Mueller Report Imminent

When the Comey report comes out in a couple of weeks, the snow ball will start rolling.

Hillary was right, if he (Trump) wins, they will all hang.

I guess you're referring to this alleged report?

The prophecy was that it will come out next week.

Be sure to post here a week from now on all the juicy details from this mystery report.

'Bombshell' report on James Comey coming in two weeks, Joe diGenova says

He did not elaborate on what report he expects out in two weeks and how he came to find out about the timeline for its release.
Give it a rest - they've already investigated Trump for 2.5 years.

Outside of his resignation, what do you lunatics want?
Still 3.5 more years to go if it's to match the Starr investigation. Outside of Clinton's resignation, what was it that you guys wanted?
Still 3.5 more years to go if it's to match the Starr investigation. Outside of Clinton's resignation, what was it that you guys wanted?

Mueller report / investigation is over dude. Bill Barr isn’t ****ing around and you’ll see his investigation move at warp speed compared to Mueller. I predict everything will be out in the open and indictments sometime shortly before the 2020 election. I’m happy to see you’re interested in the real criminals who perpetrated this hoax will finally be accountable.
In the parts I saw there wasn't really much of this at all; particularly compared to other gov officials testifying before Congress. On the contrary I thought he answered pretty directly (again relative to others in his position).

Speaking relatively of course, others in his position probably haven't gone to the lengths he would to defend a President by intentionally misleading Congress.

Perhaps instead of trying to water down his actions by drawing comparisons to unnamed "other govt officials" we could just stay on topic?

As he points out, there's not even a mechanism for the chief justice to conduct such a review.

Let's just make up new rules as we go along.
Speaking relatively of course, others in his position probably haven't gone to the lengths he would to defend a President by intentionally misleading Congress.

Perhaps instead of trying to water down his actions by drawing comparisons to unnamed "other govt officials" we could just stay on topic?
I think that was a setup by Mueller. He probably notified members of Congress the moment he sent that letter. That being said, I don’t know that Barr mislead anyone because Mueller appears to be playing word games that leave him non-committal to any direction. He’s intentionally muddying the waters.
Mueller report / investigation is over dude. Bill Barr isn’t ****ing around and you’ll see his investigation move at warp speed compared to Mueller. I predict everything will be out in the open and indictments sometime shortly before the 2020 election. I’m happy to see you’re interested in the real criminals who perpetrated this hoax will finally be accountable.

Indictments for what?
Mueller report / investigation is over dude. Bill Barr isn’t ****ing around and you’ll see his investigation move at warp speed compared to Mueller. I predict everything will be out in the open and indictments sometime shortly before the 2020 election. I’m happy to see you’re interested in the real criminals who perpetrated this hoax will finally be accountable.
You may have missed it the other 84 times I said it, so I'll say it the 85th.
Investigate them all, punish anyone found guilty; I've never had a problem with that.
That obviously also applies to Trump and his band of misfits.
You may have missed it the other 84 times I said it, so I'll say it the 85th.
Investigate them all, punish anyone found guilty; I've never had a problem with that.
That obviously also applies to Trump and his band of misfits.
Since Trump's been investigated and the report is out, it looks like you're getting your wish. let's see what skeletons fall out of the other closets.
Since Trump's been investigated and the report is out, it looks like you're getting your wish. let's see what skeletons fall out of the other closets.
There are multiple investigations still ongoing, as you very well know. Plus the issue of obstruction hasn't fully been settled.
Leaking, misleading FISA court judges in order to obtain warrants, treason, sedition..

So "warp speed" Barr is going to prosecuting these supposed crimes three to four years after they occurred. Sooo much faster than slow-poke Mueller's two-year investigation.

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