Minneapolis to allow Muslim prayer call broadcasts at all hours

I could say the same about anyone who thinks differently. That’s why it’s called “fundamental to my reality.” If we can’t agree on what men and women are, then we will never agree on anything.
I would say I wouldn’t want my country to collapse because people are taking hormones, but I guess you have your own reality.
I would say I wouldn’t want my country to collapse because people are taking hormones, but I guess you have your own reality.
It will happen regardless. Once decadence becomes so rife in a society that reality is disregarded for Carte Blanche Individualism… collapse is already imminent.

See: Weimar Republic, Rome, Athens, Egypt.

Too busy bickering amongst themselves because they don’t share values or morals to realize a nation that never would’ve beaten them otherwise has already invaded.
So are children being stolen, or being given shelter?
There’s a difference? These parents aren’t beating and abusing their kids. They just said no to a life altering decision. And you think the government is right to confiscate their children and do it anyways?

This is why I don’t want to share a country with you. Period.
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It will happen regardless. Once decadence becomes so rife in a society that reality is disregarded for Carte Blanche Individualism… collapse is already imminent.

See: Weimar Republic, Rome, Athens, Egypt.

Too busy bickering amongst themselves because they don’t share values or morals to realize a nation that never would’ve beaten them otherwise has already invaded.

It’s weird you lost these examples as though they are all analogous to each other.

Hate to break it to you, but debate and disagreement is a fundamental part of democracy. Has been since the beginning.
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There’s a difference? These parents aren’t beating and abusing their kids. They just said no to a life altering decision. And you think the government is right to confiscate their children and do it anyways?

Where did it say the government is confiscating children?

This is why I don’t want to share a country with you. Period.
Then maybe you would be happier in Russia.
It’s weird you lost these examples as though they are all analogous to each other.

Hate to break it to you, but debate and disagreement is a fundamental part of democracy. Has been since the beginning.
But they typically agree on a fundamental reality, truth, values, morality. If you start down this path, either we collapse or the pendulum swings so rapidly the other direction that you wind up with Hitler. Neither option is preferable. But have at it.
But they typically agree on a fundamental reality, truth, values, morality. If you start down this path, either we collapse or the pendulum swings so rapidly the other direction that you wind up with Hitler. Neither option is preferable. But have at it.
“Go to Russia, authoritarian bigot!” Says the guy who thinks the government has the right to take my kids away if I don’t chop off their dick and throw them in a dress
Hey, look, an argument nobody is making.

BTW, I just called you a bigot. Authoritarian is your choice of word.
Hey, look, an argument nobody is making.

BTW, I just called you a bigot. Authoritarian is your choice of word.

Look buddy, the sooner you admit to thinking the government has the right to take our kids away if we don’t chop off their dick and throw them in a dress, the better off we’ll be in this country.
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If the right is so worried about children then stop rolling back labor protections on them. Also banning child marriage would probably be another positive. This attack isn't just about gender
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Hey, look, an argument nobody is making.

BTW, I just called you a bigot. Authoritarian is your choice of word.
You literally just told me to move to Russia because I think Washington confiscating your children is insane. That’s advocating for it.
If the right is so worried about children then stop rolling back labor protections on them. Also banning child marriage would probably be another positive. This attack isn't just about gender
What are you talking about? Where in this country are children allowed to work? Child marriage is banned. A few states allow it at 16-18 with parents l consent.
Yeah, with the condition of having the choice to accept Jesus and thus enter the kingdom of Heaven. Otherwise, cognizant heathens are off to the toasty place. That was the bargain for allowing man to slay his son.

My Bible also teaches that it’s Gods judgement and not mans. Also do we not know of examples of people who lived the life of a godless heathen and then found salvation before their life was over? Perhaps you’ve never heard the story of the thief on the cross. Either way, quoting scripture in political threads and then talking about people like they are trash is the EXACT opposite of the words in red. Maybe you should go and read some of them and stop trying to argue with me?
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Similar to what Washington just did.

If "shelter" involves providing the children with a surgery the parents haven't agreed to, that's wrong. If "shelter" is just for those who suffer actual abuse from parents who can't accept their child's desire, that's different. Government shouldn't be involved in child rearing past protecting children from actual abuse, which is more law enforcement than legislation.

Call me a bigot if you want, but society says children can't handle alcohol or voting or any of a number of other things, so why should we now believe that children can single-handedly handle the decision to have a major surgery to change their gender? I'm not buying it.

I have nothing against trans people in general living their lives as they choose. I'm all for consenting adults being allowed to do what they want. But children aren't adults. There's a reason we limit their legal decision making.
If the right is so worried about children then stop rolling back labor protections on them. Also banning child marriage would probably be another positive. This attack isn't just about gender

That's a dumb statement. Children should work early and as much as they can without interfering with school or extracurriculars.

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