Mueller Report Imminent

zing. You come up with that one yourself?
Nah. Saw it on Southpark.
If the basis for the spying was paid opposition research, supplied by the Hillary campaign, leaked to the media in an effort to give the appearance of corroboration, and then lying about it all to the FISC......

Lord have mercy on them.

No different than one drug dealer snitching on another to avoid prison time or take out a competitor. Happens every day.

Trumpets have abandoned issues of ethics and morals. The argument only has merit if the act was illegal. That's the benchmark you’ve set in the era of Donald Trump.

It wasn’t illegal.
No different than one drug dealer snitching on another to avoid prison time or take out a competitor. Happens every day.

Trumpets have abandoned issues of ethics and morals. The argument only has merit if the act was illegal. That's the benchmark you’ve set in the era of Donald Trump.

It wasn’t illegal.

Documents that say Steele was wrong about where the Russians were signing checks to pay for the expansive and sweeping effort to influence the outcome of the election that has since been verified as true and was corroborated by other means at the time?

Maybe I’m missing how that’s a big deal. It seems like a valid basis for an investigation, to me. I think I’m glad we had the investigation because of what it uncovered about what the Russians were doing. Now if we can just get somebody in the government to try to fix it.
No, more like a typed memo from where Steele was interviewed prior to the FISA application indicating his dossier was full of lies. 10 days later the FBI “confirmed” that Steele’s info was solid.
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Where did I act like I was representative of anyone?[/QUOTE]

Pretty much when you said. "Imagine what they'd be if he didn't feel the need to desperately appeal to the lowest common denominator via twitter."

Now to me, and I would think others as well, you are trying to say "smelly walmart people - struek. Or "deplorables" - Clinton.

Except you dont want to admit what you really think.

In all honesty, I believe that a mojority of the people were tired of politicians who bend over for anyone who has dirt on them instead of thinking about leading the country. So why not elect someone who isn't "knee deep in dept to this senator or that congressmen" who might be able to put the country first for a change......if it dont work out, we can elect the same ol same ol garbage in 4 yrs.

But turned out that the swamp is real....its deep...and it wants blood now for being left out.

I for one, and many others, are glad that we were called names, told we were ignorant hillbillies, racists, fascists and so on because we wanted a change for the country. It helped drive all of us to the polls.

And I am damn proud of voting for trump! I just wanted the charades to end...didnt realize how great he would make us "great again" this quickly.

Sorry its so long but, quick jabs and one liners really dont explain it. Your half truths and backsided comments needed pointed out. still didnt answer the question. But carry on sir and believe that you are the majority and the ideal social thinker that we poor folk are looking for.

Seriously...sorry for the rant
No, more like a typed memo from where Steele was interviewed prior to the FISA application indicating his dossier was full of lies. 10 days later the FBI “confirmed” that Steele’s info was solid.
That’s not what your article says. Did you read it?

The hole noted in the memo was that he said they were paying for the misinformation campaign out of the consulate in Miami.

That fact likely is not relevant to obtaining a search warrant.
Just poking fun OC.
But I'm not terrified at all. It didn't play out how I thought it would, and I don't think it will play out the way you want it to either.

Very reasonable post. I’ll believe it when I see some folks in handcuffs. Wish in one know the rest.
Per the article:
“He will come at some point. If it’s necessary, we will subpoena him and he will come,” Nadler said later.

I figured he would be chomping at the bit to get in there and tell the real story, or at least that's what LG has been saying.
That’s not what your article says. Did you read it?

The hole noted in the memo was that he said they were paying for the misinformation campaign out of the consulate in Miami.

