Mueller Report Imminent

Incorrect. I have been saying for at least a week here that the issue appears to be one of timing in that per the DOJ memo you cannot charge a sitting POTUS. Mueller alluded to it in the report and said he would not charge because its not fair as Trump cannot then defend himself. But that begs the quesiton: would he charge if Trump were not sitting POTUS.

This letter answers that question for hundreds of former officials, Dem and GOP. If Mueller agrees with them, it is time for Trump to do the right thing and leave office.
LOL. I have said from the beginning of this hoax that the worst thing possible for the socialists is when the "investigation" was over, the outcome wasn't want you all wanted so now you can't let it go your side has to keep pushing the lie
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This theory of Trump being scared , explain this to us we don’t seem to understand since the DOJ has refused to charge him and if the house impeached him the senate will vote no and he gets re-elected ... where is this fear coming from ?

I think the fear is coming from the proverbial "a lot closer to home" ... and that means a guilty group a lot closer to the Dim trash talkers than to anybody else ... DC lifetime Dim moles.
Pelosi wants to gather more facts before endorsing impeachment. That is smart of her. Let's see what Mueller and McGahn have to say. And let's see if the contempt of Congress charge has any sticking power with Barr.

The fact that numerous Republicans have joined in the letter is a big deal. It is going to be tough for Trump, Barr, and Graham to continue the "It's over" strategy" as it clearly is not over. Anything but.

And it will also be interesting to see whether this letter gives enough Republicans in the Senate the political cover they need to start talking about at least being willing to vote to convict Trump if the House impeaches.

But as i say, let's start with getting McGahn and Mueller in to testify.
As we said from the start it's never going to end for you.

First it was trump was bought and paid for by the Russians.
Then it was collusion.
Now its obstruction.

Everytime you are having to find something smaller and smaller. It's been my issue with the way you go after Trumo boy who cried wolf style. Plenty of legit stuff out there, but you pick the wildest fantasies to go after.

It's part of the reason I think nothing will stick. You started with a hanging offense and are settling on something that wouldn't even make front page news if he wasnt Trump, but you are still trying to sell that you haven't taken a step back from treason. The collective you have sold a load of crap and people now just dont care as much as they arguably could.

Congrats on politicizing our justice system.
LOL. I have said from the beginning of this hoax that the worst thing possible for the socialists is when the "investigation" was over, the outcome wasn't want you all wanted so now you can't let it go your side has to keep pushing the lie

It is not a lie that Trump heavily and suspiciously favors pro-Russian policy. It is not a lie that he and his campaign had over 250 contacts with Russia. It is not a lie that Russia contrived a strategy to help Trump win. It is not a lie that Trump has blocked and/or slow-walked Russian sanctions authorized by Congress. It is not a lie that Trump keeps touting what Putin says (we did not interfere, no interest in Venezuela, etc.). It is not a lie that Trump refuses to acknowledge Russian interference in the election. It is not a lie his campaign changed the GOP platform to a pro-Russian stance on Ukraine. It is not a lie that his campaign gave the Russians polling data. It is not a lie that that the Trump campaign recevied advance word of leaks of stolen emails by the Russians.

And then we get to obstruction.

It is not a lie that Trump fired Comey because Comey would not block the investigation into Flynn and pledge loyalty to Trump. It is not a lie that Trump repeatedly fabricated reasons to fire Mueller. It is not a lie that Trump told his counsel get Mueller fired -- and then asked counsel to lie and say he had not done so. It is not a lie that Trump told the Russians that he had taken steps to thwart the investigation.

Pesky facts, sir. Taken singularly they are bad enough. Taken together they show a corrupt President who should be imprisoned. And it will forever be a stain on the reputation of the GOP that they did not have the stones to do what is right here.
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It is not a lie that Trump heavily and suspiciously favors pro-Russian policy. It is not a lie that he and his campaign had over 250 contacts with Russia. It is not a lie that Russia contrived a strategy to help Trump win. It is not a lie that Trump has blocked and/or slow-walked Russian sanctions authorized by Congress. It is not a lie that Trump keeps touting what Putin says (we did not interfere, no interest in Venezuela, etc.). It is not a lie that Trump refuses to acknowledge Russian interference in the election. It is not a lie his campaign changed the GOP platform to a pro-Russian stance on Ukraine. It is not a lie that his campaign gave the Russians polling data. It is not a lie that that the Trump campaign recevied advance word of leaks of stolen emails by the Russians.

