Mollie Tibbetts murder suspect arrested

Fox has played this story more since the beginning. I've seen it on CNN, but it's been on Fox to divert attention from trump's bad week. If anyone has been politicizing this young girls death it's been fox.
BTW, the man who killed her should be locked up forever and I've not seen anyone express a different opinion. Shame on all you who suggest differently.
That's complete BS. Fox has been covering this story since the day she disappeared. They have updated it off and on at least every other day with interviews from LEOs as well as her family and friends including her father and boyfriend. They carried almost every news conference that the authority's have had since Day 1 LIVE!
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Fact it, illegals are becoming your voting block. You people would rather see hundreds of women like her killed as long as you advance your Marxist agenda. You all should be tried for treason. You support the most anti-American party in our history. You people are pathetic.

Oh ********. You are obsessed and can't admit that you totally missed the context. On top of that you can't even complete the quote correctly.

As I said before, too often you post as a self-important ass. When you are done with that perhaps you will be relaxed enough to re-read the thread and admit you missed the point entirely. It's way past time for you to get real.

Oh ********. You are obsessed and can't admit that you totally missed the context. On top of that you can't even complete the quote correctly.

As I said before, too often you post as a self-important ass. When you are done with that perhaps you will be relaxed enough to re-read the thread and admit you missed the point entirely. It's way past time for you to get real.


Dude, fact is, your party is the party of death and not the party of America. Sorry son, but the truth hurts
If he passed the E- Verify, they cannot be held in account. Now, if they forged the check or he didn't produce the actual documents needed, yes, they are at fault. But so long as they did what they were supposed to do, they are in the clear.

If they ignored signs but did the "bare minimum," which of course is designed to allow them to circumvent the process, that's ok?
Paying him for 7 years so he would be in that town to commit the crime is not a "consequence." It is a DIRECT cause of the problem. Businesses hiring people they know or suspect as being illegal is the reason they come here. Businesses like this are notorious for looking the other way, or accepting the bare minimum documentation. They routinely ignore their own suspicions. If the labor is cheap enough.

You know damn well I am right.

ASSume much. This farm went through all the proper paperwork avenues for him to work for them. Your b!tching like a 13 year old girl about it just makes you look sad.
This is not a R or D issue. It is an immigration issue that neither party has the guts to stop.
Dude, fact is, your party is the party of death and not the party of America. blah blah blah BS extraordinaire

I don't advocate either party. Sorry son, but the truth hurts.

To elaborate, my suggestion was that before posting you should give your head a shake to determine if there is anything inside and to consider whether you really wish to make the fact public.
If they ignored signs but did the "bare minimum," which of course is designed to allow them to circumvent the process, that's ok?

Ive seen you 4 or five times now be “ outraged “ by the GOP farmer but i must have missed your outrage over the things coming from your leadership and left leaning MSM
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Never mind, they changed their story.

“On Wednesday, however, officials from the farm retracted the statement and acknowledged they did not use the E-Verify system.”

Then to me they are just as guilty as the politicians that refuse to fix this crap . Moreso because they used him without checking
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Then to me they are just as guilty as the politicians that refuse to fix this crap . Moreso because they used him without checking

Uh oh. Prominent GOP business did not follow the law. Neither did Manafort, Cohen, Gates, Trump, or Flynn.

A pattern emerging ?
You support same-sex gangraping of 2 year olds and diseased chickens.

(Did I do it right? I'm new to this whole ascribe outrageous sentiments to hundreds of millions of people thing)
No, actually you are pretty much the VN king (or queen) of that ****.
If they ignored signs but did the "bare minimum," which of course is designed to allow them to circumvent the process, that's ok?
Wtf does this even mean LG?! If he passed eVerify he passed eVerify. Don’t imprint on us trying to keep harassing people for “papers please” if they adhere to the proscribed process (for which eVerify is currently voluntary and that’s a problem) and the guy passed thru.

I’m still going to call on proof that the guy actually passed eVerify. It’s got a fairly good accuracy rating.
Paying him for 7 years so he would be in that town to commit the crime is not a "consequence." It is a DIRECT cause of the problem. Businesses hiring people they know or suspect as being illegal is the reason they come here. Businesses like this are notorious for looking the other way, or accepting the bare minimum documentation. They routinely ignore their own suspicions. If the labor is cheap enough.

You know damn well I am right.

You are, so will you now join me in calling for congress to make hiring an illegal a jailable offense? And I'm not talking about the mid level manager, I'm talking about the way to the CEO/owner.

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