Mueller Report Imminent

He’s done all three so Moscow or Vladivostok ?
I haven't heard him do #3 and come on, even after all this time, he will still waver on #2.... As far as #1 is concerned, sanctions were finally imposed after Congress had passed a veto-proof majority vote in both chambers but even then, deadlines were missed and Trump derided the sanctions as being "unconstitutional". Even though they weren't.
I haven't heard him do #3 and come on, even after all this time, he will still waver on #2.... As far as #1 is concerned, sanctions were finally imposed after Congress had passed a veto-proof majority vote in both chambers but even then, deadlines were missed and Trump derided the sanctions as being "unconstitutional". Even though they weren't.

Of course you haven’t 9D6816E6-6776-4612-AEA8-A45F4A29A8F9.gif
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That's not really the point and "moving on" is the last thing we should do. Preventive measures should be taken to make sure this doesn't happen again, when vote counts could be changed. Trump wants to bury his head in the sand over Russian meddling because he thinks it de-legitimizes his victory (or perhaps the 'impressiveness' or 'magnitude' of his victory). Trump's response to the conclusions of Russian meddling has always been to deny it happened, take Putin's word that it didn't happen or to simply ignore the question and act like it is not important. That is not leadership. That is an egotistical person more concerned with the perception of his personal victory than he is in protecting our electoral process from intrusion.

...and yes, Obama should have done much more (Hell, anything at all?) in 2016 in response to Russia's meddling. His leadership was incredibly weak and ineffective as well.

But I bet you’re against voter ID’s.
When they say it's not a ploy, it's a ploy.

Yep, just like every person who gets pulled over and says "Ok, I'm going to be honest with you" or "Alright I'm going to tell you the truth".

Every episode of Cops and now LivePD, of which I have seen them all, this is always my favorite laughable minute when the cop internally is like "Lord, here we go, what crap is about to come out of this mouth".
Yep, just like every person who gets pulled over and says "Ok, I'm going to be honest with you" or "Alright I'm going to tell you the truth".

Every episode of Cops and now LivePD, of which I have seen them all, this is always my favorite laughable minute when the cop internally is like "Lord, here we go, what crap is about to come out of this mouth".
I like the ones that start out "believe me" "trust me" (insert Trump tweet here).

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