MTG Calls for Red State Secession

Same in TN, county property tax money goes to the county schools. If you live in city limits the city property tax goes to the pockets of the councilmen and mayor.
Post a breakdown. I showed you mine you show me yours. Going from memory the effective tax rate is around 2.5% ? Would need to look it up to be sure.

Edit: I was incorrect my total tax rate is 1.85%
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I agree. The only hope is that the "left" gradually shifts back towards the center, where we can at least discuss common issues, rather than constantly battle over increasingly fringe/perverted/Socialist movements.
I wouldn't count on it, their base is the antifa/LJKKJHYFGJ+++++ crowd.
I don’t have the data. Post it and we can. Texas is designed so that local tax funds pay for schools. Until they did that ******** Robinhood redistribution program quite a while back.
I can only tell what it is in my little corner of East TN.
Property taxes on a roughly $400k house in the city limits: $2500
State and local sales tax: 9.75%, a couple percent less on food.
License plate renewal: $8.75 this year.
TVA power, priceless.
That's it for me.
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I can only tell what it is in my little corner of East TN.
Property taxes on a roughly $400k house in the city limits: $2500
State and local sales tax: 9.75%, a couple percent less on food.
License plate renewal: $8.75 this year.
TVA power, priceless.
That's it for me.

Me thinks ND40 is a true crap orange longhorn at heart.
I can only tell what it is in my little corner of East TN.
Property taxes on a roughly $400k house in the city limits: $2500
State and local sales tax: 9.75%, a couple percent less on food.
License plate renewal: $8.75 this year.
TVA power, priceless.
That's it for me.
So you pay 9.75% sales tax?! Dayum what’s wrong with you people are you stoopid?!

Hey this is fun 😂

Gotta look at the full picture. As I just updated my property taxes are 1.85% and sales tax is 8.25%. I guess if you’re a cheap bastard and live like a pauper you come out ahead.
You ever had that rat piss? I’d rather have Pearl if it were still around.

Oh yeah. I have to travel to Texas frequently.

I had the misfortune of getting stuck there a few extra days at the beginning of the month thanks to that little ice event.

I think it was about the same time last year when I was stuck there for four extra days (and over the entire weekend!) due to the big ice storm last year.
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So you pay 9.75% sales tax?! Dayum what’s wrong with you people are you stoopid?!

Hey this is fun 😂

Gotta look at the full picture. As I just updated my property taxes are 1.85% and sales tax is 8.25%. I guess if you’re a cheap bastard and live like a pauper you come out ahead.
I'm not the one that has to go back to work to pay my property taxes. BTW. how's the eyeball? Are you still driving on one headlight?

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I'm not the one that has to go back to work to pay my property taxes. BTW. how's the eyeball? Are you still driving on one headlight?

I’m going back to work so my damn wife doesn’t kill me. It’s doing better thanks. I can see but it’s probably 5 more weeks before the gas bubble goes away. I think it’s largely healed now but the bubble absorption rate is only so much. Still get eye strain because I largely use just one eye.

My buddy told me today I show up in the company directory and have an employee number so it’s getting real. They can get my laptop and other stuff on order now.
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Not what I asked for. What is your property tax rate. Just look at your tax account and add it up. You county does have online services … right? 😂

What do you want to know? Even if my property tax account is online (don't think it is) I can't access it now. I can access my appraisal and know what my bill is.

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