Mueller Report Imminent

That's why it's so odd that Trump is so resistant. Kind of like Trump's resistance to McGahn testifying.

What has Trump done to prevent the muell from testifying or even said to make you think he doesn't want him to?
What has Trump done to prevent the muell from testifying or even said to make you think he doesn't want him to?
"Are they looking for a redo because they hated seeing the strong NO COLLUSION conclusion? There was no crime, except on the other side (incredibly not covered in the Report), and NO OBSTRUCTION. Bob Mueller should not testify. No redos for the Dems!"
I really don't care if he testifies or not. I don't think much is going to come of it either way except a bunch of shouting and arguing. Thankfully we're down to 18 months from voting this abomination out of office. Until then the House can mostly keep him in check.
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So far the only crimes that have come from this is lying to the investigation and a ten year old case. Why would the boss man give a chance for more people to go to jail for process crimes that never have come up?

The "process crime" of obstruction is a very important issue here. It is what undid Nixon. And here we have multiple incidents -- up to 10 of them- where Trump actively worked to undermine, thwart, or kill the investigation.

I would expect you to minimize it. But it's a significant offense by him and you can't duck it by continuing to obstruct, which is what he's doing.
I really don't care if he testifies or not. I don't think much is going to come of it either way except a bunch of shouting and arguing. Thankfully we're down to 18 months from voting this abomination out of office. Until then the House can mostly keep him in check.
I think at most it may convince one out of a hundred potential Trump voter that it was all not just a witch hunt and that Trump is certainly not fully exonerated. (I'm operating under the optimistic assumption, that one out of a hundred potential Trump voters is free thinking enough to still be reachable.)
Democrats have absolutely nothing to lose at this point. They've been all in on this for two years. It's now just a matter of embarrass and obstruct until November 2020.
This is what it looks like. And if nothing comes out of this, next year once the Democrats have their candidate, I expect they will have some back pocket plan to cause disruption before the election by putting out some new accusation that attempts to prevent Trump from holding office. Tie him up in litigation, fabricate some heinous accusation, or possibly drag this out till next year. Something to cause undecideds or possible flips to not vote for him. Something in a timeline that makes it's near impossible for the R to have a different candidate ready to be voted on come election day.
This is what it looks like. And if nothing comes out of this, next year once the Democrats have their candidate, I expect they will have some back pocket plan to cause disruption before the election by putting out some new accusation that attempts to prevent Trump from holding office. Tie him up in litigation, fabricate some heinous accusation, or possibly drag this out till next year. Something to cause undecideds or possible flips to not vote for him. Something in a timeline that makes it's near impossible for the R to have a different candidate ready to be voted on come election day.
That almost sounds like the "e-mail, uranium 1, Bengahzi" strategy.
I think at most it may convince one out of a hundred potential Trump voter that it was all not just a witch hunt and that Trump is certainly not fully exonerated. (I'm operating under the optimistic assumption, that one out of a hundred potential Trump voters is free thinking enough to still be reachable.)

You are a bit optimistic Luth. If they had any ability to think they wouldn't have voted for him to begin with.
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That almost sounds like the "e-mail, uranium 1, Bengahzi" strategy.
I've said it a few times. Every election cycle it seems like the politicians and their shenanigans get more sleezy and underhanded. I have no doubt the Democrats and Republicans will continue that tradition. In this instance I'm referring to sitting on information for the explicit purpose of releasing it at a time when it will cause maximum disruption to the election. Like how the D sat on rape accusations for weeks before making it known in the Kavanaugh nomination.

I for one will probably be wasting my vote on a 3rd party candidate for the 3rd election in a row.
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"Are they looking for a redo because they hated seeing the strong NO COLLUSION conclusion? There was no crime, except on the other side (incredibly not covered in the Report), and NO OBSTRUCTION. Bob Mueller should not testify. No redos for the Dems!"

So Trump has done nothing to prevent him from testifying or said anything that could even be remotely construed as attempting to block his testimony.
I really don't care if he testifies or not. I don't think much is going to come of it either way except a bunch of shouting and arguing. Thankfully we're down to 18 months from voting this abomination out of office. Until then the House can mostly keep him in check.[/QUOTE]

you mean by hearings about a hoax investigation?
The "process crime" of obstruction is a very important issue here. It is what undid Nixon. And here we have multiple incidents -- up to 10 of them- where Trump actively worked to undermine, thwart, or kill the investigation.

I would expect you to minimize it. But it's a significant offense by him and you can't duck it by continuing to obstruct, which is what he's doing.

Was one of the ten things letting his staff be interrogated and not using executive privilege?
I think at most it may convince one out of a hundred potential Trump voter that it was all not just a witch hunt and that Trump is certainly not fully exonerated. (I'm operating under the optimistic assumption, that one out of a hundred potential Trump voters is free thinking enough to still be reachable.)

Only you die hard haters give a crap about obstruction, he's been cleared on collusion and thats all reasonable and rational people cared about.
So Trump has done nothing to prevent him from testifying or said anything that could even be remotely construed as attempting to block his testimony.
All I claimed was that Trump was paranoid and did not want Mueller to testify.
That's a good rationalization ... Except Trump has never given a rat's ass about anyone but himself.
Really, you would advise your client to get up in front of this AFTER it has come out the underlying cause to the investigation is a dead end? Lol.

They are investigating people to find the crime. Not investigating a crime to find the suspects. If Trump or his team were minorities this would be profiling.

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