Mueller Report Imminent

If they do start impeachment proceedings they will be cutting their own throats going into the 2020 Elections and will guarantee President Trump is reelected and that the GOP regains control of Congress.
Can you imagine the egg on face when the US reelects President Trump after the Dems impeach him? lol
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He doesn’t need a slam dunk to win. He will be ahead enough that the other team is having to foul at the end of the game. But there could be a 360 or reverse dunk at the end to seal the deal.

bruh, the economy is in overdrive right now and trump still isn't polling above biden. It's a good thing that the US and China have worked out there differences and there was not a tarrif war that affected consumer spending, manufacturing or their respective stocks.
bruh, the economy is in overdrive right now and trump still isn't polling above biden. It's a good thing that the US and China have worked out there differences and there was not a tarrif war that affected consumer spending, manufacturing or their respective stocks.

We know how those poles workout for you. Seems like you chocked on one in 2016
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bruh, the economy is in overdrive right now and trump still isn't polling above biden. It's a good thing that the US and China have worked out there differences and there was not a tarrif war that affected consumer spending, manufacturing or their respective stocks.
Only time he polled about your girl Hill is on election night, you know the only day it actually matters.
The far more palatable alternative for all would be for Trump to decide not to seek re-election. The repubs. could/should make that happen but ............
Do you know what that sounds like? It sounds like the class weakling, having tried to bully the bully, stating that the best thing for everyone involved is for the bully to switch schools.

The Democrats weaponized the Justice Department, spied on his campaign, paid for fake opposition research that (among other things) floated the story that he paid hookers to pee on a bed Obama had slept in, rigged an election against him, tried to entrap people in his election with western assets, started an illegal investigation against him that was based on illegal spying, accused him of treason (punishable by death), threatened his kids, financially ruined the lives of good people through legal bullying...

They've spent their ammunition and he hasn't even started loading his weapons yet.

They don't just get to say, "Oops. Our bad. Forget that ever happened. The best thing for everyone involved now is for you to just walk off into the sunset."

Hell is coming.
This spin is a symptom of Obama Derangement Syndrome.

"Drain the Swamp!"

I had ODS but found a cure. My 401K and stock portfolio are yuuuge now. I am paying lower taxes. I am even keeping my doctor. Life couldn’t be better.

Maybe one day you will crawl out that septic tank that you live in and have a clearer view of life, it’s hard to see all the good in sh$t covered glasses
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Do you know what that sounds like? It sounds like the class weakling, having tried to bully the bully, stating that the best thing for everyone involved is for the bully to switch schools.

The Democrats weaponized the Justice Department, spied on his campaign, paid for fake opposition research that (among other things) floated the story that he paid hookers to pee on a bed Obama had slept in, rigged an election against him, tried to entrap people in his election with western assets, started an illegal investigation against him that was based on illegal spying, accused him of treason (punishable by death), threatened his kids, financially ruined the lives of good people through legal bullying...

They've spent their ammunition and he hasn't even started loading his weapons yet.

They don't just get to say, "Oops. Our bad. Forget that ever happened. The best thing for everyone involved now is for you to just walk off into the sunset."

Hell is coming.
For Trolluther, Hell is already here and has been since November, 2016.
Do you know what that sounds like? It sounds like the class weakling, having tried to bully the bully, stating that the best thing for everyone involved is for the bully to switch schools.

The Democrats weaponized the Justice Department, spied on his campaign, paid for fake opposition research that (among other things) floated the story that he paid hookers to pee on a bed Obama had slept in, rigged an election against him, tried to entrap people in his election with western assets, started an illegal investigation against him that was based on illegal spying, accused him of treason (punishable by death), threatened his kids, financially ruined the lives of good people through legal bullying...

They've spent their ammunition and he hasn't even started loading his weapons yet.

They don't just get to say, "Oops. Our bad. Forget that ever happened. The best thing for everyone involved now is for you to just walk off into the sunset."

Hell is coming.
Never thought it would happen, only said it would be the most palatable alternative.
So you're firmly in the camp of repubs. who are not willing to do the right thing. Who knew?
I've stated my position....all in, cards on the table. If no one is willing to fold, someone's walking away with it all and the other completely broke.
Never thought it would happen, only said it would be the most palatable alternative.
So you're firmly in the camp of repubs. who are not willing to do the right thing. Who knew?
I've stated my position....all in, cards on the table. If no one is willing to fold, someone's walking away with it all and the other completely broke.
I'm not in the camp of the Repubs, as I've stated repeatedly that I expect this to take down lots of them (neocons) as well, and welcome it. And it's become below pitiable, every time you think you have a platform to inform anyone on what is "right". You abdicated that long ago.
bruh, the economy is in overdrive right now and trump still isn't polling above biden. It's a good thing that the US and China have worked out there differences and there was not a tarrif war that affected consumer spending, manufacturing or their respective stocks.

Imagine what his numbers would be if MSM wasn't slamming him daily.
Yeah, actually. the RCP average was at 3.2% generally within or very close to the MOE for most of the included polls. And given that the polls 'test' for popular voting, not electoral college participation - the polls were deadly accurate.

Thanks for the link. Here's one for you.

Do they not teach statistics in Tennessee?

And you just pointed out the problems with the major polling services.
Imagine what his numbers would be if MSM wasn't slamming him daily.

Imagine what they'd be if he didn't feel the need to desperately appeal to the lowest common denominator via twitter.
I'm not in the camp of the Repubs, as I've stated repeatedly that I expect this to take down lots of them (neocons) as well, and welcome it. And it's become below pitiable, every time you think you have a platform to inform anyone on what is "right". You abdicated that long ago.
I think the Neocons will go back to being Democrats like they were before the 1972 Presidential Election. They loved Hubert Humphrey but thought George McGovern was too radical.
Yeah, actually. the RCP average was at 3.2% generally within or very close to the MOE for most of the included polls.

Thanks for the link. Here's one for you.

Do they not teach statistics in Tennessee?
Yes they do.

Margin of error, got it, your fig leaf for being wrong. Their conclusion was still wrong and consistently wrong. Don't they teach what the difference is between being wrong and right, in wherever the hellhole you are currently at? You know, "close but no cigar", "horseshoes and hand grenades". Also the MSM, your pals were saying this:

2016 Presidential Election Forecast Maps

Hows you MOE there, Mr. I Know Statisd!cks:
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bruh, the economy is in overdrive right now and trump still isn't polling above biden. It's a good thing that the US and China have worked out there differences and there was not a tarrif war that affected consumer spending, manufacturing or their respective stocks.
There is a story on right now entitled "The tariff scare narrative has collapsed. Latest price data shows no inflation." For some reason, I cannot post a link to the actual story. Just scroll down a bit, and you will find it.

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