MMA Thread


Lots of Koscheck hate lol. He is one of my favorites and I think he has a real shot against GSP.

I'm not a fan of what Daley did after the fight but Koscheck punked out after all that noise he talked. He didn't exchange with the guy one time after talking about knocking him out. If he had gotten hit in an exchange and decided to take it to the ground then I wouldn't be mad at the way he won. Or if he had really smashed Daley down there I wouldn't have a problem but to talk all that noise then act like he was hit with a knee was the worst crap on the planet. Kos is a punk and I hope GSP beats the hell out of him.
You must not have understood. I was saying that I would take even a fighter like Jones g and p over shogun. Didn't say he was a better fighter. At least not yet. That kid is special. Only like 22.
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I guess now you believe that Shogun has the best GnP. If your GnP is great it shouldn't take a lot of blows to stop the fight. Shogun has done this over and over throughout the years. If he gets in your guard and rains down blows 90-95% of the time it's over.
I told you:lolabove:

Anyone that thought machida should have even be the champ in the first place should have their head examined. Rua was robbed in the first place and it was not a surprise when he won Sat night IMO.
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I'm not a fan of what Daley did after the fight but Koscheck punked out after all that noise he talked. He didn't exchange with the guy one time after talking about knocking him out. If he had gotten hit in an exchange and decided to take it to the ground then I wouldn't be mad at the way he won. Or if he had really smashed Daley down there I wouldn't have a problem but to talk all that noise then act like he was hit with a knee was the worst crap on the planet. Kos is a punk and I hope GSP beats the hell out of him.
I hate kos myself, but he comletely dominated daly. Can't fault kos for playing to his strength which is wrestling. He won't be able to do that against gsp
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I hate kos myself, but he comletely dominated daly. Can't fault kos for playing to his strength which is wrestling. He won't be able to do that against gsp
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I wouldn't say he dominated him. Yes, he was able to take him down and lay on him but other than that he didn't land anything...
I wouldn't say he dominated him. Yes, he was able to take him down and lay on him but other than that he didn't land anything...

When you take your opponent completely out of his game, then you are dominating him. Kos didnt have to throw a single punch to beat Daly, because Daly's ground game is so awful. I wanted to see haymakers galore, but Kos did the smart thing and put Daly where his is very uncomfortable and thats on his back.
When you take your opponent completely out of his game, then you are dominating him. Kos didnt have to throw a single punch to beat Daly, because Daly's ground game is so awful. I wanted to see haymakers galore, but Kos did the smart thing and put Daly where his is very uncomfortable and thats on his back.

I actually thought Daleys takedown defese wasn't all that bad considering he was facing a highly decorated wrestler.

Our opinions of dominace are different. No problem.

Kos even admitted he fought conservative in the post fight interview which I thought was quite lame considering all the trash talk he did prior to the fight speaking of trading with Daley...
I actually thought Daleys takedown defese wasn't all that bad considering he was facing a highly decorated wrestler.

Our opinions of dominace are different. No problem.

Kos even admitted he fought conservative in the post fight interview which I thought was quite lame considering all the trash talk he did prior to the fight speaking of trading with Daley...
I agree with this. Even after all the talk kos did about standing toe to toe with Daley, I didnt think there was anyway that he would do that. If Kos didnt take it to the mat and lean, Daley would have no doubt knocked him on his arse. Unfortunatly for Daley this is mma and not boxing.
I actually thought Daleys takedown defese wasn't all that bad considering he was facing a highly decorated wrestler.

Our opinions of dominace are different. No problem.

Kos even admitted he fought conservative in the post fight interview which I thought was quite lame considering all the trash talk he did prior to the fight speaking of trading with Daley...

My point Koscheck should have just shut his mouth if he wasn't going to do anything that he said that he would do. I respect GSP because he tells you that I'm going to do what it takes to win. Not "I'm going to knock you out" then when the fight starts you go and lay on the guy. Ridiculous.
GSP takes people down and then beats them up. See: Alves and Hardy post fight. Busted up faces.

Kos took Daley down and did nothing, hardly dominant. Semtex appeared to not have a mark on him at the end.
GSP takes people down and then beats them up. See: Alves and Hardy post fight. Busted up faces.

Kos took Daley down and did nothing, hardly dominant. Semtex appeared to not have a mark on him at the end.

I only say kos dominated, because he dominated the flow of the fight. Semtex didnt have a mark on him, because he simply was never in the fight. I guess I am using a different degree in regards to the term "dominate". In no way do I think kos dominated semtex the way Mitrione dominated Slice, just shows different ways to dominate your opponent. Mitrione just beat the crap out of Kimbo and kos just took every single thing away from Daley. By the way, I am not a fan of kos and wished Daley would have knocked him out. GSP has the wrestling skills to go against kos and kos wont be able to just lay on GSP like he did against Daley.
I'm not a fan of what Daley did after the fight but Koscheck punked out after all that noise he talked. He didn't exchange with the guy one time after talking about knocking him out. If he had gotten hit in an exchange and decided to take it to the ground then I wouldn't be mad at the way he won. Or if he had really smashed Daley down there I wouldn't have a problem but to talk all that noise then act like he was hit with a knee was the worst crap on the planet. Kos is a punk and I hope GSP beats the hell out of him.

Why would he exchange when that isn't his strength?
I hate GSP...Kos was the smarter fighter, there was too much on the line for him to put it to chance with Daley in a stand-up fight...Daley pulled the biggest punk move ever...take it like a man.

Surprised that Shogun beat Machida like he did, thought it would go further than it did.

When does Anderson Silva fight next? That is the baddest man on the planet.
I hate GSP...Kos was the smarter fighter, there was too much on the line for him to put it to chance with Daley in a stand-up fight...Daley pulled the biggest punk move ever...take it like a man.

Surprised that Shogun beat Machida like he did, thought it would go further than it did.

When does Anderson Silva fight next? That is the baddest man on the planet.

There's not a better fighter right now than a healthy Shogun Rua. Plain and simple.
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Why would he exchange when that isn't his strength?

I wouldn't have a problem if he hadn't talked all that crap he did. But he talked like he would exchange at least once but he didn't. He did nothing on the feet period. No punches or kicks. He didn't fight all he did was wrestle. He tried a choke and that was it. He didn't beat him up or nothing. I wish the ref would have stood them up at least in the third round.
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