Minneapolis to allow Muslim prayer call broadcasts at all hours

So, a 'Mecca Muslim' as the first author notes, who ignores the post-Mecca Medina Mohammed: "These so-called moderate representatives of Islam insist that violence has nothing to do with Islam and as a result the intolerant and violent aspects of the Quran and the Hadith are never acknowledged or rejected. There is never any discussion about change within Islam to bring the morally outdated parts of the religion in line with modernity or genuine tolerance for those who believe differently."

"But the apologists’ position has been a complete policy failure because it denies the religious justifications the Quran and the Hadith provide for violence, gender inequality, and discrimination against other religions."

I think the first author is on point. Mohammed left a Median script as successor to Mecca. The second author can use mostly peaceful adherents to say 'religion of peace' but can't blot out that the religion itself is not a peaceful one. That's the distinction and the one reformers rightly point to.
From what I know, the post-Mecca writings are not ignored but are taken in context.
Do you think a religion should be modified to meet current political standards; just selectively ignore what isn't popular? I suppose that happens a lot with most creeds and it's happening today to an extent in the US as pertains to sexuality.
I don't take Ayaan Hirsi Ali to be a credible source. She's in business to stoke and validate people's phobia. Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s Long History of Fabricating & Fear-mongering - Bridge Initiative
Really? The left routinely points to the whitest, most homogeneous countries in the world as examples of how America should be constructed. So determined to make the contrast, they even call them 'socialist' but none of them are. They never seem to point to the brown or yellow countries who elect Marxist presidents.

Yelling 'racist!' is easy, though; you get to ignore reality.
I was specifically referring to the poster I was quoting, who I feel has been particularly racist in this thread.
Absolutely it's time.

It's been time since the last time. Southern secession was nothing more than a continuation of our Founders ideal of breaking away from tyrannical Govt. When that failed, the Country has never really left reconstruction.
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I'm all for that but it won't truly help either side. I just hope we can remove and invalidate any candidates or those currently serving when they fail it.
That would probably be close to 90% of all elected officials.
So to take your previous example, opposing the legalization of marijuana is so fundamental to your reality that we need to exclude people from voting or get a "national divorce?"
No, the difference between men and women and the inability to freely switch between them is so fundamental to my reality that we need to get a national divorce.
So to take your previous example, opposing the legalization of marijuana is so fundamental to your reality that we need to exclude people from voting or get a "national divorce?"

I would use an example such as the CO Governor signing Legislation that allows minors to be trafficked into CO for sex change reassignment surgery, hormone therapy, etc.

There is no finding common ground with people like that. There is no shared ideals and values with people like that.
This country most certainly did leave Reconstruction. 😂
Not really
He’s condescending, but he’s right. Reconstruction in its original form would have the south looking like California if it had continued on to today.

Does the fed keep their eyes on us more than the rest of the country? Yep. Is it wrong? Also yes.

But don’t pretend there are basically federally appointed governors, senators and representatives running things down here, because that’s what the 1870’s were like.
I would use an example such as the CO Governor signing Legislation that allows minors to be trafficked into CO for sex change reassignment surgery, hormone therapy, etc.

There is no finding common ground with people like that. There is no shared ideals and values with people like that.

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That says more about you than anything.
I could say the same about anyone who thinks differently. That’s why it’s called “fundamental to my reality.” If we can’t agree on what men and women are, then we will never agree on anything.
I would use an example such as the CO Governor signing Legislation that allows minors to be trafficked into CO for sex change reassignment surgery, hormone therapy, etc.

There is no finding common ground with people like that. There is no shared ideals and values with people like that.
What is your definition of “trafficked” here?

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