Missing Malaysia Airlines Jet

They are still searching and it's a big ass ocean out there. At two weeks into this, the debris, if any, is going to be pretty spread out over the water.

I'm talking about the search pursuant to the Australian satellite image, which I believe was taken this week. Either it was not a piece of airplane or it has since sunk.
I'm talking about the search pursuant to the Australian satellite image, which I believe was taken this week. Either it was not a piece of airplane or it has since sunk.

Exactly, but the point being is the currents could have carried it well away from that location and finding something even that large is not an easy task.
Think if there was actually a 70-foot piece of plane floating in the ocean the radar planes would have found it by now.

The satellite images were taken now five days ago, there is no telling how far that stuff drifted.

And truthfully that debris could be anything.

Poor CNN will have nothing to report on IF they find this debris and it has nothing to do with a 777.
Customer came into work yesterdeee. He was a older man. He asked me what my take was on the missing plane, Of course i said I really don't know to try and avoid a argument. The older man then swore to me that this is all a cover up for what's going with the Ukraine crisis.

True story, mates.
Customer came into work yesterdeee. He was a older man. He asked me what my take was on the missing plane, Of course i said I really don't know to try and avoid a argument. The older man then swore to me that this is all a cover up for what's going with the Ukraine crisis.

True story, mates.

Sounds like he needs an interview on CNN.
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Does anyone still believe the plane was landed, and they've kept it hidden for two weeks?

Yes, they do and there is still no evidence to suggest it didn't. If Indonesia shared their radar data they could easily rule out or in the chance that the plane flew towards the southern indian ocean. They haven't as of yet.
Where Have All The People Gone? - Blog; AnGeL Ministries; Anne Graham Lotz

The answers don’t seem to be forthcoming as I write this. But as I have prayerfully pondered all of the above, I can’t help but wonder…Is this worldwide sense of shock and helplessness, of questions and confusion, of fear and grief, a glimpse of things to come? Is this a small snapshot of what the entire world will experience the day after the rapture of the church? Because the Bible is clear. There is coming a moment in time when Jesus will come back to gather to Himself all those—dead and alive--who have put their trust in Him. And on that day, the world will be asking, Where have all the people gone? Not just 239 of us, but millions of us.
Then why ridicule someone who hasn't ruled out terrorism? Or why in your mind it's not associated with terrorism?

Before you pass judgement on me or Mav or any one else I suggest you keep a open mind. You are right, none of us know what happened, but to be a prick, nahhhh.

I get some of you don't like Mav. But your need to pick at him and the like, shows your weakness.

There are some very intelligent posters in this thread. ( not me- I'm a C student) but I'm not close minded either. So ease up.

You said you knew it was terrorism. Are you retracting that statement now?


Too much evidence suggest as such.

When it's proven as such, will you give me all of your volnation dollars??

Sounds like you're close minded on this. You've made up your mind it was terrorism and you're sticking to it.

PS - Where is your defending of Mav's honor leading to? Is that wedding bells I hear?
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