Missing Malaysia Airlines Jet

Could it not fly under radar across the ocean or is that a myth?

Yeah across the ocean is easiest because there isn't too much coverage..but you'd still have to fly low.Also there is no direct path it could have taken and not had to refuel, especially if it tried to go over the Pacific.
So here is how you get this plane to America by flying...

1. Fly tree top level, or as we call it Terrain Following (TF). This normally requires a special RADAR to help you avoid things like mountains but I am sure a skilled Malaysian pilot could easily keep that massive airline on the tops of the trees to avoid RADAR when flying over land. This works because most land RADAR sites have the antenna titled to increase range which leaves low level areas (tree tops) potentially uncovered.

2. Everyone ignore the blip on the RADAR scope that is moving at 500mph with no beacon code because TF in this thing is almost impossible.

3. Awesome logistics to refuel a 777 at least once with no one noticing at an airstrip with at least an 8000ft runway..

4. Magic
So you're saying there's a chance? :)
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Apparently none of y'all have ever seen Mexicans jack a car. They can disassemble a complete car in minutes. A plane would take longer. But not to big of a task for some young eager lads.

Could you not re-engineer the plane to hold more fuel? Make modifications to it? Since it would not be carrying any passengers.

Technically yes..but if the plane is empty of cargo and people, minus the pilot, it has a range of over 10,000 miles and wouldnt need the extra fuel.

But that is also assuming you are maintaining a decent cruising speed and taking the most direct path to optimize fuel efficiency.

To re-engineer would not be that difficult for a well equipped maintenance hanger. One could utilize a fuel bladder inside of the plane and retrofit it into the existing fuel storage compartments but again you are looking at some serious logistical work to pull this off. There are older MC-130P's that you can actually shove in a fuel tank in the fuselage and hook it up but it's been designed to do that. H-60 black hawk helicopters can also accept a fuel bladder in the fuselage. The USAF uses them but I don't think the Army does because you lose troop capacity.

This plane is in Davy Jones Locker. While there are many hypothetical's the simplest answer is usually the correct one. Splash down.
Technically yes..but if the plane is empty of cargo and people, minus the pilot, it has a range of over 10,000 miles and wouldnt need the extra fuel.

But that is also assuming you are maintaining a decent cruising speed and taking the most direct path to optimize fuel efficiency.

To re-engineer would not be that difficult for a well equipped maintenance hanger. One could utilize a fuel bladder inside of the plane and retrofit it into the existing fuel storage compartments but again you are looking at some serious logistical work to pull this off. There are older MC-130P's that you can actually shove in a fuel tank in the fuselage and hook it up but it's been designed to do that. H-60 black hawk helicopters can also accept a fuel bladder in the fuselage. The USAF uses them but I don't think the Army does because you lose troop capacity.

This plane is in Davy Jones Locker. While there are many hypothetical's the simplest answer is usually the correct one. Splash down.

Hope you are correct. There are a lot of poor intentioned groups inhabiting this world with one thing in common, hatred of the US.
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Pick a spot..

Cockpit view..

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All I'm saying is I don't expect major, 9/11 style attack on our home soil next week. Everyone seems to be losing their **** as we get closer.
Are you of the opinion we won't be hit again?

Of course not because that would stupid. What I'm saying is I don't foresee a major terror attack on American soil next Thursday. If I'm wrong I'll be the first one to admit it.
There is no way any of these "missing" (aka destroyed) planes are coming over here. This is the James Bond universe.
Of course not because that would stupid. What I'm saying is I don't foresee a major terror attack on American soil next Thursday. If I'm wrong I'll be the first one to admit it.

It will happen before the 2016 election..

Willing to bet that?
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I don't think the next attack will be like the 9/11 attacks. It will be simpler. I think they'll do a raid on a mall like they did in Africa a while back. It's easy for them to get full auto weapons and suicide commandos over here through Mexico.

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