MMA Thread

why would anyone agree to take TONS of punishment for 20 minutes when you could drop your hands for a split second, take a dive in the first, and claim that you just "got caught"?

funnier is that the NSAC ordered GSP's corner to stop coating his back in Vaseline in between rounds. BJ's camp has filed an official protest, which will come to nothing.
I'd like to see GSP vs Anderson Silva, not sure GSP would want to go up in weight or Silva down.

I think the UFC has a small problem finding fighters for GSP and Silva in their weight class. They've beaten everyone of note. I think that's part of the reason Penn moved up to fight GSP.
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why would anyone agree to take TONS of punishment for 20 minutes when you could drop your hands for a split second, take a dive in the first, and claim that you just "got caught"?

funnier is that the NSAC ordered GSP's corner to stop coating his back in Vaseline in between rounds. BJ's camp has filed an official protest, which will come to nothing.

there was a quote from Dana White, in one of the articles I read ref. the Vaseline

He said the corner man would never work another UFC fight
that'll probably be the end of it
I think GSP's next big fight will be at 155lb to take away Penn's title. Especially after all the smack Penn talked, granted it was to promote the fight.

Silva will probably get a shot at Machida, Rampage, or Forest Griffith.
luckily for BJ, GSP couldn't make 155 if he cut off a leg.

GSP has said repeatedly that he wants to fight Anderson while they're both in their primes. GSP is a HUGE 170 pounder, so going up to 185 won't be that big a deal.

Now the question, is what happens. GSP is a phenomenal striker, but he would be facing the best striker in the business in Silva. GSP is a Superior wrestler, which Dan henderson showed can be effective against AS (for one round, anyway). AS is a BJJ black belt, but GSP just completely punked a BJJ World Champion in BJ Penn.

I think it comes down to entrance music. my pick is Silva, by virtue of the fact that he does not come out to French Rap.
I think GSP's next big fight will be at 155lb to take away Penn's title. Especially after all the smack Penn talked, granted it was to promote the fight.

Silva will probably get a shot at Machida, Rampage, or Forest Griffith.

Yep, you are right. GSP barely makes weight. He is a big guy. Silva cuts a lot too. I heard he walks around between 205-210.
Anyone who watched should have picked up on the fact that Evans wants no part of Rampage. It was pretty ridiculous how much he was pulling for Jardine...i mean I know they are friends and train together but it was a bit much...
Anyone who watched should have picked up on the fact that Evans wants no part of Rampage. It was pretty ridiculous how much he was pulling for Jardine...i mean I know they are friends and train together but it was a bit much...

Evans knows that he has been doubted every time he has stepped into the octagon, since TUF? how many times has he lost?

I'm well aware of Rashad's resume. He's a fine fighter...I've even referred to him, in this thread, as the most underrated fighter in the sport. That said, he's dropping the belt to Jackson.
I'm well aware of Rashad's resume. He's a fine fighter...I've even referred to him, in this thread, as the most underrated fighter in the sport. That said, he's dropping the belt to Jackson.

I don't think I'm going to predict an outcome in that fight, especially since one punch could end it either way. The post-fight interview sure was fun.
I've seen reports that the UFC is pulling the Rashad/Rampage match. There are a few theories floating around about it:

1. Rampage hurt his hand pretty bad and won't be able to recover in time for the quick turnaround fight

2. Rampage doesn't desire to fight Rashad after a hard training camp for this fight plus the fact that this fight went the distance. The UFC expected if Rampage won he would win quickly and be ready to fight Rashad on the quick turnaround

3. The UFC wasn't happy with Rampage's "black on black violence" line at the end of the PPV this weekend.

So, any of them could be true or a little of all of them maybe. None of them said Rampage was ducking Rashad just that he didn't know if he would physically be ready to fight that fast. They are saying that Machida may get the fight with Rashad after all and the winner of that fight will face Rampage later in the summer.
I've seen reports that the UFC is pulling the Rashad/Rampage match. There are a few theories floating around about it:

1. Rampage hurt his hand pretty bad and won't be able to recover in time for the quick turnaround fight

2. Rampage doesn't desire to fight Rashad after a hard training camp for this fight plus the fact that this fight went the distance. The UFC expected if Rampage won he would win quickly and be ready to fight Rashad on the quick turnaround

3. The UFC wasn't happy with Rampage's "black on black violence" line at the end of the PPV this weekend.

So, any of them could be true or a little of all of them maybe. None of them said Rampage was ducking Rashad just that he didn't know if he would physically be ready to fight that fast. They are saying that Machida may get the fight with Rashad after all and the winner of that fight will face Rampage later in the summer.

Machida vs. Evans...Machida leaves the octagon on a stretcher and his jaw in his hand.
Man, I'm so heated that Rampage can't fight right now. That UFC 98 PPV isn't going to be as good without him.

That being said, I can understand why Rampage couldn't fight. However, I'm thinking that that Rampage and the Machida/Evans fight winner will most likely fight at around the October-December timeframe.
Not sure if its posted anywhere else but Mask from TapOut was killed in a car crash the other night. Apparently he was street racing a Porche. The car was ripped in half.


Anyone who didn't see it, fox sports is saying Ken Shamrock failed a drug test in California and will be banned for a year. He had three different steroids in him.
Anyone who didn't see it, fox sports is saying Ken Shamrock failed a drug test in California and will be banned for a year. He had three different steroids in him.

He's awful at this point anyway. A 1-year ban would be a blessing for'd help him avoid another public ass-kicking.

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