And then we get to obstruction.

It is not a lie that Trump fired Comey because Comey would not block the investigation into Flynn and pledge loyalty to Trump. It is not a lie that Trump repeatedly fabricated reasons to fire Mueller. It is not a lie that Trump told his counsel get Mueller fired -- and then asked counsel to lie and say he had not done so. It is not a lie that Trump told the Russians that he had taken steps to thwart the investigation.

Pesky facts, sir. Taken singularly they are bad enough. Taken together they show a corrupt President who should be imprisoned. And it will forever be a stain on the reputation of the GOP that they did not have the stones to do what is right here.
You need to step away from CNN for a while and get a hobby. They are feeding you lies non-stop. The stain here is from your side of radicals who spied on and tried to get a sitting President removed from office.

I wish you all would start impeachment proceedings, please do. You have no idea what you bunch of loons would be in for.
It is not a lie that Trump heavily and suspiciously favors pro-Russian policy. It is not a lie that he and his campaign had over 250 contacts with Russia. It is not a lie that Russia contrived a strategy to help Trump win. It is not a lie that Trump has blocked and/or slow-walked Russian sanctions authorized by Congress. It is not a lie that Trump keeps touting what Putin says (we did not interfere, no interest in Venezuela, etc.). It is not a lie that Trump refuses to acknowledge Russian interference in the election. It is not a lie his campaign changed the GOP platform to a pro-Russian stance on Ukraine. It is not a lie that his campaign gave the Russians polling data. It is not a lie that that the Trump campaign recevied advance word of leaks of stolen emails by the Russians.

And then we get to obstruction.

It is not a lie that Trump fired Comey because Comey would not block the investigation into Flynn and pledge loyalty to Trump. It is not a lie that Trump repeatedly fabricated reasons to fire Mueller. It is not a lie that Trump told his counsel get Mueller fired -- and then asked counsel to lie and say he had not done so. It is not a lie that Trump told the Russians that he had taken steps to thwart the investigation.

Pesky facts, sir. Taken singularly they are bad enough. Taken together they show a corrupt President who should be imprisoned. And it will forever be a stain on the reputation of the GOP that they did not have the stones to do what is right here.

Have you sent Bob an email laying out your case for indictment? Obviously he didn’t see the same evidence you have. He might want to know that. Or are you saying Bob has been comprised, blackmailed, or maybe bullied by the bad orange man?
He simply couldn’t or he’s really freaking stupid. And his past DOJ work clearly doesn’t show he’s stupid.

I actually think Barr would make a good president ... a real one ... not the show kind we've have for years. He's solid, thinks before he speaks, and says what he has to say concisely. The opposition might underestimate him in the beginning, and then realize how utterly wrong they were. My biggest doubts about him would simply be whether he would have the desire to be that kind of lightning rod and his desire to set national policy. I just don't see the extreme egotism in him to draw him to the job which in itself is refreshing.
I actually think Barr would make a good president ... a real one ... not the show kind we've have for years. He's solid, thinks before he speaks, and says what he has to say concisely. The opposition might underestimate him in the beginning, and then realize how utterly wrong they were. My biggest doubts about him would simply be whether he would have the desire to be that kind of lightning rod and his desire to set national policy. I just don't see the extreme egotism in him to draw him to the job which in itself is refreshing.
I don’t know why he would want to bring that on his family and he doesn’t come across as narcissistic enough to want the job.
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It is not a lie that Trump heavily and suspiciously favors pro-Russian policy. It is not a lie that he and his campaign had over 250 contacts with Russia. It is not a lie that Russia contrived a strategy to help Trump win. It is not a lie that Trump has blocked and/or slow-walked Russian sanctions authorized by Congress. It is not a lie that Trump keeps touting what Putin says (we did not interfere, no interest in Venezuela, etc.). It is not a lie that Trump refuses to acknowledge Russian interference in the election. It is not a lie his campaign changed the GOP platform to a pro-Russian stance on Ukraine. It is not a lie that his campaign gave the Russians polling data. It is not a lie that that the Trump campaign recevied advance word of leaks of stolen emails by the Russians.

