Mueller Report Imminent

That report should never have been written. It’s nothing but fuel for the Democrats as proven by not including a thing about the spying of Azra Turk. Almost 30M spent over 2 years with hundreds of witnesses and millions of pages and there’s nothing about her? That would be because Mueller didn’t want to give up the goods on the left spying. Now that Barr is investigating the left has been forced to admit the truth that they’ve been lying about for 2+ years.
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Congress makes up by far the largest part of the nationally elected members of both parties, and congress is the group most likely to be exposed for criminal behavior. One thing that congress critters do understand is a lifetime in congress ... how to make it happen and how to benefit from it. For all the other stupidity that they demonstrate, I really can't see congress killing their own golden goose over political differences ... they are survivors, and considering how much most are hated (by the people of other states perhaps), they are survivors. Self protection will rule and save them from themselves.
That may be why entrenched Washington is working so hard to get Trump (an outsider with control of the NSA, who has the dirt on everyone) out of office.
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Congress makes up by far the largest part of the nationally elected members of both parties, and congress is the group most likely to be exposed for criminal behavior. One thing that congress critters do understand is a lifetime in congress ... how to make it happen and how to benefit from it. For all the other stupidity that they demonstrate, I really can't see congress killing their own golden goose over political differences ... they are survivors, and considering how much most are hated (by the people of other states perhaps), they are survivors. Self protection will rule and save them from themselves.

Can you think of any other event that had all the Dems in Congress so easily go full potato? The message from the DNC headquarters on a daily basis is swallowed and regurgitated daily from every Democrat in DC. And the media swallows and pukes up the same message. It’s fffffing obvious and they think we are to stupid to see it. Well, some folks on this board have swallowed it even though their throat was full but they still keep trying to force it down.
That may be why entrenched Washington is working so hard to get Trump (an outsider with control of the NSA, who has the dirt on everyone) out of office.

I absolutely agree. An outsider is what DC fears; someone they never wanted to see; someone who would have no qualms about disclosing their corruption and ineptitude ... or maybe just the boor who trips over it and is too "stupid" to avoid exposing them. I've thought that about Trump and DC since the beginning; they've got a cozy, incestuous relationship going (both parties), and they have no intention of seeing it wrecked by an outsider. Some in the GOP fought Trump almost as hard as the Dims have.
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Interesting. I must have missed your analysis of why the facts don’t meet the elements of the crime. Brb while I go find it.

So Bob just ignored his team of seasoned prosecutors and said “ Nope, don’t care what prosecutorial evidence y’all found. I’m a proud Red Hat wearing white supremicist now and I’m not indicting the President. I know I can indict because I have many times during my time as special council but I gotta go take a Schiff and leave my responsibilities as special counsel up to my boss because I’m to chicken Schiff to make the right decision.”
Then by all means, let them make the mistake.
He may say something along the lines of, "it was made clear to me and so I operated under the assumption that a sitting president could not be indicted. The amount of evidence found indicating possible obstruction not only fails to exonerate the president but raises serious concerns. I felt Barr's 4 page memo and pre-release press conference completely distorted my position and mislead the public."
Why not throw some collusion in there since this is clearly your wish list? That’s just as likely as the rest of that nonsense.
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Sure. He is a stable genius after all. Let Mueller testify, it's worth the risk.
Nah. The troll job he's putting on you fascists is far better, and way more entertaining. Mueller already said his bit. Watching your continual sky scream is priceless.
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"Are they looking for a redo because they hated seeing the strong NO COLLUSION conclusion? There was no crime, except on the other side (incredibly not covered in the Report), and NO OBSTRUCTION. Bob Mueller should not testify. No redos for the Dems!"
You didn't answer the question.
To think there are millions like them ...
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So Bob just ignored his team of seasoned prosecutors and said “ Nope, don’t care what prosecutorial evidence y’all found. I’m a proud Red Hat wearing white supremicist now and I’m not indicting the President. I know I can indict because I have many times during my time as special council but I gotta go take a Schiff and leave my responsibilities as special counsel up to my boss because I’m to chicken Schiff to make the right decision.”

I think I read the report, cover to cover. I read the law. I read the facts. I read the analysis of the law and the facts. I read the justification for not reaching a conclusion. All of the considerations you’re raising were reconciled, so I reached a conclusion of my own.

Then, a couple weeks later, 370 people with some degree of subject matter experience more or less agreed with me, independently.

Haven’t needed to defend against a substantive rebuttal, either. It’s all been, basically, trying to cherry pick things Mueller has said or done (like this) or unsupported conclusions. Or the 3 days that we’re spent whining about why Mueller didn’t tell you what to think... ironically the same crowd doing the most of that are not satisfied by this, either.
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Hundreds of former Justice officials assert Trump would be facing felony charges if he were not President - CNNPolitics
Hundreds of former Justice Department officials said in an open letter released Monday that President Donald Trump would be facing multiple felony charges for obstruction of justice stemming from the Russia investigation if he were not President.
"We believe strongly that, but for the OLC memo, the overwhelming weight of professional judgment would come down in favor of prosecution for the conduct outlined in the Mueller Report,"

That doesn't really sound like complete exoneration.
Hundreds of former Justice officials assert Trump would be facing felony charges if he were not President - CNNPolitics
Hundreds of former Justice Department officials said in an open letter released Monday that President Donald Trump would be facing multiple felony charges for obstruction of justice stemming from the Russia investigation if he were not President.
"We believe strongly that, but for the OLC memo, the overwhelming weight of professional judgment would come down in favor of prosecution for the conduct outlined in the Mueller Report,"

That doesn't really sound like complete exoneration.

Hundreds of former Justice officials assert Trump would be facing felony charges if he were not President - CNNPolitics
Hundreds of former Justice Department officials said in an open letter released Monday that President Donald Trump would be facing multiple felony charges for obstruction of justice stemming from the Russia investigation if he were not President.
"We believe strongly that, but for the OLC memo, the overwhelming weight of professional judgment would come down in favor of prosecution for the conduct outlined in the Mueller Report,"

That doesn't really sound like complete exoneration.

I guess it’s a good thing he’s your president.
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I absolutely agree. An outsider is what DC fears; someone they never wanted to see; someone who would have no qualms about disclosing their corruption and ineptitude

If there's ever been a president on a mission to disclose corruption and ineptitude, it's Donald "I'm the most transparent president ever" Trump.
Pelosi wants to gather more facts before endorsing impeachment. That is smart of her. Let's see what Mueller and McGahn have to say. And let's see if the contempt of Congress charge has any sticking power with Barr.

The fact that numerous Republicans have joined in the letter is a big deal. It is going to be tough for Trump, Barr, and Graham to continue the "It's over" strategy" as it clearly is not over. Anything but.

And it will also be interesting to see whether this letter gives enough Republicans in the Senate the political cover they need to start talking about at least being willing to vote to convict Trump if the House impeaches.

But as i say, let's start with getting McGahn and Mueller in to testify.

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