Maurice Couch Tweet

Wish coaches would go ahead and outlaw Twitter. Nothing good was going to come out of posting that 'ish he did, and especially pretty much admitting guilt. Sometimes guilt needs to be put in the back of your mind, as a reminder what not to do again. This seems like one of those times to me.
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He just admitted his guilt. That's not going to be overlooked by the investigators who normally would have the burden of proof. Mr. Couch just played right into the hands of the ncaa goons. Apparently no one ever told him that, unless there's video evidence, you always deny, deny, deny!

On the bright side, his admission probably sinks one of your primary rivals too.

That's the troubling thing with players from different teams being involved with the same agents and representatives.

If the players are all on the same team, they can deny it together and get their stories straight with a little help from the school; but if 1 guy from another program admits to the violations, the other players from other teams can't deny it with any credibility.
Agreed particularly when the NCAA profits off the kids.

1) No evidence he did this for his kid
2) Two wrongs don't make a right and rules are still in place that levy substantial penalties for doing what he did.
3) It is selfish and harmful to the team and school so while I appreciate his apology, he should have used his head BEFORE taking money. There are just some things you don't do.

He just admitted his guilt. That's not going to be overlooked by the investigators who normally would have the burden of proof. Mr. Couch just played right into the hands of the ncaa goons. Apparently no one ever told him that, unless there's video evidence, you always deny, deny, deny!

To the contrary, his coach wants to establish responsibility and accountability in this program, which have been sorely missing for at least a decade.

Two wrongs by Mo would not have made it right. Doing the right thing and fessing up has consequences, but he did the right thing.

Now, watch the NCAA hammer Mo (who told the truth when busted) after they let Johnny Weasel skate (who lied).
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To the contrary, his coach wants to establish responsibility and accountability in this program, which have been sorely missing for at least a decade.

Two wrongs by Mo would not have made it right. Doing the right thing and fessing up has consequences, but he did the right thing.

Now, watch the NCAA hammer Mo (who told the truth when busted) after they let Johnny Weasel skate (who lied).

No, not taking money is doing the right thing. Responsibility and accountability starts with playing by the rules and guidelines set forth by the NCAA and the University of Tennessee.

If you were taking money under the table where you work, in violation of their rules, would you expect your employers to just pat you on the back and say "don't worry about it" after you apologized? These things have negative consequences and that is something those of you defending him seem to be forgetting.
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So are we bashing him because he left a paper trail of getting paid or because he took money? If it's the latter and you believe he's the only player on this team to take money you haven't been following the way the college football works for the last 50 years or so
No, not taking money is doing the right thing. Responsibility and accountability starts with playing by the rules and guidelines set forth by the NCAA and the University of Tennessee.

If you were taking money under the table where you work, in violation of their rules, would you expect your employers to just pat you on the back and say "don't worry about it" after you apologized? These things have negative consequences and that is something those of you defending him seem to be forgetting.

Please read my post before responding with this garbage. I specifically, said, "two worngs don't make it right," which clearly implies that he was wrong for getting himself into this mess in the first place.

But, no natural person has ever walked through this life without screwing up daily. That includes you, unless you are the Pastor of Westboro Baptist Church. It definitely includes me, and even more so during my college years.

What qualifies you to be the judge, jury and executioner in this case?
So because others do it, our guys should do it too huh? I don't care who takes money, I know it exists, but I don't want our players doing it and none of you should either. The last thing we need are good players being ruled ineligible, or negative attention being cast on Coach Jones, this team, of the school.
People that are saying "Deny, deny, deny" are what's wrong in the world today. I admire Couch for apologizing. I don't condone his actions but he is moving to make it right. I've made mistakes. We all have. The mistakes were easier to correct when I started with "I'm sorry." The times I've lied or stayed quiet have always ended badly.
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So because others do it, our guys should do it too huh? I don't care who takes money, I know it exists, but I don't want our players doing it and none of you should either. The last thing we need are good players being ruled ineligible, or negative attention being cast on Coach Jones, this team, of the school.

Geez, dude, nobody is upholding his conduct in taking the money. It was wrong.

But, the level headed posters on here are willing to cut a college aged kid some slack when they screw up.

He is being punished already because he is presently ineligible. I suspect his final punishment will be more severe than that. Do you want his child, too?
Please read my post before responding with this garbage. I specifically, said, "two worngs don't make it right," which clearly implies that he was wrong for getting himself into this mess in the first place.

But, no natural person has ever walked through this life without screwing up daily. That includes you, unless you are the Pastor of Westboro Baptist Church. It definitely includes me, and even more so during my college years.

What qualifies you to be the judge, jury and executioner in this case?

Garbage? Huh, funny. I never claimed perfection, but I don't go doing things that cost me my job either. Not taking money, committing crimes, doing drugs, missing class, these are simple things that a player should instantly know not to do.

I'm a man and a fan commenting on a player, I am neither judge, jury, or executioner, so you can take that bull**** and stick it, because I never claimed to be any of those.
This whole thing could have been avoided or minimized a couple different ways.

1. Don't take money.
2. If you take money, don't leave a paper trail and get caught.
3. If you take money and leave a paper trail and get caught, don't admit it to anyone.
4. If you take money and leave a paper trail and get caught, and you admit it, don't admit it on twitter.

I'm not bashing the kid. He made a stupid mistake. I know I've done way dumber things in my life.
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Garbage? Huh, funny. I never claimed perfection, but I don't go doing things that cost me my job either. Not taking money, committing crimes, doing drugs, missing class, these are simple things that a player should instantly know not to do.

I'm a man and a fan commenting on a player, I am neither judge, jury, or executioner, so you can take that bull**** and stick it, because I never claimed to be any of those.

I'm sure you've never taken a pen or something else from work home, or surfed the web during work hours, etc., either.
This whole thing could have been avoided or minimized a couple different ways.

1. Don't take money.
2. If you take money, don't leave a paper trail and get caught.
3. If you take money and leave a paper trail and get caught, don't admit it to anyone.
4. If you take money and leave a paper trail and get caught, and you admit it, don't admit it on twitter.

I'm not bashing the kid. He made a stupid mistake. I know I've done way dumber things in my life.

I'm thinking he admitted to it to keep the ncaa from setting up shop in Knoxville. The longer they look the better the chance they find something else
I would guess that he's admitted it to the coaches and has been told his career is likely over at UT. I still don't think he should put it out there on twitter. What good can come of it?

The NCAA is strongest when you hand them the evidence.
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This whole thing could have been avoided or minimized a couple different ways.

1. Don't take money.
2. If you take money, don't leave a paper trail and get caught.
3. If you take money and leave a paper trail and get caught, don't admit it to anyone.
4. If you take money and leave a paper trail and get caught, and you admit it, don't admit it on twitter.

I'm not bashing the kid. He made a stupid mistake. I know I've done way dumber things in my life.

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Pure class. However, given the NCAAs trouble in gathering evidence, and their lack of subpoena power, I would have waited to make a statement.

Pretty sure the Yahoo reporter isn't giving up his evidence. At least that was reported yesterday.

He didn't actual admit anything. Its the Jason Giambi apology from 2005.

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