Mueller Report Imminent

Yes they do.

Margin of error, got it, your fig leaf for being wrong. Their conclusion was still wrong and consistently wrong. Don't they teach what the difference is between being wrong and right, in wherever the hellhole you are currently at? You know, "close but no cigar", "horseshoes and hand grenades". Also the MSM, your pals were saying this:

2016 Presidential Election Forecast Maps

Hows you MOE there, Mr. I Know Statisd!cks:

I see that statistical estimation and the words that are associated with math are a foreign concept to you.

The polls were right, your understanding of them isn't. That's OK though, I don't even blame you - FNC and memes conditioned you to believe that the 2016 polls were wrong because it was meant to be an unexpected upset. The numbers didn't bear that out.
I'll agree to a point but isn't the press supposed to be non-biased and just report the events of the day?
Some are non-biased, some are not. Even some of the more biased sources are sometimes friendly, like saying the Trump administration was "misleading" about an issue. No, they lied, call them liars.

The point still remains, he brings it upon himself. Don't lie constantly, remove hundreds of press credentials, stop having daily briefings from SS, and act like a fool, and the press coverage might be even more friendly. Not Fox News or Breitbart friendly, but still.
I see that statistical estimation and the words that are associated with math are a foreign concept to you.

The polls were right, your understanding of them isn't. That's OK though, I don't even blame you - FNC and memes conditioned you to believe that the 2016 polls were wrong because it was meant to be an unexpected upset. The numbers didn't bear that out.
Come on, Seppo, you know you were surprised to see the results on election night because the polls were "right", yes, yes, yes they were weren't they? They all predicted Trump as the winner didn't they and it was expected wasn't it?

Get out of here with your BS.

Some are non-biased, some are not. Even some of the more biased sources are sometimes friendly, like saying the Trump administration was "misleading" about an issue. No, they lied, call them liars.

The point still remains, he brings it upon himself. Don't lie constantly, remove hundreds of press credentials, stop having daily briefings from SS, and act like a fool, and the press coverage might be even more friendly. Not Fox News or Breitbart friendly, but still.

Him and the MSM journalists need to grow the F up and just do their jobs.
There is a story on right now entitled "The tariff scare narrative has collapsed. Latest price data shows no inflation." For some reason, I cannot post a link to the actual story. Just scroll down a bit, and you will find it.

I looked, couldn't find it - seems odd for a breaking news story packed with enough factual data to make Wall St. reconsider the 'tariff scare'. The good news for you is that as soon as someone can properly link the weaker than expected inflation article this weeks market losses will instantly recover and go ahead, in the meantime - don't look at the ticker this morning.

Also, the good news is that at some point we will be able to celebrate the DOW moving past 26k for the hundredth time this year.
Come on, Seppo, you know you were surprised to see the results on election night because the polls were "right", yes, yes, yes they were weren't they? They all predicted Trump as the winner didn't they and it was expected wasn't it?

Get out of here with your BS.

I was surprised, but not because of the polling, they suggested a dead heat. Why is this so hard to understand?

Try to stick to the point and not conflate personal expectations with the interpretation of polling data.
I was surprised, but not because of the polling, they suggested a dead heat. Why is this so hard to understand?

Try to stick to the point and not conflate personal expectations with the interpretation of polling data.

So why were you surprised? You sure it wasn't more "disappointed, heartbroken and tearful?"
Yes, stick to the point. What the F were the results and how many had Trump winning?
Yes, stick to the point. What the F were the results and how many had Trump winning?

I just told you, try to keep up.

The polling results had Clinton winning by about 3%, her final numbers had her winning the popular vote by 2%.

That the polling doesn't account for the EC's winner take all method - given the outcome, the polling was extraordinarily accurate.

I know fifth graders that were able to wrap their heads around this concept, why can't you?
I looked, couldn't find it - seems odd for a breaking news story packed with enough factual data to make Wall St. reconsider the 'tariff scare'. The good news for you is that as soon as someone can properly link the weaker than expected inflation article this weeks market losses will instantly recover and go ahead, in the meantime - don't look at the ticker this morning.

Also, the good news is that at some point we will be able to celebrate the DOW moving past 26k for the hundredth time this year.
Here ya go!

The Tariff Scare Narrative Has Collapsed--Data Show No Inflation
I just told you, try to keep up.

The polling results had Clinton winning by about 3%, her final numbers had her winning the popular vote by 2%.

That the polling doesn't account for the EC's winner take all method - given the outcome, the polling was extraordinarily accurate.

I know fifth graders that were able to wrap their heads around this concept, why can't you?
Name one fifth grader that will even talk to you without you offering them candy from your van, weirdo.

Yet, they were wrong about the results. Why can't you wrap your head around that fact instead of giving them cover just so you can't possibly be wrong.
Name one fifth grade that will even talk to you, weirdo.

Yet, they were wrong about the results. Why can't you wrap your head around that fact instead of giving them cover just so you can't possibly be wrong.

The polls weren't wrong, your inability to interpret them is. Stop digging.

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