Missing Malaysia Airlines Jet

I highly doubt that if this bird even attempted a water landing, there would be debris everywhere. However, its a big ****ing ocean and its really not that unbelievable to me that there has been no wreckage found. I have spent a lot of time at sea with the Navy and it really is mind blowing the size of the ocean.

Agree with the last part, totally. As to the first, that is certainly the most likely scenario and one that everyone seems to be following. But, after spending most of my adult life chasing ghosts, I've learned not to assume away anything, no matter how unlikely. I keep going back to that Value Jet that crashed in the Everglades and how little was seen above ground at the crash site. So, while it is highly unlikely that it went in the water intact, there is still the possibility.
I highly doubt that if this bird even attempted a water landing, there would be debris everywhere. However, its a big ****ing ocean and its really not that unbelievable to me that there has been no wreckage found. I have spent a lot of time at sea with the Navy and it really is mind blowing the size of the ocean.

This, and how about the 4 to 5 days that went by before they even started looking for debris in the southern Indian ocean. Then the following week and a half to two weeks where they weren't even looking in the right area of the Indian ocean for debris.
The wreckage is deep in the ocean somewhere and they'll find it when I'm 60 (which is a long while away thankfully!), probably by accident.
The wreckage is deep in the ocean somewhere and they'll find it when I'm 60 (which is a long while away thankfully!), probably by accident.

"Does any remember a plane going down a few decades ago because we just found one?"
No one cares anymore.

Back when CNN was all hot and heavy with its coverage it kept running stories or discussing the victim families, ostensibly to pretend that it cared about the human side of the story, but really as an excuse to keep talking about it.

When CNN broke up with the missing jet coverage, all the families got unceremoniously dumped too.

I wonder how many stories it has run on the jet families in the past two weeks? Guess they're all good now.
No one cares anymore.

Back when CNN was all hot and heavy with its coverage it kept running stories or discussing the victim families, ostensibly to pretend that it cared about the human side of the story, but really as an excuse to keep talking about it.

When CNN broke up with the missing jet coverage, all the families got unceremoniously dumped too.

I wonder how many stories it has run on the jet families in the past two weeks? Guess they're all good now.

Very true and sadly not just a CNN problem. It's a very common problem with today's media/news outlets. I haven't seen anything on ABC World news or CNN in the past few days about Ukraine for instance.

Honestly though at a certain point in that investigation I was asking myself why these poor families are camped out waiting for news from the Malaysian govt. after the way they had already mishandled the entire thing. I picture myself in the same position and I'm thinking these people don't know anything and certainly don't know where the plane is so why am I camped out at this hotel? It's not helping me or my lost family member.
Navy official: Pings not thought to be from MH370's black boxes - CNN.com

You mean out of all the ocean, the listening ships didn't happen to randomly sail right by the crash site just as the black box batteries were dying?

There's a shock. It all seemed so probable.

So after all that breathless coverage regarding the pings, complete with fancy graphics, measurements, and timelines, it's possible that the pings came from the search devices themselves.

Navy official: Pings not thought to be from MH370's black boxes - CNN.com

You mean out of all the ocean, the listening ships didn't happen to randomly sail right by the crash site just as the black box batteries were dying?

There's a shock. It all seemed so probable.

So after all that breathless coverage regarding the pings, complete with fancy graphics, measurements, and timelines, it's possible that the pings came from the search devices themselves.


I still think the plane is intact and on some runway somewhere being loaded with nuclear bombs and being piloted by a gay muslim
Navy official: Pings not thought to be from MH370's black boxes - CNN.com

You mean out of all the ocean, the listening ships didn't happen to randomly sail right by the crash site just as the black box batteries were dying?

There's a shock. It all seemed so probable.

So after all that breathless coverage regarding the pings, complete with fancy graphics, measurements, and timelines, it's possible that the pings came from the search devices themselves.


It'll take them 5 years to find this plane if they find it at all.
It'll be accidental if its found.

You mean when a random flight over Kazakhstan finds the Malaysian plane intact on the ground?

Or maybe this..

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The only problem with this is getting said aircraft halfway around the world and into position to strike at a US target.

Not an easy feat.

McInerney is bat**** crazy.

Apparently not as hard as you'd think since you can turn off every single instrument that allows you to be tracked. That is completely absurd to me.
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Apparently not as hard as you'd think since you can turn off every single instrument that allows you to be tracked. That is completely absurd to me.

Unless it landed on a barge and is floating in the ocean..not possible. You can shut power off to the plane and you still can be tracked by radar. The fact this one wasnt means it is on the bottom of the ocean.
So here is how you get this plane to America by flying...

1. Fly tree top level, or as we call it Terrain Following (TF). This normally requires a special RADAR to help you avoid things like mountains but I am sure a skilled Malaysian pilot could easily keep that massive airline on the tops of the trees to avoid RADAR when flying over land. This works because most land RADAR sites have the antenna titled to increase range which leaves low level areas (tree tops) potentially uncovered.

2. Everyone ignore the blip on the RADAR scope that is moving at 500mph with no beacon code because TF in this thing is almost impossible.

3. Awesome logistics to refuel a 777 at least once with no one noticing at an airstrip with at least an 8000ft runway..

4. Magic
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Unless it landed on a barge and is floating in the ocean..not possible. You can shut power off to the plane and you still can be tracked by radar. The fact this one wasnt means it is on the bottom of the ocean.

Could it not fly under radar across the ocean or is that a myth?

Edit ..never mind you last post pretty much said it did not happen.

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