MTG Calls for Red State Secession

When I pay attention, it's more, "I don't like it when people from a liberal state get their way."

False premise

The fact that another state can impose its views on another state via Federalism that deifies the USC
The precedent that the US federal government has a history of relinquishing owned property and leaving it in a seperate country ...or in this case...state.

Fairly easy concept to grasp.
I don't like that precedent. Maybe I'd support fighting back.
Every time secession comes up, it's a circle jerk.

Not something I would ever hope for sure. But reality.
Federalism is a failure in many ways..and good at times
I just ask for balance.
I want a strong nation. This **** aint cutting it with their own version of "Top Down"
Yeah, but who is in the circle? And what does one say or believe to be included?

"Everytime we don't like something or everytime somebody mentions secession, let's talk about how awesome/relevant/legitimate/secession would be if we actually wanted to do it, but we really dont want to do it, we just want to talk about it A LOT."
Not something I would ever hope for sure. But reality.
Federalism is a failure in many ways..and good at times
I just ask for balance.
I want a strong nation. This **** aint cutting it with their own version of "Top Down"
Federalism isn't the problem, it's the migration to the fringe.
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That's the unfortunate reality about precedents, it matters not whether or not you like them.

Actually, it doesn't. Just because the military left some vehicles in Afghanistan, doesn't mean they're going to give a secessionist state Fort Hood or a bunch of nuclear missile silos.
I didnt call for a fundamental transformation of our nation 2 decades ago . Who did?
Actually, it doesn't. Just because the military left some vehicles in Afghanistan, doesn't mean they're going to give a secessionist state Fort Hood or a bunch of nuclear missile silos.

Threre ya go. $61M down the hole.
Actually, it doesn't. Just because the military left some vehicles in Afghanistan, doesn't mean they're going to give a secessionist state Fort Hood or a bunch of nuclear missile silos.
I didn't say they would. I said it may be akin to that approach and there is a precedent. I also said it was fine by me if the Fed wants their stuff back.

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