MMA Thread

I only say kos dominated, because he dominated the flow of the fight. Semtex didnt have a mark on him, because he simply was never in the fight. I guess I am using a different degree in regards to the term "dominate". In no way do I think kos dominated semtex the way Mitrione dominated Slice, just shows different ways to dominate your opponent. Mitrione just beat the crap out of Kimbo and kos just took every single thing away from Daley. By the way, I am not a fan of kos and wished Daley would have knocked him out. GSP has the wrestling skills to go against kos and kos wont be able to just lay on GSP like he did against Daley.

Good deal. Makes since and I agree. :hi:
UFC 114, Rampage vs Suga. Who ya got? The one thing we can all agree on, is that this will definitly end up in a KO no matter who wins. I give the edge to Rampage, but it should be a great fight.
Don't really care. If Rampage was to fight like he did in Pride and use his wrestling then he'd win easy but we'll see. I'll take Rashad for the heck of it. Just to go against Bearcat lol.
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Don't really care. If Rampage was to fight like he did in Pride and use his wrestling then he'd win easy but we'll see. I'll take Rashad for the heck of it. Just to go against Bearcat lol.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

:good!:Didnt expect anything different:)
On a sidebar, I think Rashad should drop down to 185lb class. He always has a height/reach advantage in his fights at 205. Other then Silva he could be dominant, and Silva is going up to 205 anyways.
I want Rampage to win sooooo badly. Can't stand Evans. If Suga even attempts a takedown in the first round instead of exchanging with Rampage, the place will erupt with boo's and turn pro Rampage in a heartbeat.

Fans want a knockout in this fight. I want a street fight.

If Rashad beats Rampage, it might be the first time I get really emotionally upset over a fight. Probably more upset than all three Ortiz/Shamrock fights put together.
I like Silva, he is unreal.

Yeah like Machida right? Not saying Silva isn't better than Machida. But a lot of people forget that Silva and Machida trained with the Rua Brothers when they were at Chute Boxe. And back then Shogun was the best fighter in the camp. He'll punish Silva if/when they fight.
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Alistair Overeem completely dominates Brett Rogers in the first round to retain the Strikeforce Heavyweight Championship at Strikeforce: Heavy Artillery.

Also Roger Gracie defeats Kevin "The Monster" Randleman with a Rear Naked Choke in the 2nd round and Antonio Silva defeats Andre "Pitbull" Arlovski via Unanimous Decision.
Yeah like Machida right? Not saying Silva isn't better than Machida. But a lot of people forget that Silva and Machida trained with the Rua Brothers when they were at Chute Boxe. And back then Shogun was the best fighter in the camp. He'll punish Silva if/when they fight.
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After seeing Silva lay down the most embarrassing defeat I have ever seen anyone take, he became my favorite, they way he demolished Griffin was laughable.
Alistair Overeem needs to go to the UFC to have the most hyped match of the century vs the winner of Brock/Carwin. I'm sure he never will because UFC won't let him continue his K1 stuff like Strikeforce does though. I honestly think Overoid may be more of a freak than Brock. If he does get Fedor, assuming Fedor gets by Werdum, and beats him then UFC has to make him an offer he can't pass up though. I can't believe how easily he threw around Brett Rogers last night.
If Alistair's post-fight drug tests come back clean, then I see no reason why he can't beat Fedor. If Fedor gets past Werdum, (which he will) then Overeem vs. Fedor will be one of the most hyped fights in MMA history. And that, I think, scares Dana White to death.

UFC would have to create another "super card" to beat it and hopefully we will see Shogun vs. Silva or GSP vs. Silva. Which is great, because in the end it's the fans who are the real winners.

If Overeem was to beat Fedor in Strikeforce, then all the talk about Dana White not being able to sign Fedor will be replaced by the White's new obsession to land Overeem. Carwin/Lesnar/Mir/Velasquez/Dos Santos vs. Overeem would all be epic fights that I would gladly pay to see.

I love where the UFC Heavyweight division is now and where it could possibly end up being in the future.
If Alistair's post-fight drug tests come back clean, then I see no reason why he can't beat Fedor. If Fedor gets past Werdum, (which he will) then Overeem vs. Fedor will be one of the most hyped fights in MMA history. And that, I think, scares Dana White to death.

UFC would have to create another "super card" to beat it and hopefully we will see Shogun vs. Silva or GSP vs. Silva. Which is great, because in the end it's the fans who are the real winners.

If Overeem was to beat Fedor in Strikeforce, then all the talk about Dana White not being able to sign Fedor will be replaced by the White's new obsession to land Overeem. Carwin/Lesnar/Mir/Velasquez/Dos Santos vs. Overeem would all be epic fights that I would gladly pay to see.

I love where the UFC Heavyweight division is now and where it could possibly end up being in the future.

THe HV division is stacked, which is crazy because a few years ago it seemed liked the wakest division out there...
Yeah like Machida right? Not saying Silva isn't better than Machida. But a lot of people forget that Silva and Machida trained with the Rua Brothers when they were at Chute Boxe. And back then Shogun was the best fighter in the camp. He'll punish Silva if/when they fight.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Did not know that, interesting.

I'm thinking Rampage destroys Evans and fights Silva with the winner fighting Rua. Will be a great couple of fights.
Finally we get to see Rampage vs. Suga tomorrow night. Can't wait. The rest of the card sucks tho! THis will def. be a trip to the bar instead of a purchase.

As for the next UFC. They are showing it in local movie theaters in HD. Got 2 tickets and dragging the wife with me. Should be a good time with lots of interesting fights.
Finally we get to see Rampage vs. Suga tomorrow night. Can't wait. The rest of the card sucks tho! THis will def. be a trip to the bar instead of a purchase.

As for the next UFC. They are showing it in local movie theaters in HD. Got 2 tickets and dragging the wife with me. Should be a good time with lots of interesting fights.

This card is trash. I would like to see Diego Sanchez lose. I just don't like that guy.

I hope Shogun murders Rashad. Page gave that clown waaaay too much time to recover rather than attacking after he rocked him.

This is the one thing that I REALLY hate about watching wrestlers sometimes. RE didn't stand & throw with RJ aside from that shot he landed in the beginning...which was probably smart but his takedown attempts netted nothing but a bunch of hammerfists to RJ's leg. It might be good for the win-loss total but it's boring as all hell.

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