Mueller Report Imminent

Sessions got outed for being the gentle congressman from alabubba that everyone liked . He was just biding his time in congress until he retired . Rhinos , Lifers whatever you want to call them . You could tell he was honestly shocked when his Dems buddies turned on him during his congressional hearings. He kept saying y’all know me , I served with you for years .
I felt sorry for the guy. He was a good man and tried to serve his country well, he just wasn't Attorney General material.
I think I still have the original Black Sabbath album that I bought almost 50 years ago.
My buddy in TN is hanging onto my brothers old vinyl for my sister as she cleans up her house to sell it. He found a copy of The White Album in them. I didn’t even know he listened to the Beatles. Probably my oldest brother’s record. They were both more Iron Maiden / Black Sabbath types though which is where I got it from
I actually wasn’t including you in the attorney shade or didn’t think about it but ok.

It’s just the same point I’ve been screeching... and AG Barr... and many others. They failed as prosecutors to do their job. And they in fact behaved in a political fashion by leaving it open ended.


Oh, nah. I wasn’t talking about the attorney thing. That doesn’t bother me.

I was just giving you **** about it being a tangential issue and was planning to start listing facts from the various instances of obstruction in the report and saying things like “how could they not call this obstruction?!” And then link to law blogs that had called them obstruction.

But if you’re going to be all ****ing nice and reasonable that won’t be any fun.
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Oh, nah. I wasn’t talking about the attorney thing. That doesn’t bother me.

I was just giving you **** about it being a tangential issue and was planning to start listing facts from the various instances of obstruction in the report and saying things like “how could they not call this obstruction?!” And then link to law blogs that had called them obstruction.

But if you’re going to be all ****ing nice and reasonable that won’t be any fun.
you shut your damn mouth you slimey ass lawyer! Better?

But... since you brought it up. If it was obvious they should have issued a finding of obstruction?
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No, but I have some 8 tracks. I still have my 1970 AMC AMX that I bought new that has an in dash AM radio/8 track player .

I grew up in a house that had one of those RCA console music players that took up half the wall . It had AM/ FM 8 track and record player . My mom played it all the time . She was a big Boots Randolph , Blues and country music fan . So I got to hear it all . She even listen to some SteppenWolf
Some of Trumps picks have been baffling. Sessions ranked right up there with clown girl from reality TV ... Odrama or whatever. Trump should have sacked Sessions the second he virtually abdicated.

Agreed , I think he did it out of some sense of loyalty. Sessions was the first senator to come out in favor of Trump.
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you shut your damn mouth you slimey ass lawyer! Better?

But... since you brought it up. If was obvious they should have issued a finding of obstruction?

Or if it’s that obvious, would his conclusion add anything of substance...?

He’s going to testify, apparently, so hopefully we will get some clear answers. I need to read that section again after watching Barr, but I read somewhere that Mueller didn’t think it was his call to make, that it was a question for congress, but I don’t remember that from the report.

I think Trump is pushing for impeachment. Having the Senate exonerate him would be a big win that would make this go away.
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My buddy in TN is hanging onto my brothers old vinyl for my sister as she cleans up her house to sell it. He found a copy of The White Album in them. I didn’t even know he listened to the Beatles. Probably my oldest brother’s record. They were both more Iron Maiden / Black Sabbath types though which is where I got it from

The history of the White Album is interesting. Randy Wood, who owned Randy's Record Shop in Gallatin and later headed Dot (and other record companies), was one of the people responsible for the White Album. So the Beatles had a middle Tennessee connection that few people know about.
Or if it’s that obvious, would his conclusion add anything of substance...?

He’s going to testify, apparently, so hopefully we will get some clear answers. I need to read that section again after watching Barr, but I read somewhere that Mueller didn’t think it was his call to make, that it was a question for congress, but I don’t remember that from the report.

I think Trump is pushing for impeachment. Having the Senate exonerate him would be a big win that would make this go away.
I do think it would add substance. I think most laypeople would. They are prosecutors. It should have been a binary finding with regard to indictment. Most people are going to naturally interpret it that way. And thus when they basically wave it off, many will just view it as disingenuous and a failure to do their job as prosecutors and immediately label them as politically motivated which I think is a reasonable conclusion.

And I’d actually like to hear Mueller testify also. Barr has made several statements on what Mueller told him. Have Mueller back them up or dispute them in an accountable venue.
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The history of the White Album is interesting. Randy Wood, who owned Randy's Record Shop in Gallatin and later headed Dot (and other record companies), was one of the people responsible for the White Album. So the Beatles had a middle Tennessee connection that few people know about.
Did not know that 👍

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