Mueller Report Imminent

There is no such thing as a moderate in today's dem party
I work with a few “Dems” and they’re moderate. When I take off my red hat VN persona I still claim the “moderate” label myself but I’ll admit I’ve definitely gone farther right over the last two years.

We actually discuss politics over lunch. We laugh at Trump (mostly on twitter spam) and we laugh at Nadler, Mad Max, Schumer too. It goes a long way in discussion when a side will own their own “geniuses”.
I work with a few “Dems” and they’re moderate. When I take off my red hat VN persona I still claim the “moderate” label myself but I’ll admit I’ve definitely gone farther right over the last two years.

We actually discuss politics over lunch. We laugh at Trump (mostly on twitter spam) and we laugh at Nadler, Mad Max, Schumer too. It goes a long way in discussion when a side will own their own “geniuses”.
Oh I know the R party has moderates, the left continues to move further and further left. The base is very radical. The ones I know that used to call themselves moderate democrats now call themselves Trump supporters.
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Does it make sense that then-Governor Rick Scott (R) didn't know about this? He denied Nelson's claim last year and said that Nelson was just "trying to stoke fear" about Russian meddling. If Scott didn't know this had happened, he obviously should have known.

Well, at least we now have a President, who takes this threat seriously and will not tolerate any future Russian intrusion into United States' elections. I mean, if Trump was to have a conversation with Putin, he would definitely at least mention this meddling, right? Trump would never just take Putin's word over that of his own DNI that Russia hadn't meddled in the past and had no intention of doing so in the future either? No, that would never happen.

Two Florida counties were hacked by Russians during the 2016 elections, but the security breach was “nothing that affected the vote count,” Gov. Ron DeSantis said at a press conference on Tuesday.
You have got to have more common sense than what you show.

Sure they are experienced Federal judges that can read. But they were brought a bunch of lies and made up BS for the warrants. Just because they can read doesn't mean they knew it was a lie.

On the flipside, did they know it was BS and lies and still issue the warrants?

Coming soon to a theater near you! 🍿
Kinda hard to tell since he never has any original thoughts, all of his posts are just left wing twitter loons
Soon it will be anyone who didn't vote for Trump is guilty of treason.

It's not like the Dem's haven't spent the last 2 plus years saying anyone who didn't buy into their accusations were guilty of the same thing, along with many other adjectives and decriptors.

And, the "Government" owes allegiance to the rule of law, and to follow through on punishing those who break, misuse, and abuse the law. Especially, those who are there to uphold it as apolitical, indpendent, and free from personal prejudices.
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If the US was worried about Trump's relationship with Putin as a political candidate/businessman or had evidence that gave them concern, wouldn't the President and/or the state department be entitled to have the FBI/CIA spy on him? Our policy at that time opposed Putin and Russia in almost every facet.
If the US was worried about Trump's relationship with Putin as a political candidate/businessman or had evidence that gave them concern, wouldn't the President and/or the state department be entitled to have the FBI/CIA spy on him? Our policy at that time opposed Putin and Russia in almost every facet.

Sure, as long as the evidence isn't fabricated political opposition research.
If the US was worried about Trump's relationship with Putin as a political candidate/businessman or had evidence that gave them concern, wouldn't the President and/or the state department be entitled to have the FBI/CIA spy on him? Our policy at that time opposed Putin and Russia in almost every facet.

I see no problem with looking into and exploring. However, the evidence part, the real important part, needs to be there to validate how far you go with the investigation, or if it even merits further investigation.

All politicians should be held to the same vigor and fury concerning their backgrounds and scrutiny should be of the highest order considering their positions and security clearences. But, very few in D.C. want that.
He committed treason and got out of it only because he ratted out Trump. Pretty much all there is to say.

No he didn’t.

Whenever you start having trouble dealing with facts remember this one: Mueller has nothing to show on the collusion / treason front despite years of investigating. There was no there there.

Nada. Zip. Zilch. Goose egg.

The esteemed Mueller, Schiff, the media, were all chasing a ghost, a figment of Hillary and Obama’s imagination.
No one was tricked. FISA judges are experienced federal judges who can read.

The only people being duped are those taking legal studies at Trump University.

Yes they were. The FISA judges were lied to explicitly and by omission.

They used the Steele Dossier while claiming it was verified. It was not.

They also left out the known credibility problems with it and who funded it.

Either one of those would have squashed the FISA application.

It was as easy as leaking the dossier to friendlies in the media and using their reporting on it as verification.

They were duped. As were you, Tweety Bird.

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