Midterm Predictions - 2022

Who Controls the House/Senate after the midterms?

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I think the Republicans win both the US House of Representatives and the US Senate

US Senate

Republicans 55 seats
Democrats 45 seats

US House of Representatives

Republicans 240 seats
Democrats 195 seats
Republicans take the House handily and take the Senate 52-48.
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Fetterman’s Campaign Sues Pennsylvania Election Officials Demanding Undated Mail-In Ballots Be Counted

Too many eyes on you this go around, democrats. Gonna be a little harder to cheat on the scale you did last election.
So the Republican take on this is that Democrats are anticipating their need to perpetrate election fraud. The Democratic take, I guess, is that they know precisely how stupid and illiterate their constituency is. Can the liberals here spin this any other way?
I heard Newt Gingrich a week or two ago say this Election may be the biggest slaughter of the Democrats since the 1920 Congressional Elections.

I don't think the Republicans take the house by more than 10, and the senate stays 50-50. Just my opinion. There are a lot of close races. Anything above exceeds expectations.
This country’s voting populace (allegedly) willingly and legally voted in the current Presidential administration, House and Senate we have right now, all the while knowing what they stood for and wanted to accomplish. So ... if the voting population was that moronic then, what makes anyone think they will just suddenly see the light and realize how stupid they were and change their ways. We as a country need to realize that as sad as a reality as it is, that we have way too many complete fools voting. From where I sit it looks all too likely that we are going to ride this completely partisan 2 party system we currently have straight off the cliff and into the abyss. If Joe Biden can actually be elected POTUS, the limit of our ignorance as a voting populace knows no boundary.
I don't know which is more sad: if this puppet actually believes this dribble or that they have no other option but peddle this nonsense?

Keep in mind that the below is the writer, so yes the person believes it.

Democrat Steny H. Hoyer represents Maryland's 5th congressional and is the House Majority Leader.
Where are the democrats on this board to discuss the midterms before the actual midterms?

Let me guess, if they keep the Senate and only lose the house by 5-10 seats as I anticipate then they will be here tomorrow night or in a few days tooting their horns. Front runners.

Come on man. Grab a beer for tomorrow. I'm serious. No joke.
Some of us already dropped by and left our predictions.
I certainly don't have an incredible faith in the current Republicans to get the country to where most Americans want to be quickly enough but they sure beat the direction this country is going under the current brass
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This country’s voting populace (allegedly) willingly and legally voted in the current Presidential administration, House and Senate we have right now, all the while knowing what they stood for and wanted to accomplish. So ... if the voting population was that moronic then, what makes anyone think they will just suddenly see the light and realize how stupid they were and change their ways. We as a country need to realize that as sad as a reality as it is, that we have way too many complete fools voting. From where I sit it looks all too likely that we are going to ride this completely partisan 2 party system we currently have straight off the cliff and into the abyss. If Joe Biden can actually be elected POTUS, the limit of our ignorance as a voting populace knows no boundary.
Founding Fathers would have just negotiated a better tax rate if they knew that people who contribute nothing to society were allowed to vote.
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This country’s voting populace (allegedly) willingly and legally voted in the current Presidential administration, House and Senate we have right now, all the while knowing what they stood for and wanted to accomplish. So ... if the voting population was that moronic then, what makes anyone think they will just suddenly see the light and realize how stupid they were and change their ways. We as a country need to realize that as sad as a reality as it is, that we have way too many complete fools voting. From where I sit it looks all too likely that we are going to ride this completely partisan 2 party system we currently have straight off the cliff and into the abyss. If Joe Biden can actually be elected POTUS, the limit of our ignorance as a voting populace knows no boundary.

Hunger is a motivator.
I remember when I used to think the democrats were for the working class. That ain't coming back for at least another generation.
There is a fast growing populist wing in the GOP that has moved in on that demographic.

I've never been one to believe one election pushes either party off the brink, though. I naively believed the GOP was finished in national power after 2008 election. Lesson learned.

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