That fact likely is not relevant to obtaining a search warrant.
Maybe you missed this part. She said he isn’t credible and it was ignored or buried. Maybe you’ve missed the other stories about his info being a bunch of crap too.
“It is important to note that the FBI swore on Oct. 21, 2016, to the FISA judges that Steele's "reporting has been corroborated and used in criminal proceedings" and the FBI has determined him to be "reliable" and was "unaware of any derogatory information pertaining" to their informant, who simultaneously worked for Fusion GPS, the firm paid by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Clinton campaign to find Russian dirt on Trump.”
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My only narrative is that watching the annihilation of truth is depressing and should be pushed back on, even if I’m just pissing into a hurricane.
And that cuts both ways Rocky. My reference to the Russian female attorney that met with Glen Simpson immediately before and after the Trump Tower meeting is totally white washed out of the narrative and even the Mueller report best I can tell. It absolutely screams of setup and reference your own spy novel innuendo fits perfectly. So we have a Russian attorney coordinating with a UK national paid for by the opposing candidate and feeding data to the FBI. What the actual hell?!

But... crickets....
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Or maybe this:
Then Barr lied to Congress? That’s your implication?

The article also reminds us of this point.

Barr has repeatedly said he does not object to Mueller testifying, and Trump has left the decision up to the attorney general — though the president voiced objection to Mueller’s public appearance over the weekend when he wrote on Twitter that the special counsel “should not testify.”

And do not even try to deflect to the last sentence. His deference to Barr and Barr’s stated lack of objection puts this on Mueller and only Mueller.
I seriously doubt that is the case. The Muell is supposed to step down any day now so just what power would Barr have to stop him?
Velo beat me to it, but he still answers to Barr. They didn't specify what the holdup was, but that very will could be it.
Maybe you missed this part. She said he isn’t credible and it was ignored or buried. Maybe you’ve missed the other stories about his info being a bunch of crap too.
“It is important to note that the FBI swore on Oct. 21, 2016, to the FISA judges that Steele's "reporting has been corroborated and used in criminal proceedings" and the FBI has determined him to be "reliable" and was "unaware of any derogatory information pertaining" to their informant, who simultaneously worked for Fusion GPS, the firm paid by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Clinton campaign to find Russian dirt on Trump.”

Went back and skimmed the oped again. Still don’t see it. What I see is exactly what I wrote. She said he was wrong about the money going through Miami, because there’s no Miami consulate.

Solomon calls this a “key fact.” That might have been true if they had been applying for search warrants in Miami.

Otherwise it’s pretty irrelevant given that there actually was a Russian effort to influence the campaign and carter page actually was running around Russia meeting with Russian business people and offering to put them in touch with the campaign.

Parts of the dossier were proven false. Just as false as this narrative that that invalidates a warrant.
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Went back and skimmed the oped again. Still don’t see it. What I see is exactly what I wrote. She said he was wrong about the money going through Miami, which Solomon calls a “key fact.” That might have been true if they had been applying for search warrants in Miami.

It’s yellow journalism.
He said it’s key because 10 days later it was said Steele was reliable and his info had been corroborated. Maybe it was all a mistake but if that shoe were in the ther foot the Dems would be going nuts and you better believe it would be all over CNN and MSNBC.
Per the article:
“He will come at some point. If it’s necessary, we will subpoena him and he will come,” Nadler said later.

When you get to the point where you are having to subpoena your supposedly “ star witness “ that is going to supposedly turn the whole thing around for you .... you probably should rethink what you are doing .
He said it’s key because 10 days later it was said Steele was reliable and his info had been corroborated.

No, that’s not at all what he said.

He said she noted there was no consulate in Miami, which HE said was a “key claim about Trump-Russia collusion.”

What does the 10 days have to do with this being a “key claim?” Nothing. It’s only a “key claim” if it’s an essential element of what he’s setting forth. It wasn’t. The essential elements were that Carter page was meeting with the Russians and that the Russians were trying to influence the election.

He’s making mountains out of mole hills. The fact that this is where the narrative has gone on this issue is even more convincing that it’s total ********.

It probably would be all over CNN and MSNBC. I thought those weren’t credible news sources around here, so why does that matter?

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