Mollie Tibbetts murder suspect arrested

Never mind, they changed their story.

“On Wednesday, however, officials from the farm retracted the statement and acknowledged they did not use the E-Verify system.”
Called it!!

It is beyond time for eVerify to be required for employment in the US.
You are, so will you now join me in calling for congress to make hiring an illegal a jailable offense? And I'm not talking about the mid level manager, I'm talking about the way to the CEO/owner.


Good luck with that and getting the votes from GOP controlled agriculture states.
Evarify will stop the biggest part of that problem

E- verify is a joke

There should be huge penalties for hiring illegal immigrants

The government runs e-verify.
They don’t always catch the at the time of hire. Where I work we had issues with it saying people born in the Us weren’t leagal . When the did catch one after the fact they sent us a letter saying the employee had improper papers. They did not say what to do about it so my boss called and they told him not to do anything about it and if he fired the employee because of his papers our company could be sued. Guess what, those guys never had anything done to them by the Government.

And y’all want to give jail time to the business owners. Why not go after the consumer who is to cheap to pay for America labor?
Uh oh. Prominent GOP business did not follow the law. Neither did Manafort, Cohen, Gates, Trump, or Flynn.

A pattern emerging ?

See this is why we on the center right think you and your buddies are hypocrites , I reminded you that your teeth was sunk into the GOP farmer and that you weren’t outraged over your leaderships response and you double down on the farmer then add in the rest .
A prominent Republican on a small dairy farm hired him and paid him for 7 years. Tnhey HAD to know he was illegal to do the payroll. It is why the guy was there, at all. It is why illegal immigrants come here -- to get jobs like this one.

Sorry, but if you want to blame someone other than the bad guy himself you start first with the Republican who paid him for 7 years to be there.

You have no idea what you are talking about.
They have paperwork that is better than yours saying they are legal.
E- verify is a joke

The government runs e-verify.
They don’t always catch the at the time of hire. Where I work we had issues with it saying people born in the Us weren’t leagal . When the did catch one after the fact they sent us a letter saying the employee had improper papers. They did not say what to do about it so my boss called and they told him not to do anything about it and if he fired the employee because of his papers our company could be sued. Guess what, those guys never had anything done to them by the Government.

And y’all want to give jail time to the business owners. Why not go after the consumer who is to cheap to pay for America labor?
Pure deflection. Until I’m the person paying the wages and responsible for withholding of this employee he/she isn’t my problem. Labor is one of the costs in products but not the only one. For any product I’ll buy the one that gives me the most perceived value for the price paid. It’s rarely the cheapest.

eVerify accuracy data is readily available and by and large it’s fairly accurate.
Pure deflection. Until I’m the person paying the wages and responsible for withholding of this employee he/she isn’t my problem. Labor is one of the costs in products but not the only one. For any product I’ll buy the one that gives me the most perceived value for the price paid. It’s rarely the cheapest.

eVerify accuracy data is readily available and by and large it’s fairly accurate.

It’s not deflection. We use e-verify.
How much have you used e-verify? I Use it about ten times a year and we have had problems about half the time.

Also you missed the main argument. If they tell me someone is illegal and I act on it I can be sued!! Really?
Middle America hates illegals. An illegal killed a middle American. The Democrats couldn't hand an election to the Republicans any easier if they tried.
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It’s not deflection. We use e-verify.
How much have you used e-verify? I Use it about ten times a year and we have had problems about half the time.

Also you missed the main argument. If they tell me someone is illegal and I act on it I can be sued!! Really?

Without arguing over the accuracy rate I would agree it’s stupid you can be held accountable if you used the information with regards to granting employment and got sued ... when the whole reason the system exists is to verify employment status.

Are you in a voluntary or compulsory usage state?
Without arguing over the accuracy rate I would agree it’s stupid you can be held accountable if you used the information with regards to granting employment and got sued ... when the whole reason the system exists is to verify employment status.

Are you in a voluntary or compulsory usage state?

We have enough employees that we have to sometimes so we use all the time.
Here is an idea. Make it where they can’t cash a check, get a drivers license, get welfare,serve in the military or go to school and they will leave. What is wrong with that?
Or you could find the ones that are workinggoing to school, serving in the military or sign up for welfare and force them to be documented. Is there anything wrong with that?
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