MTG Calls for Red State Secession

You’re mistaken if you think solely my political preferences would in any way motivate me to move. Like I said, if it were up to me, I wouldn’t live in FL at all. But, you do things for the people you love.
She’s right. Why not have an amicable divorce instead of what could be very bloody and deadly?

All I request is for Red States to have an impenetrable immigration system so Blue Staters can’t flee their expected utopias once they realize they’re trapped in Marxist shitholes.
There are red, blue, and purple states on both sides. So secession part two begins immediately after?
Talk to the people on our beaches. Like I said doesnt make sense to me, but they exist.
Yes, Georgia has beaches. Like I said, so does Mississippi. And Massachusetts for that matter.

Point is - no one is leaving California’s sun and surf for Georgia’s. You know this.

Now, people are clearly leaving California for some reason - but it is not to escape the climate and scenery.
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Well you would know beta male! Did they not let you join their club? 😬

I'm not a fan of the Longhorns, Cowboys, high property taxes, over regulation, fees for damn near everything, draconian enforcement on the stupidest crap so I wasn't invited to join.
You’re mistaken if you think solely my political preferences would in any way motivate me to move. Like I said, if it were up to me, I wouldn’t live in FL at all. But, you do things for the people you love.
Surely your wife sees the quality of life disparity between MI and FL?
Yes, Georgia has beaches. Like I said, so does Mississippi. And Massachusetts for that matter.

Point is - no one is leaving California’s sun and surf for Georgia’s. You know this.

Now, people are clearly leaving California for some reason - but it is not to escape the climate and scenery.

You must have never perused the California coastline, it's mostly rocks and gravel with some rocks and gavel mixed in.
I'm not a fan of the Longhorns, Cowboys, high property taxes, over regulation, fees for damn near everything, draconian enforcement on the stupidest crap so I wasn't invited to join.
Screw the Longhorns, America’s team baby!, and property taxes were fine till we got a damn unnecessary influx of idiot blue state refugees that overpaid for housing. It’s slowly going back down. We only charge house fees to known out of state beta males too.
Screw the Longhorns, America’s team baby!, and property taxes were fine till we got a damn unnecessary influx of idiot blue state refugees that overpaid for housing. We only charge house fees to known out of state beta males too.

Dude, it was nothing for a 2500 sqf ranch house in the DFW are to have over $6k in property taxes back in the early 2000s.

Just like Joedawg, keeping your true fandom in the closet.
Dude, it was nothing for a 2500 sqf ranch house in the DFW are to have over $6k in property taxes back in the early 2000s.
Eh I’d challenge that. My old house two miles from here was 1800 sq Ft and my taxes were under $2k going from memory. I sold it for around $180k 7 years ago. Zillow had it at $350k now which is idiotic.
Eh I’d challenge that. My old house two miles from here was 1800 sq Ft and my taxes were under $2k

I can't remember what burb in the DFW area they lived in but my buddies property taxes were a little over $6k back then.
She’s right. Why not have an amicable divorce instead of what could be very bloody and deadly?

All I request is for Red States to have an impenetrable immigration system so Blue Staters can’t flee their expected utopias once they realize they’re trapped in Marxist shitholes.

Let’s take NC for example. One of the most gerrymandered states in the country. The gop easily controls the state legislature there, but the large population centers that tend to be more liberal leaning - Charlotte, Raleigh/Carey, Research Triangle, Asheville metro - would probably not be ok with leaving. The State obviously would want to keep their large economic centers. Should a state legislature be able to make that decision unilaterally? Should people be forced to abandon their homes, jobs, lives, families because the GOP wants to get their way even if they don't represent a majority of the populace?

Or vice versa in a place like Pennsylvania where the Dems have a slight majority in the state legislature? This is not as simple as drawing a line on a map. And people like MTG think that because a state is “red” or “blue” that the people in those places will just willfully go along with whatever their state is labeled.
I can't remember what burb in the DFW area they lived in but my buddies property taxes were a little over $6k back then.
Could very well be in the right area. We paid $13k this year on this property. If I pick it up and move it 15 miles north it’s likely $8-9k.

The mid cities around SMU are ridiculous. $1M buys you a shack with land worth $999.9k

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