And then we get to obstruction.

It is not a lie that Trump fired Comey because Comey would not block the investigation into Flynn and pledge loyalty to Trump. It is not a lie that Trump repeatedly fabricated reasons to fire Mueller. It is not a lie that Trump told his counsel get Mueller fired -- and then asked counsel to lie and say he had not done so. It is not a lie that Trump told the Russians that he had taken steps to thwart the investigation.

Pesky facts, sir. Taken singularly they are bad enough. Taken together they show a corrupt President who should be imprisoned. And it will forever be a stain on the reputation of the GOP that they did not have the stones to do what is right here.


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Can I steal the trolololol from you?

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I actually think Barr would make a good president ... a real one ... not the show kind we've have for years. He's solid, thinks before he speaks, and says what he has to say concisely. The opposition might underestimate him in the beginning, and then realize how utterly wrong they were. My biggest doubts about him would simply be whether he would have the desire to be that kind of lightning rod and his desire to set national policy. I just don't see the extreme egotism in him to draw him to the job which in itself is refreshing.

Well said. I was very worried when he was hand picked by Trump. There are many swamp rats out there. He has hand picked a few so far, and fired them when he figured out what they were.
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Not hard to imagine that if Mueller testifies "no collusion" the Dems will turn around and claim he lied to Congress. They are dead set on their own narrative being true, even if it's not.
There’s zero doubt the Dems will discredit Mueller if he doesn’t say what they want to hear. Luther already admitted on here that he had no problem with Barr releasing a summary and how he handled things. He just had a problem with what Barr said. That’s the way it is for Dems now. They are fishing for anyone to say Trump colluded, Trump obstructed, Trump bad, etc.
Hey. They have to discredit Barr as best they can. Because when the FISA abuses and spying charges come they have to have him backed into a corner.

Let them continue this. It’s great. It’s like watching Wiley Coyote try to catch the Roadrunner.

And the roadrunner looks like a big bumbling guy who should have a bumper sticker saying "I may be slow, but I'm ahead of you" The funny thing is that Wiley's party doesn't have a clue they are the slow ones, and they are trying to corner the guy who will eat them alive. So far Kamala is the only sign of inspiration the Dims have, and that's because she's got a lot of experience being an nasty bItch.
There’s zero doubt the Dems will discredit Mueller if he doesn’t say what they want to hear. Luther already admitted on here that he had no problem with Barr releasing a summary and how he handled things. He just had a problem with what Barr said. That’s the way it is for Dems now. They are fishing for anyone to say Trump colluded, Trump obstructed, Trump bad, etc.

To anybody that watched Barr testify last week and think that Meuller is going to somehow discredit Barr, on the facts and the law, is in for a rude awakening. That’s just my opinion. Meuller may say some disparaging remarks about Trump but he already did that in the report.
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I would hope both parties are outed as corrupt and we see true, beneficial changes.

Congress makes up by far the largest part of the nationally elected members of both parties, and congress is the group most likely to be exposed for criminal behavior. One thing that congress critters do understand is a lifetime in congress ... how to make it happen and how to benefit from it. For all the other stupidity that they demonstrate, I really can't see congress killing their own golden goose over political differences ... they are survivors, and considering how much most are hated (by the people of other states perhaps), they are survivors. Self protection will rule and save them from themselves.
That's a good rationalization ... Except Trump has never given a rat's ass about anyone but himself.

Can you name a politician, a CEO, or any other climber/backstabber that doesn't incorporate that same characteristic? That ... not talent ... is how people get to the top.

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