MMA Thread

You are obviously relatively new to mma. Fedor isn't just considered the very best by the announcers, but fighters everywhere say he is the best. His only loss was a dq due to a cut. (A cut from an illegal elbow and the doctor wouldn't let him continue) Long time fans of the MMA know that at Pride's peak, it would easily compete with the current UFC for caliber of fighters. And if you don't believe me about fedor:

"Fedor is the best pfp fighter in the world." - Randy Couture,
"Fedor is the best pound-for-pound fighter in the world aside from bj Penn, those 2 are the best fighters in the world." Quinton Jackson
"Fedor is my favorite" - BJ Penn
"He is the BEST." - Mark Coleman
"The best in the world, no doubt." - Phil Baroni
"Look, I've fought many people from around the world, so I've seen many strong fighters. But like him, never." - Renato Sobral
"NOBODY wants to fight Fedor." - Wanderlei Silva
"Our great champion, he is the BEST in the world." - Josh Barnett
"Fedor has no equals in Sambo or MMA." - Aleksander Mikhailin
"Fedor would be absolutely great in K-1." - Ernesto Hoost
"Fedor has no weakness! I have seen so many fights, and even the best fighters in the world have a flaw in their game but I have yet to find one in Fedor Emelianenko." - Bas Rutten
"Probably the best ever lived....he's a living legend right now and I don't think there's a man on this planet who can beat him; the man is unreal. Pound for pound the best in the world." - Diego Sanchez
"Fedor is the most incredible fighter you'll ever see." - Frank Trigg
"Fedor is a machine." - Don Frye
"The best fighter to climb into ANY arena is Emelianenko fedor. He is in his own league and you can't compare nobody." - Kevin Randleman
"Fedor is just too dominant, too good at punching people in the face. The way he punches people man he's trying to kill people, with both hands. He's in a whole different class by himself." - Brandon Vera
"He is the best and undefeated... His striking game and his ground game is the best, so that's why he is the best... He is the sh*t " - Mark Hunt

and now we can add:
"I was amazed at how good fedor is... I don't even think he's human", "i've never been hit that hard before" and "this guy is unreal, i don't think anyone's gonna beat him for a while" all by Tim Sylvia

Besides, his hole mindset is crazy. He said this about fighting "Years ago we hardly had anything to eat. Now I earn more money and I see every opponent as a man that tries to put me back to that poorer period. That man has to be eliminated." -Fedor Emelianenko

this might be one of my favorite posts, ever.
FACT: Fedor is overrated.
That's yet to be proven.

Fact:When the UFC acquired Pride it's been proven most of the fighters they assumed was not the world beaters that most thought they were.

Fact:All of those quotes made that were posted by Andrew were made before Brock had ever fought.And before the Spider has devasted all that's been put in front of him.PFP Silva is heads and tails better than Fedor it's not even close.

Fact:Randy Couture "Damn" sure doesn't want any more of Lesnar

IMO not only will Fedor lose again he won't even get to fight Lesnar before he does.I can see Mir/Velasquez jumping ship for a big payday against the big Russian.He's got a target painted on his back he won't shake for long without having to step up in competition against some of the better Heavyweight fighters without losing face with the American MMA fans.Then we'll find out good he actually is.I just don't take alot of stock in alot of the fights he had in Pride.
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Fedor needs to fight the best fighters in the world, while he's still in his prime. Otherwise no one will know how good he really was.

I don't understand why no one is able to get that through to him. He's wasting his prime. He's made more money then he will ever spend already.
Fedor needs to fight the best fighters in the world, while he's still in his prime. Otherwise no one will know how good he really was.

I don't understand why no one is able to get that through to him. He's wasting his prime. He's made more money then he will ever spend already.
Agreed,For him to establish any kind of legacy as the greatest ever.He's in the states now, he needs to pick higher level competition to be considered as such.

As far as making more money than he'll ever spend you'd think so unless his M-1 cronies aren't bleeding him dry.He doesn't need M-1.M-1 needs him to have any viability at all.You'd think he could see that.

You have give the Devil his due Lesnar hasn't ducked anyone. To fight Mir and Couture as early as he has in his career sez volumes for me.He's gonna get better not worse I don't know if Emelianenko can say the same thing.
Fedor needs to fight the best fighters in the world, while he's still in his prime. Otherwise no one will know how good he really was.

I don't understand why no one is able to get that through to him. He's wasting his prime. He's made more money then he will ever spend already.
I disagree, he's already established himself as one of the greatest if not THE best and is wasting nothing. Who do you consider as being the best fighters in the world? It seems most people who hold this mindset are usually UFC biased. His fight opponents have been rather impressive. He's beaten 4 former UFC champs (Sylvia, Arlovski, 2x Coleman, and 2x Nogueria who was also a former Pride champ), a couple of giant men who out weighed him by 100lbs, some really good Pride fighters like Sobral, Randleman, Cro Cop and now he's beaten a really good fighter in Rogers who also out weighed him rather decisively. To have 33 fights and never be truly beaten should say enough. I think Joe Rogan said it best "He's the baddest mother f****r on the planet".
MANCHESTER - UFC heavyweight champion Brock Lesnar is seriously ill in hospital after collapsing in Canada, UFC president Dana White said Saturday.

"He's in rough shape, he's in really bad shape," White said Saturday after UFC 105.

"He is not well and he is not getting any better. . . . He's very, very sick and he's going to be out for a while. He's got a lot of problems."

Citing mononucleosis, the 32-year-old Lesnar was forced to postpone a title fight against Shane Carwin scheduled for UFC 106 on Nov. 21 in Las Vegas. The fight was pushed back to UFC 108 on Jan. 2, but that too has been postponed.

"He's got mono and he's got something else wrong with him. I know what's wrong with him, he just doesn't want me talking about it," White said.

"He doesn't have cancer or AIDS or anything like this, (but) he's got some problems, man."

White said Lesnar was currently in a hospital in North Dakota. The six-foot-three, 265-pounder owns property in Canada, White added.

"He dropped up there and had to go to hospital," White said.

He said Lesnar may have to go to the Mayo Clinic or another top hospital "to figure out what's wrong with this guy."

"He's not going to be getting well any time soon," White said.

The UFC has other concerns with fighters. White said the newly announced UFC 108 main event between Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira and Cain Velasquez is off because Nogueira has a serious staph infection.

"(It's) bad, to the point now that it's in his bloodstream," White said. "He's probably going to have to be hospitalized and intravenously given antibiotics."

Carwin is also out after undergoing knee surgery.

"It's crazy," White said of the injuries and illness.
Looks like the sports enhancing drugs caught up with said it was something about his intestines, also noted that it's similar to what Walter Payton had.
I'm reading some reports that the reason he may be done for in the UFC is that this ailment "could" require a permanent colostomy bag to be worn by Lesnar after its all said and done. I can't stand Brock but he is a freak of nature and I would love to see him come back and get his brains kicked in by someone. So I definitely don't want to see something like this end anyone's career.
Kimbo looked okay tonight against Alexander. Alexander kind of wussed out with his circling and leg-kick strategy. The 2nd round won the fight for Kimbo.

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