Minneapolis to allow Muslim prayer call broadcasts at all hours

Well blasting Stryper at any hour should be banned. AC/DC's good though.
Good point. If churches or temples have a religious basis for bells or drums or other sound at odd hours they should be allowed the same as mosques. I hope there are volume limits on the calls all year (it shouldn't be a nuisance to those who don't subscribe) but especially when days are longest and prayer times are very early and very late.

I get a little crabby when we live supposedly in a country of equals and then make rules for thee and not for me (or them) kind of thing.
Yet goes against almost all human instinct to sleep around, drink, do drugs and live however you want.

This isn’t really the correct thread for it but the commandments are broken down into two categories: first love God, the second is love thy neighbor as much as you love yourself.

The second part is really hard and goes against self.
Great and how does what you said contradict anything I said
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Except a government body just made a ruling that gives privilege and rights to one specific religion. That's pretty much contrary to our country's founding principles.

Actually, a government body did not give privileges or rights to one specific religion. I can tell you're an intelligent guy, check these things out before you react. See my previous post, the ordinance may have been meant to allow Muslim prayer, but it doesn't specify any religion. It could allow for church bells at midnight or Led Zeppelin at 2am if that's who you worship. Additionally, there are still limitations on the length of time for the noise.
Just think how cucked and docile the Christian Church has become in America...

And this idiot compares them to the Taliban. The Left is a Death Cult.

That's one take. Another from the same site:
Islam Is a Religion of Peace

So, a 'Mecca Muslim' as the first author notes, who ignores the post-Mecca Medina Mohammed: "These so-called moderate representatives of Islam insist that violence has nothing to do with Islam and as a result the intolerant and violent aspects of the Quran and the Hadith are never acknowledged or rejected. There is never any discussion about change within Islam to bring the morally outdated parts of the religion in line with modernity or genuine tolerance for those who believe differently."

"But the apologists’ position has been a complete policy failure because it denies the religious justifications the Quran and the Hadith provide for violence, gender inequality, and discrimination against other religions."

I think the first author is on point. Mohammed left a Median script as successor to Mecca. The second author can use mostly peaceful adherents to say 'religion of peace' but can't blot out that the religion itself is not a peaceful one. That's the distinction and the one reformers rightly point to.
We should go back to what our founding fathers intended.

This country was much better when only white men were allowed to vote.
No way. This country is much better off with unmarried women voting purely based on who’s more likely to let them kill their babies, and 18-24yo men voting for whoever says they’ll federally decriminalize weed.

It’s not racist to think idiots shouldn’t be allowed to vote.
All this proves is your racism extends beyond Muslims.

Really? The left routinely points to the whitest, most homogeneous countries in the world as examples of how America should be constructed. So determined to make the contrast, they even call them 'socialist' but none of them are. They never seem to point to the brown or yellow countries who elect Marxist presidents.

Yelling 'racist!' is easy, though; you get to ignore reality.
No way. This country is much better off with unmarried women voting purely based on who’s more likely to let them kill their babies, and 18-24yo men voting for whoever says they’ll federally decriminalize weed.

It’s not racist to think idiots shouldn’t be allowed to vote.

Sounds like you agree with me.

Let‘s make it happen!
No way. This country is much better off with unmarried women voting purely based on who’s more likely to let them kill their babies, and 18-24yo men voting for whoever says they’ll federally decriminalize weed.

It’s not racist to think idiots shouldn’t be allowed to vote.
Racist or not, it's autocratic to think only people who agree with you should be allowed to vote.
From the article it sounds like this is exclusive to one entity and that all others have to continue to obey the city noise ordinance. That would mean that Buddhists don't get to use their drums at 3AM, Baptists can't ring bells at 3AM, and @Zeus1 can't blast Stryper or Black Sabbath at 3AM. That reeks of granting favored status to one group to the exclusion of others.

"The Minneapolis City Council unanimously agreed Thursday to amend the city's noise ordinance, which had prevented dawn and late evening calls at certain times of the year due to noise restrictions"
Ah, well that’s different and I wasn’t aware of the hypocrisy. Although, with it being Minneapolis, I should have expected the plot twist.
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Again. Does your Bible not teach that Jesus died for godless heathens too? Also this conversation is about Muslims, so trying to paint them as godless or atheists is pretty stupid. It’s pretty much their whole life. They just don’t pray the same as you. Neither do Jews. But the Republican Party told you that it’s VITAL that we support Israel sooooo that never crossed your mind.

Yeah, with the condition of having the choice to accept Jesus and thus enter the kingdom of Heaven. Otherwise, cognizant heathens are off to the toasty place. That was the bargain for allowing man to slay his son.

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