Mueller Report Imminent

Ok so this is easily solvable. Those federal funds amount to a federal contract. The recipient of those funds is subject to GAO review. If they play the “it’s classified” card the executive branch can squash that.

So if this allegation is true it’s only a matter of time before it’s exposed. And if the Muell did send funds to Fusion GPS he better have one helluva good reason for doing so.
Reject it all you want, these polls are conducted nationally and garner a sample size large enough to establish a confidence level worth publishing. The cost and effort to conduct one is wholly different than conducting 50, it wouldn't be cost effective or yield significantly different results. As I stated, the EC and Popular vote match up 90% of the time.
Blah blah. It’s another question in the poll. Where do you live. This is easy stop making silly excuses that it isn’t. It isn’t 50 instead of one. It’s a national poll they already do them.

We’re not disagreeing on the poll vs EC split amount. We’re debating on whether they care about an accurate result to their poll based on how the outcome is determined vs whether the disconnect is worth more as a rallying cry to their agenda. 🤷‍♂️
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Ok so this is easily solvable. Those federal funds amount to a federal contract. The recipient of those funds is subject to GAO review. If they play the “it’s classified” card the executive branch can squash that.

So if this allegation is true it’s only a matter of time before it’s exposed. And if the Muell did send funds to Fusion GPS he better have one helluva good reason for doing so.
If, and that’s a big if, this is true, then it proves Mueller is dirty.
Just one more thing in the boneyard of Trumpisms, right next to “successful businessman” “Mexico will pay for it” “tells it like it is” and “Washington outsider who will be different from other politicians.”
Still better than a gay Muslim wearing mom jeans with the one achievement of allowing dudes access to pee in the ladies room.
Blah blah. It’s another question in the poll. Where do you live. This is easy stop making silly excuses that it isn’t. It isn’t 50 instead of one. It’s a national poll they already do them.

We’re not disagreeing on the poll vs EC split amount. We’re debating on whether they care about an accurate result to their poll based on how the outcome is determined vs whether the disconnect is worth more as a rallying cry to their agenda. 🤷‍♂️

That's not how it works. An adequate sample size from every state would be necessary to produce a state by state representation.

Math doesn't have an agenda, those trying to interpret the results do.
That's not how it works. An adequate sample size from every state would be necessary to produce a state by state representation.

Math doesn't have an agenda, those trying to interpret the results do.
The math you’re sticking by doesn’t accurately represent the election process. It represents the popular vote only. Which has in the entire history of our country never elected a president.
Probably when it’s corroborated by somebody that doesn’t have a history of making scandals from whole cloth, like John Solomon.

He’s like Jakob Wohl’s idol.
Well he says he has the documents so he is either lying or it is time to show what he has. I believe he has them but we shall see.
The math you’re sticking by doesn’t accurately represent the election process. It represents the popular vote only. Which has in the entire history of our country never elected a president.

No one claimed it did, but 90% of the time it's right. Not bad for mathematical estimations based on opinion snapshots.
Imagine what they'd be if he didn't feel the need to desperately appeal to the lowest common denominator via twitter.

Seems to me that his tweets are for the normal, hardworking american people. Not for Hollywood or for the rich.

So are you saying that law abiding, hard working, family centered people who are low or middle class are the "lowest common denominator"???
And if you are saying that, in what aspect are we lower than the rich or famous?
Well he says he has the documents so he is either lying or it is time to show what he has. I believe he has them but we shall see.
Documents that say Steele was wrong about where the Russians were signing checks to pay for the expansive and sweeping effort to influence the outcome of the election that has since been verified as true and was corroborated by other means at the time?

Maybe I’m missing how that’s a big deal. It seems like a valid basis for an investigation, to me. I think I’m glad we had the investigation because of what it uncovered about what the Russians were doing. Now if we can just get somebody in the government to try to fix it.
Documents that say Steele was wrong about where the Russians were signing checks to pay for the expansive and sweeping effort to influence the outcome of the election that has since been verified as true and was corroborated by other means at the time?

Maybe I’m missing how that’s a big deal. It seems like a valid basis for an investigation, to me. I think I’m glad we had the investigation because of what it uncovered about what the Russians were doing. Now if we can just get somebody in the government to try to fix it.

Investigating what the Russians were doing was entirely possible/doable with out surveilling an opposition party candidate and his campaign. It appears the "collusion" question was answered pretty quickly.
Investigating what the Russians were doing was entirely possible/doable with out surveilling an opposition party candidate and his campaign. It appears the "collusion" question was answered pretty quickly.
Yeah, and the answer was that there was a bunch of suspicious **** going on, but the proof didn’t establish the elements of a crime.

So, again, seems like a pretty good basis for an investigation.
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Yeah, and the answer was that there was a bunch of suspicious **** going on, but the proof didn’t establish the elements of a crime.

So, again, seems like a pretty good basis for an investigation.
If the basis for the spying was paid opposition research, supplied by the Hillary campaign, leaked to the media in an effort to give the appearance of corroboration, and then lying about it all to the FISC......

Lord have mercy on them.
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If the basis for the spying was paid opposition research, supplied by the Hillary campaign, leaked to the media in an effort to give the appearance of corroboration, and then lying about it all to the FISC......

Lord have mercy on them.
Don't you have a show to prep for Sean?
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Yeah, and the answer was that there was a bunch of suspicious **** going on, but the proof didn’t establish the elements of a crime.

So, again, seems like a pretty good basis for an investigation.

The suspicious **** you reference must be how a person banned from entering the US gets an entry visa, meets with a Dem operative the day before and day after the Trump tower meeting.
The suspicious **** you reference must be how a person banned from entering the US gets an entry visa, meets with a Dem operative the day before and day after the Trump tower meeting.
Doesn’t fit the narrative. The piece of info got buried under Trumps taxes and Barry’s birth certificate
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The suspicious **** you reference must be how a person banned from entering the US gets an entry visa, meets with a Dem operative the day before and day after the Trump tower meeting.
How about the good professor that was supposedly a Russian operative, meeting with Pappadopp, yet was actually a western intelligence operative there to try to entrap him? Or Mueller quoting a Russian business man in the report, about the existence and "flow" of damaging tapes? Yet now the guy quoted is petitioning that be struck from the report because Mueller stopped quoting mid-sentence and left out the part about the tapes not existing?



I never watch the guy. It sounds like you do, however.

You're among friends. You can admit how utterly terrified you are that all of this is coming out. Your vitriol of late speaks volumes.
Just poking fun OC.
But I'm not terrified at all. It didn't play out how I thought it would, and I don't think it will play out the way you want it to either.
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Seems to me that his tweets are for the normal, hardworking american people. Not for Hollywood or for the rich.

So are you saying that law abiding, hard working, family centered people who are low or middle class are the "lowest common denominator"???
And if you are saying that, in what aspect are we lower than the rich or famous?

I see you take issue with my characterization of red hat trump jock sniffers, good.

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