My Dear Mr. Hatvol:
Kindly, I would like to review the causes and effects of your specific agendae, that being the attack on Mr. Pearl as a shnookiemeister.
Either this is because you acquire so very little schnookie (cause: jealousy)
You obtain megaschnookie and fear for yourself and Mr. Pearl the wrath of disease. (cause: humane).
Several gazillion posts to VN has severely limited your schnookie seeking (effect: wasted opportunities) which would lead us back to jealousy
Your gazillion posts to VN are a result of a diseased mind (effect: mental retardation) which would lead us to assume you have no humanity.
It does concern me that this post may strike a lethal blow to your ego, id and overcompensating self-esteem. I prey it does not but oh WTF if it does, eh?