Mueller Report Imminent

What is it with your obsession with Fox News?

Let me just say this, none of the news networks currently on TV report the news with no bias.

However, CNN and MSNBC peddled a phony narrative for years to try to bring down Trump.

If it's a choice between two evils (CNN,MSNBC and Fox), Fox is the lesser evil.
Witch hunt? Mueller has determined that Russia was up to no good and favored Trump. I know that's not what you have been spouting over the last two years. Mueller also determined that there was collusion, just not enough evidence to prosecute conspiracy. Mueller also determined that Trump tried to obstruct justice 10 times. Those are the fact that CNN has reported over the past two years, What did fox tell you, witch hunt, hillary/russia collusion, FISA abuse, Clinton cash?
It's becoming crystal clear that you all can't get Trump. Mueller didn't have enough evidence to conclude that either obstruction or collusion took place. (BTW, several on Mueller's team donated to the Clinton and Obama campaigns. Probably a legit COI, but I digress)

Now Dems are trying to smear Barr for being as transparent as possible.

Yall are absolute scumbags.

False. There is plenty of evidence of obstruction. He just can't be charged with it as long as he's sitting President. That's all.

Let that sink in. Because if he loses in November....
It's becoming crystal clear that you all can't get Trump. Mueller didn't have enough evidence to conclude that either obstruction or collusion took place. (BTW, several on Mueller's team donated to the Clinton and Obama campaigns. Probably a legit COI, but I digress)

Now Dems are trying to smear Barr for being as transparent as possible.

Yall are absolute scumbags.

You have to smoke crack. That's the only explanation for that statement.
Witch hunt? Mueller has determined that Russia was up to no good and favored Trump. I know that's not what you have been spouting over the last two years. Mueller also determined that there was collusion, just not enough evidence to prosecute conspiracy. Mueller also determined that Trump tried to obstruct justice 10 times. Those are the fact that CNN has reported over the past two years, What did fox tell you, witch hunt, hillary/russia collusion, FISA abuse, Clinton cash?
Lie and lie

The next time CNN reports a fact, will be the first time
You're the one smoking the crack provided by the Democrat party.

Releasing a nearly completely un-redacted (90% to be exact) Mueller report IS being as transparent as possible.

Democrats who allege "cover up" are being intentionally dishonest to smear Barr.

You must not be aware that he could release the whole thing even the grand Jury stuff. All it would take is a request from Barr. How about the KFChickenSh!t stunt he pulled today? He's as transparent as a turd.
You must not be aware that he could release the whole thing even the grand Jury stuff. All it would take is a request from Barr. How about the KFChickenSh!t stunt he pulled today? He's as transparent as a turd.

1. He's already released the entire thing to Congress (except for grand jury stuff). The 90% un-redacted version is what we have access to.

2. He already testified before the Senate committee, and I don't blame him one iota for not putting up with the clownshow in the House. Besides, it would've just been more grandstanding and useless **** anyways.
False. There is plenty of evidence of obstruction. He just can't be charged with it as long as he's sitting President. That's all.

Let that sink in. Because if he loses in November....

Where does this OLC narrative keep coming from? Meuller told Barr multiple times that the OLC opinion is not why he didn't indict Trump.
Witch hunt? Mueller has determined that Russia was up to no good and favored Trump. I know that's not what you have been spouting over the last two years. Mueller also determined that there was collusion, just not enough evidence to prosecute conspiracy. Mueller also determined that Trump tried to obstruct justice 10 times. Those are the fact that CNN has reported over the past two years, What did fox tell you, witch hunt, hillary/russia collusion, FISA abuse, Clinton cash?
Did you read what you wrote? Russian favoring Trump does not equal collusion. Not accepting attempts at collusion is not collusion. CNN and democrats reported for 2 years they have "hard evidence" of collusion and there "100% was collusion". That evidence was literally based off lies and 4chan message board bs. The fact that you are incapable of reading what Mueller wrote and and still believing CNN and the democrats shows your are too biased to critically think for yourself or come to any legitimate conclusion.

The obstruction is debatable at best and the fact that the Mueller investigation was allowed to finish pretty much takes a deuce over that idea and your hopes and dreams. Better start thinking of a new conspiracy for the post 2020 election!
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Witch hunt? Mueller has determined that Russia was up to no good and favored Trump. I know that's not what you have been spouting over the last two years. Mueller also determined that there was collusion, just not enough evidence to prosecute conspiracy. Mueller also determined that Trump tried to obstruct justice 10 times. Those are the fact that CNN has reported over the past two years, What did fox tell you, witch hunt, hillary/russia collusion, FISA abuse, Clinton cash?

Except for having to sit across a table from Hiliary, why in the world would Putin want Trump over Clinton? She was already complicit and compromised over the uranium deal, and you never quite know which way Trump's gonna roll. So again why would Putin make that choice?
False. There is plenty of evidence of obstruction. He just can't be charged with it as long as he's sitting President. That's all.

Let that sink in. Because if he loses in November....

..Hillary still wont be President.

Its amusing that yall think anyone gives two sh!ts what happens to a President when they aren't President. You've become so despondent and desperate that you've not only moved the goal posts of Trump getting kicked out of office a few yards, you've moved them off the planet.
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So are they going to impeach Barr now?

If they can't get Trump, they can lower the bar. Then they can threaten Barr with prison over something dubious (legal waterboarding of the FBI kind) and see if they can get him to make stuff up for them. Interesting how libs claim torture doesn't work, but are happy with the FBI version and believe in the results.
Except for having to sit across a table from Hiliary, why in the world would Putin want Trump over Clinton? She was already complicit and compromised over the uranium deal, and you never quite know which way Trump's gonna roll. So again why would Putin make that choice?
What Uranium Deal? Another Fox news right wing conspiracy. I hope you weren't really trying to make a point with that.

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