MTG Calls for Red State Secession

Dams, interstates, highways, power plants, all some benefits of federal largesse you enjoy and depend upon if you are a Tennessean.

I guess that would all be negotiable. Electricity generated from those dams and power plants goes out of state, surely the US would want to trade with and have free passage through TN .
I consider myself conservative. I believe in a national union.
But there are degrees.

DC has too much control. Education nope..what else can I list..SC implementation, mandated vax, woke. **** the list is endless.

So **** you for making it our is yours and now ours
I guess that would all be negotiable. Electricity generated from those dams and power plants goes out of state, surely the US would want to trade with and have free passage through TN .
I'd wager your very smart secession plan has the other states that rely those power plants seeding with you. Meaning the feds have no reason to negotiate with the very smart secessionist plan.
UK had a defined legal right spelled out in the treaty. And the EU isn’t a country. So, again, the situations are, indisputably, different.

Everything on the planet is different. You can stop hiding behind the “I was just saying they’re not 100%” the same lie. If that were your entire angle, you wouldn’t have taken the time to post to begin with. Unless you’re the weirdest little autistic man in the world.

“A and B aren’t the same letter”-tvolsfan
“Thanks, buddy!”

Yes, no situations are 100% the same. Thank you for enlightening us. Now can we focus on the actual important part of do you have four more hours to waste on nonsense like “one of them has an army!”
I'd wager your very smart secession plan has the other states that rely those power plants seeding with you. Meaning the feds have no reason to negotiate with the very smart secessionist plan.

I have no secession plans I just don’t see why it would HAVE to end in war and couldn’t be done peacefully.

My wish would be the union remain whole with the federal government relegated to its early 1800s size and power.
Everything on the planet is different. You can stop hiding behind the “I was just saying they’re not 100%” the same lie. If that were your entire angle, you wouldn’t have taken the time to post to begin with. Unless you’re the weirdest little autistic man in the world.

“A and B aren’t the same letter”-tvolsfan
“Thanks, buddy!”

Yes, no situations are 100% the same. Thank you for enlightening us. Now can we focus on the actual important part of do you have four more hours to waste on nonsense like “one of them has an army!”
Lol okay. Sorry you didn’t get whatever you were fishing for.
I have no secession plans I just don’t see why it would HAVE to end in war and couldn’t be done peacefully.

My wish would be the union remain whole with the federal government relegated to its early 1800s size and power.

I agree. But if California or Maryland wanted to leave, I’d probably go pass out fliers for the cause.
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I have no secession plans I just don’t see why it would HAVE to end in war and couldn’t be done peacefully.

My wish would be the union remain whole with the federal government relegated to its early 1800s size and power.
This. But the federal government will never willingly give up the power it has usurped.
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Which would cause other states to secede and fight back just like last time.

I think we've gone too far down this rabbit hole than necessary. If you really think secession is necessary and feasible, I suggest you ride down to Nashville tomorrow and see how the supermajority in the state legislature feels about. Doubt they'll give you much attention. But maybe they will. Is it just them that has to vote on it? Is it a referendum? You and the other secessionists are like dogs chasing cars.
I think we've gone too far down this rabbit hole than necessary. If you really think secession is necessary and feasible, I suggest you ride down to Nashville tomorrow and see how the supermajority in the state legislature feels about. Doubt they'll give you much attention. But maybe they will. Is it just them that has to vote on it? Is it a referendum? You and the other secessionists are like dogs chasing cars.

Where in any of my posts do you get I support secession or think it’s necessary?
Want some Facts?

We all gonna die.
Your children will care..even GC . After that all bets off other than some occasional empathy

After that we are farts in the wind and nothing on Earth other than legacy of our own spirit
Ultimately, the federal government didn't pay for any of that, taxpayers did.

I was waiting on someone to point this out. Treating the Fed like some benevolent entity that has gone Daddy Warbucks on the states is absurd.

The only thing the Federal government produces is currency, to the detriment of all the people. They are redistributing money collected from the states.

Furthermore, the basis of the objection doesn’t water, either. In divorce proceedings, one cannot tell the other they have no right to leave because without me you wouldn’t have had that job, education, house, or whatever. There is some agreement that must be reached on how the debts and assets are divided.

And in the case of a state government versus the fed, the states would likely be required to take on a huge chunk of debt. Doubt they’d be arguing over roads and damns.
If you actually pay attention, you'll see most arguments are simply that the federal government has outgrown what it was intended to be and seized far more power than they should actually have.

When I pay attention, it's more, "I don't like it when people from a liberal state get their way."
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What does the Middle East have to do with Tennessee or whatever state seceeding?
The precedent that the US federal government has a history of relinquishing owned property and leaving it in a seperate country ...or in this case...state.

Fairly easy concept to grasp.

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