Missing Malaysia Airlines Jet

How do you know the plane didn't land in Vegas and every one is gambling and flirting with hookers?

How do you know the moon is real?

Wtf do you think happened to the plane? Maybe he turned of the transponders by accident? Thought he hit the switch for his iheart radio app?
I have already stated, more than once, that I don't know what happened to it.
I have already stated, more than once, that I don't know what happened to it.

Then why ridicule someone who hasn't ruled out terrorism? Or why in your mind it's not associated with terrorism?

Before you pass judgement on me or Mav or any one else I suggest you keep a open mind. You are right, none of us know what happened, but to be a prick, nahhhh.

I get some of you don't like Mav. But your need to pick at him and the like, shows your weakness.

There are some very intelligent posters in this thread. ( not me- I'm a C student) but I'm not close minded either. So ease up.
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Anything that you can unscrew and remove will also be safety wired down. That helps keep the LRU's (line replaceable units) from moving during flight and usually from being tampered with as well. The safety wire is attached to the thumbscrews that hold the LRU down in a fashion that makes it impossible to turn the bolts or thumbscrews and remove the object.
ex from a car:

You can see if you attempt to remove a bolt (lefty loosey!) you won't be able too.

I used to use pretty thick braids of safety wire when doing my work. The pilots would have to have a good wire cutter available to remove it and unless their security is super terrible I don't see how they would get it on the plane. Pilots and aircrew go through the same security checkpoints that passengers do.
Thank God that they created safety cable.........if you've seen some place on an aircraft I had to use the old safety wire, you would be shocked you could actually do it.
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Then why ridicule someone who hasn't ruled out terrorism? Or why in your mind it's not associated with terrorism?

Before you pass judgement on me or Mav or any one else I suggest you keep a open mind. You are right, none of us know what happened, but to be a prick, nahhhh.

I get some of you don't like Mav. But your need to pick at him and the like, shows your weakness.

There are some very intelligent posters in this thread. ( not me- I'm a C student) but I'm not close minded either. So ease up.

You said you knew it was terrorism. Are you retracting that statement now?
Then why ridicule someone who hasn't ruled out terrorism? Or why in your mind it's not associated with terrorism?

Before you pass judgement on me or Mav or any one else I suggest you keep a open mind. You are right, none of us know what happened, but to be a prick, nahhhh.

I get some of you don't like Mav. But your need to pick at him and the like, shows your weakness.

There are some very intelligent posters in this thread. ( not me- I'm a C student) but I'm not close minded either. So ease up.
Using Mav is a poor example and you know it. Everything in this world that happens is because of Muslim terrorists in his little mind.
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Too much evidence suggest as such.

When it's proven as such, will you give me all of your volnation dollars??

No one will ever get my VN valuables. I protect them with a fervor that would make the Lucky Charms leprechaun jealous.

And it may have been an act of terror. I don't know. I'm waiting to see before passing judgement. And regardless of what you say, volmav is weak minded. I will never apologize for calling him on his bigoted and ignorant views.
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Heard an Australian official on CNN today say that was our satellite that actually took those debris photos and we then forwarded it to the Australian government for them to release. If that's true that's pretty funny.
Heard an Australian official on CNN today say that was our satellite that actually took those debris photos and we then forwarded it to the Australian government for them to release. If that's true that's pretty funny.

Think if there was actually a 70-foot piece of plane floating in the ocean the radar planes would have found it by now.
I agree. But to single him out is silly at this point.

Dude, he makes multiple threads a week that are often making the same point. His reasoning is hostile and divisive, and his mind is as closed as it gets.

To act as though he doesn't victimize himself is quite unseemly of you.
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Think if there was actually a 70-foot piece of plane floating in the ocean the radar planes would have found it by now.

Not necessarily. It's like looking for a needle in a haystack. However, they at least know which specific haystack to look in at this point.
Not necessarily. It's like looking for a needle in a haystack. However, they at least know which specific haystack to look in at this point.

Plus that water is deep and very rough. But the bottom is flat so they stand a chance to find something once they have the right assets in place.
Plus that water is deep and very rough. But the bottom is flat so they stand a chance to find something once they have the right assets in place.

Pretty sad I can't tell you what the weather is supposed to be here tomorrow, but I can tell you bad weather is moving into the South Indian Ocean lol
Think if there was actually a 70-foot piece of plane floating in the ocean the radar planes would have found it by now.

That would depend on how it it the water. If it crashed into the water at a high speed, then there's probably not even a 20 foot piece of plane.
Not necessarily. It's like looking for a needle in a haystack. However, they at least know which specific haystack to look in at this point.

Sounds to me like they've already searched the area, and radar came up blank.

Nothing spotted in search for jet, Australia says - SFGate

On Friday, five planes, including three P-3 Orions, made the trip. While search conditions had improved from Thursday, with much better visibility, the Australian Maritime Safety Authority said there were no sightings of plane debris.

Searchers relied mostly on trained spotters aboard the planes rather than radar because radar found nothing in the first day of the search Thursday, Australian officials said.

The search will focus more on visual sightings because civilian aircraft are being brought in. The military planes will continue to use both radar and spotters.

"Noting that we got no radar detections yesterday, we have replanned the search to be visual. So aircraft flying relatively low, very highly skilled and trained observers looking out of the aircraft windows and looking to see objects," said John Young, manager of the maritime safety authority's emergency response division.

I would not be betting much if anything that the satellite image is the clue that leads to finding the plane.
Sounds to me like they've already searched the area, and radar came up blank.

Nothing spotted in search for jet, Australia says - SFGate

I would not be betting much if anything that the satellite image is the clue that leads to finding the plane.

They are still searching and it's a big ass ocean out there. At two weeks into this, the debris, if any, is going to be pretty spread out over the water. So needle in a haystack might not be the right analogy. Searching for the eye on that needle might be more accurate.

Other than the idiots that thinks they were piggybacking another aircraft into Pakistan or swallowed up by a black hole, what other leads do they have?
Pigtails in the picture are clearly not spec. Pigtails are required by spec to be a certain length and looped over to touch the fastener that they are securing. The single most important reason for this is to prevent vibration from breaking the pigtail off and foding the engine. I don't know about elsewhere on the airframe.

I hated single strand jobs back in my aircraft maintenance days. Just when you finished tightening, the damn wire broke. Start all over. :cray:
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They are still searching and it's a big ass ocean out there. At two weeks into this, the debris, if any, is going to be pretty spread out over the water. So needle in a haystack might not be the right analogy. Searching for the eye on that needle might be more accurate.

Other than the idiots that thinks they were piggybacking another aircraft into Pakistan or swallowed up by a black hole, what other leads do they have?

They could find "Wilson". Tom Hanks would be a happy camper.

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