chris jones has an awful dislike for joe jackson ,he will not change fron ut to memphis he is coning to tennessee to play against joe jackson and to eat him as a vol pointguard like he did in state tourney ,chris dislikes the fact that joe jackson is a 5 star player and tennessee mr basketall ,when jones deserves a 5 star and was the best pg in the state,after state tital he said i will see you when im plating for tennessee and you for memphis,by the time the class rankings cone back out cris j will be a 5 star and move into top 20 overall,watch and see he is the best pg prospect that ut will get ,i had a suspensin from volnation for awhile,i found out a few days before selby signed to kansas that ,ku was his destination he just listed ut to keep us thinking we were in it for him .selby and his family should be investigated for some of his lies ,he kept us in it on purpose so we couldnt get another player,his mom said the day he decommitted from tennessee that she didnt want him at ut,if fobers would have bought her a cadi or another fine ride he would be all vol ,they said the car he was driving was his coaches ,watch and see if him and or his mother isnt driving a mercedes or another new ride.till ncaa cracks down on this crap all good players will go to ,memphis,ky,unc,duke,kansas and the other so called eliete