Mueller Report Imminent

The "process crime" of obstruction is a very important issue here. It is what undid Nixon. And here we have multiple incidents -- up to 10 of them- where Trump actively worked to undermine, thwart, or kill the investigation.

I would expect you to minimize it. But it's a significant offense by him and you can't duck it by continuing to obstruct, which is what he's doing.
Pretty sure the.number I have seen is 6. Where the extra four come from?

So Watergate was BS and the only thing on Nixon was the coverup? Pretty sure he wss guilty of both.
Barr already disgraced himself on the altar of Trump. Nothing can save him now.

So typical of you. Had Barr’s report agreed with your assessment then you would’ve praising his name. If his report led to the beginning of the impeachment process, you would be slobbering over him. You continue to exemplify the sad behavior most liberals have shown since Trump was elected.

You guys are like little fat kiss crying because mommy won’t let them have a snickers bar. Grow up dude.
You know as well as anyone that it's easy for a lawyer, by selectively including/omitting information, to misrepresent a document without saying anything that's false.

In the long run, will the Barr memo be remembered as a document of huge national importance?

No, but let's call it was it was: a spin job.

The letter posted online by Justice Department alumni, who served under presidents from both parties, said the report from special counsel Robert Mueller contained repeated instances of Trump committing obstruction of justice, and that he would have been charged with obstruction if he was not protected as President by an opinion from the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel that Mueller cited.

"We believe strongly that, but for the OLC memo, the overwhelming weight of professional judgment would come down in favor of prosecution for the conduct outlined in the Mueller Report," the letter read.

The letter was posted to Medium and said it was being updated by the group Protect Democracy, a nonprofit group that has combated the Trump administration. CNN has reached out to Protect Democracy regarding the letter.

The letter was signed by officials from a wide-range of backgrounds, and included former US attorneys and other top officials from both parties.

The Washington Post, which previously reported on the letter, which said signatories to the letter included officials whose time in government included every administration since President Dwight Eisenhower.

As I've been saying now for some time, the question to be posed to Mueller is whether the issue is the timing: Had his report been set to come out 30 days after Trump left office, would he have recommended charges?

I think the answer is likely "yes." And that is because Trump is guilty AF, and everyone knows it. The only thing saving him from charges is the DOJ memo. He can still be impeached over it. And he for sure should be run out of office in the next election if that is all that is left.
As I've been saying now for some time, the question to be posed to Mueller is whether the issue is the timing: Had his report been set to come out 30 days after Trump left office, would he have recommended charges?

I think the answer is likely "yes." And that is because Trump is guilty AF, and everyone knows it. The only thing saving him from charges is the DOJ memo. He can still be impeached over it. And he for sure should be run out of office in the next election if that is all that is left.
Then Pelosi should stop being a coward and skip all these dumb ass hearings and let's go full impeachment proceedings in the House.
As I've been saying now for some time, the question to be posed to Mueller is whether the issue is the timing: Had his report been set to come out 30 days after Trump left office, would he have recommended charges?

I think the answer is likely "yes." And that is because Trump is guilty AF, and everyone knows it. The only thing saving him from charges is the DOJ memo. He can still be impeached over it. And he for sure should be run out of office in the next election if that is all that is left.

So when is Nancy scheduling the impeachment hearings?
Pelosi wants to gather more facts before endorsing impeachment. That is smart of her. Let's see what Mueller and McGahn have to say. And let's see if the contempt of Congress charge has any sticking power with Barr.

The fact that numerous Republicans have joined in the letter is a big deal. It is going to be tough for Trump, Barr, and Graham to continue the "It's over" strategy" as it clearly is not over. Anything but.

And it will also be interesting to see whether this letter gives enough Republicans in the Senate the political cover they need to start talking about at least being willing to vote to convict Trump if the House impeaches.

But as i say, let's start with getting McGahn and Mueller in to testify.
Pelosi wants to gather more facts before endorsing impeachment. That is smart of her. Let's see what Mueller and McGahn have to say. And let's see if the contempt of Congress charge has any sticking power with Barr.

The fact that numerous Republicans have joined in the letter is a big deal. It is going to be tough for Trump, Barr, and Graham to continue the "It's over" strategy" as it clearly is not over. Anything but.

And it will also be interesting to see whether this letter gives enough Republicans in the Senate the political cover they need to start talking about at least being willing to vote to convict Trump if the House impeaches.

But as i say, let's start with getting McGahn and Mueller in to testify.


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Pelosi wants to gather more facts before endorsing impeachment. That is smart of her. Let's see what Mueller and McGahn have to say. And let's see if the contempt of Congress charge has any sticking power with Barr.

The fact that numerous Republicans have joined in the letter is a big deal. It is going to be tough for Trump, Barr, and Graham to continue the "It's over" strategy" as it clearly is not over. Anything but.

And it will also be interesting to see whether this letter gives enough Republicans in the Senate the political cover they need to start talking about at least being willing to vote to convict Trump if the House impeaches.

But as i say, let's start with getting McGahn and Mueller in to testify.
You don't believe any of this. You know this is about fund raising and being able to try and stretch this out until 2020 election.
Pelosi wants to gather more facts before endorsing impeachment. That is smart of her. Let's see what Mueller and McGahn have to say. And let's see if the contempt of Congress charge has any sticking power with Barr.

The fact that numerous Republicans have joined in the letter is a big deal. It is going to be tough for Trump, Barr, and Graham to continue the "It's over" strategy" as it clearly is not over. Anything but.

And it will also be interesting to see whether this letter gives enough Republicans in the Senate the political cover they need to start talking about at least being willing to vote to convict Trump if the House impeaches.

But as i say, let's start with getting McGahn and Mueller in to testify.
Should we look for her to have enough "facts" by August/September 2020?
You don't believe any of this. You know this is about fund raising and being able to try and stretch this out until 2020 election.

Incorrect. I have been saying for at least a week here that the issue appears to be one of timing in that per the DOJ memo you cannot charge a sitting POTUS. Mueller alluded to it in the report and said he would not charge because its not fair as Trump cannot then defend himself. But that begs the quesiton: would he charge if Trump were not sitting POTUS.

This letter answers that question for hundreds of former officials, Dem and GOP. If Mueller agrees with them, it is time for Trump to do the right thing and leave office.
As I've been saying now for some time, the question to be posed to Mueller is whether the issue is the timing: Had his report been set to come out 30 days after Trump left office, would he have recommended charges?

I think the answer is likely "yes." And that is because Trump is guilty AF, and everyone knows it. The only thing saving him from charges is the DOJ memo. He can still be impeached over it. And he for sure should be run out of office in the next election if that is all that is left.

What memo are you referring to?

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