impression that everything in the world is either black or white. Let me tell you that the majority of life takes place in the grey. It is filled with decisions between doing things that are ideally right and things to simply survive. For those of you that basically said that you would allow your child to go without in order to do what is morally right in your opinion, shame on you.

I'm seriously asking because I haven't seen it. Where is the reference that his child was hungry? We'll start there.

Then, we can recap the thread, where we see that he cheated to get $1300, when he was allowed to work for $2000.

Then I'll requote my post listing all of the (present) accompaniments worth much more than $1300.

Then I'll requote my post where I said, not only was it wrong, but it was illogical and stupid.

Then I'll repost my quote where I said that I've lived in the real world, broke, with kids to feed, and made moral choices to do so.

Does that cover pretty much all of the "shame on you" factors you brought up?
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