MTG Calls for Red State Secession

It doesn't surprise me. It may surprise you that I do not believe in reproductive rights and would support a system which mandated sterility until the parents could prove themselves worthy of raising a child.

Agreed but that’s a fine line to weave because the government would no doubtably abuse it
Assuming that everyone votes for their own self interests is a bit of stretch, on the contrary most people vote party line’s regardless of the future implications
Again, how is that only blue states driving this nation into the abyss?
Probably won't happen in our lifetimes but Balkanization of the US is inevitable and maybe that's not really a bad thing.
Agreed but that’s a fine line to weave because the government would no doubtably abuse it
Have to keep that discretion out of the government's hands. No idea how.

It's fun offering big ideas without the responsibility of figuring out the working details.
I think we can. I don't think it is a non starter. The law should default to personal liberty, imo. The personal liberty should allow a woman and her medical team to decide what becomes of her baby in utero.

The issue is that defaulting to personal liberty offers very little for politicians to consolidate their power.

That may well work most of the time but abortion is a problem because it is presumably one person (the mother) deciding to infringe upon rights of another human, even if in proto form. It also does not apply that well to parental rights and minors because I violate the heck out of the free will of my children all the time, as they are oft fond of pointing out.
There was no election steal. A billion plus spent on trying to prove it and zip.

I mean I would think you would be able to realize that both sides have a vested interest in never really investigating the security of the US voting system because the reality is if Americans began to wholly question it then they would stay home. It’s hard to commit even small amounts of fraud when no one shows up on Election Day. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that absentee mail in voting and not requiring ID in many states to vote leads to easy manipulation. Only a fool would believe otherwise and there would be no pushback to voter ID laws or automatic registration with driver’s license
That may well work most of the time but abortion is a problem because it is presumably one person (the mother) deciding to infringe upon rights of another human, even if in proto form. It also does not apply that well to parental rights and minors because I violate the heck out of the free will of my children all the time, as they are oft fond of pointing out.

There is no violation of the rights of the unborn if you simply allow the woman to take a medication that induces labor.
I mean I would think you would be able to realize that both sides have a vested interest in never really investigating the security of the US voting system because the reality is if Americans began to wholly question it then they would stay home. It’s hard to commit even small amounts of fraud when no one shows up on Election Day. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that absentee mail in voting and not requiring ID in many states to vote leads to easy manipulation. Only a fool would believe otherwise and there would be no pushback to voter ID laws or automatic registration with driver’s license

So still no evidence and all stuck in your feelz?
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That may well work most of the time but abortion is a problem because it is presumably one person (the mother) deciding to infringe upon rights of another human, even if in proto form. It also does not apply that well to parental rights and minors because I violate the heck out of the free will of my children all the time, as they are oft fond of pointing out.
continue reading. You will see where the boundaries are and why.
If it happens the south will be as uninhabitable as California

Complete nonsense, contrary to what you believe most Americans like being left alone. The inner cities would be abandoned and all other areas like subsidized developments when the government tit runs out especially in conservative areas. The West would be overrun by the poor and immigrants very quickly. It would lead to widespread violence
To be fair there’s a lot on the other side of the isle that think Russians stole the 2016 election.

What I always saw was the feeling they were influencing the election because Americans are too stupid to google "facts" and preferred getting their news from social media.
Sure thing chief lol and as I said only a fool would believe it. “Politicians haven’t done a deep dive into the political system they created” lol it’s almost comical

Only a fool would believe something with no factual support? You are all stuck in your feelz.
Probably won't happen in our lifetimes but Balkanization of the US is inevitable and maybe that's not really a bad thing.

This! Unless we reign in the federal government Balkanization is inevitable.
Complete nonsense, contrary to what you believe most Americans like being left alone. The inner cities would be abandoned and all other areas like subsidized developments when the government tit runs out especially in conservative areas. The West would be overrun by the poor and immigrants very quickly. It would lead to widespread violence
Not nonsense at all. Living in a GED level theocracy led by the likes of MTG wouldn't be my idea of a fun time

It's true that most Americans want to have their beliefs left alone. The problem comes when others don't match their own. Most appear to want to have their beliefs pushed on others who also just want to be left alone. That's why there conflict
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What I always saw was the feeling they were influencing the election because Americans are too stupid to google "facts" and preferred getting their news from social media.

I am utterly shocked it’s what you “saw”. Yes, well placed adds on Facebook by the Russians but the billions spent every other election largely have little influence
Not nonsense at all. Living in a GED level theocracy led by the likes of MTG wouldn't be my idea of a fun time

It's true that most Americans want to have their beliefs left alone. The problem comes when others don't match their own. Most appear to want to have their beliefs pushed on others who also just want to be left alone. That's why there conflict

GED level theocracy? Did you pull that out of thin air? Is this the liberals are more educated than conservatives argument? It’s one of the principle reasons it’s inevitable
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Southern politicians left on their own would end badly. I'm going to hide in Montana or the Dakotas to live out my years

Liberal/moderate ones would create bastions of liberty and personal freedom? I hate to break it to you but they wouldn’t want you in Montana. Even Democrats there pretend to be conservative
GED level theocracy? Did you pull that out of thin air? Is this the liberals are more educated than conservatives argument? It’s one of the principle reasons it’s inevitable
No it's about actual words from right (like Boebert)
Southern politicians left on their own would end badly. I'm going to hide in Montana or the Dakotas to live out my years

I think you’re being a little over dramatic and are completely wrong.

What everyone fails to understand is we were basically set up Balkanized and it worked until NORTHERN politicians screwed it up.

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