Mueller Report Imminent

FISA court needs to be disbanded. If it’s that easy to dupe the court it just needs to go.

I doubt this was the first abuse of the system. I wonder how many innocent people have been targeted using their means?

No one was tricked. FISA judges are experienced federal judges who can read.

The only people being duped are those taking legal studies at Trump University.
No one was tricked. FISA judges are experienced federal judges who can read.

That's a question being asked by very important people right now. Either they were tricked, or they were complicit to sign off on spying against a presidential campaign by the party in power, during an election, and continue that spying after he was elected.
No one was tricked. FISA judges are experienced federal judges who can read.

The only people being duped are those taking legal studies at Trump University.
You have got to have more common sense than what you show.

Sure they are experienced Federal judges that can read. But they were brought a bunch of lies and made up BS for the warrants. Just because they can read doesn't mean they knew it was a lie.

On the flipside, did they know it was BS and lies and still issue the warrants?

Coming soon to a theater near you! 🍿
Former national security adviser Michael Flynn told investigators that people linked to the Trump administration and Congress reached out to him in an effort to interfere in the Russia probe, according to newly-unredacted court papers filed Thursday.
The court filing from special counsel Robert Mueller is believed to mark the first public acknowledgement that a person connected to Capitol Hill was suspected of engaging in an attempt to impede the investigation into Russian election interference.

“The defendant informed the government of multiple instances, both before and after his guilty plea, where either he or his attorneys received communications from persons connected to the Administration or Congress that could’ve affected both his willingness to cooperate and the completeness of that cooperation,” the court papers say.

Flynn told Mueller that people tied to Trump and Congress tried to obstruct probe

Emmet Sullivan, federal judge, orders parts of Mueller report unredacted, made public
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Former national security adviser Michael Flynn told investigators that people linked to the Trump administration and Congress reached out to him in an effort to interfere in the Russia probe, according to newly-unredacted court papers filed Thursday.
The court filing from special counsel Robert Mueller is believed to mark the first public acknowledgement that a person connected to Capitol Hill was suspected of engaging in an attempt to impede the investigation into Russian election interference.

“The defendant informed the government of multiple instances, both before and after his guilty plea, where either he or his attorneys received communications from persons connected to the Administration or Congress that could’ve affected both his willingness to cooperate and the completeness of that cooperation,” the court papers say.

Flynn told Mueller that people tied to Trump and Congress tried to obstruct probe

Emmet Sullivan, federal judge, orders parts of Mueller report unredacted, made public
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Former national security adviser Michael Flynn told investigators that people linked to the Trump administration and Congress reached out to him in an effort to interfere in the Russia probe, according to newly-unredacted court papers filed Thursday.
The court filing from special counsel Robert Mueller is believed to mark the first public acknowledgement that a person connected to Capitol Hill was suspected of engaging in an attempt to impede the investigation into Russian election interference.

“The defendant informed the government of multiple instances, both before and after his guilty plea, where either he or his attorneys received communications from persons connected to the Administration or Congress that could’ve affected both his willingness to cooperate and the completeness of that cooperation,” the court papers say.

Flynn told Mueller that people tied to Trump and Congress tried to obstruct probe

Emmet Sullivan, federal judge, orders parts of Mueller report unredacted, made public
More proof of attempts to obstruct. I'm guessing that's why hundreds of prosecutors and ex DOJ have signed off on the letter saying there is ample evidence to prosecute.
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More proof of attempts to obstruct. I'm guessing that's why hundreds of prosecutors and ex DOJ have signed off on the letter saying there is ample evidence to prosecute.
Nah, DIMs have a much bigger problem with their treasonous acts. I doubt anything comes from Flynn. Remember they accused him of lying and many FBI Officials said that he didn't. He may have said some things to keep Mueller away from his family. We'll see what else comes out about this. My guess is it will not go the way you are hoping and we'll find coercion by the 13 angry DIMs.
Nah, DIMs have a much bigger problem with their treasonous acts. I doubt anything comes from Flynn. Remember they accused him of lying and many FBI Officials said that he didn't. He may have said some things to keep Mueller away from his family. We'll see what else comes out about this. My guess is it will not go the way you are hoping and we'll find coercion by the 13 angry DIMs.
We'll see. I honestly don't really care very much. The damage is mostly irreversible at this point. People have dug in, fortified their positions, and drawn a line in the sand.
All in, cards on the table.
More proof of attempts to obstruct. I'm guessing that's why hundreds of prosecutors and ex DOJ have signed off on the letter saying there is ample evidence to prosecute.
The OIG report will come out soon and most of the diehards are relying on it to link a corrupt Republican FBI official to the Democrats in a diabolical scheme to spy on the Trump Campaign and keep Trump out of office.
The OIG report will come out soon and most of the diehards are relying on it to link a corrupt Republican FBI official to the Democrats in a diabolical scheme to spy on the Trump Campaign and keep Trump out of office.
NB4 the OIG was in on it.
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We'll see. I honestly don't really care very much. The damage is mostly irreversible at this point. People have dug in, fortified their positions, and drawn a line in the sand.
All in, cards on the table.
Pretty much. Those that like Trump will give him the benefit of the doubt and those that hate Trump will not. It's those in between that matter.
The OIG report will come out soon and most of the diehards are relying on it to link a corrupt Republican FBI official to the Democrats in a diabolical scheme to spy on the Trump Campaign and keep Trump out of office.
If I had to guess, Horowitz will find some wrong doing in the FBI and DOJ while under the Obama Administration. Too much smoke. Both sides may be a bit disappointed though as to what is found\reported. I know the DIMs, Comey, Attorney James Baker, and even Brennan are very worried, which is part of the reason they are throwing each other under the bus lately.
That’s what I’m thinking. It was stupid all around. If NY and VA want to be baby killing states let them.
I absolutely think issues like abortion should be a state issue and the Feds should stay out of it. But that horse got out of the barn in 1973 and wanting to re-litigate everything will alienate moderates from both parties.
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Former national security adviser Michael Flynn told investigators that people linked to the Trump administration and Congress reached out to him in an effort to interfere in the Russia probe, according to newly-unredacted court papers filed Thursday.
The court filing from special counsel Robert Mueller is believed to mark the first public acknowledgement that a person connected to Capitol Hill was suspected of engaging in an attempt to impede the investigation into Russian election interference.

“The defendant informed the government of multiple instances, both before and after his guilty plea, where either he or his attorneys received communications from persons connected to the Administration or Congress that could’ve affected both his willingness to cooperate and the completeness of that cooperation,” the court papers say.

Flynn told Mueller that people tied to Trump and Congress tried to obstruct probe

Emmet Sullivan, federal judge, orders parts of Mueller report unredacted, made public
BOMBSHELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IMPEACH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's a question being asked by very important people right now. Either they were tricked, or they were complicit to sign off on spying against a presidential campaign by the party in power, during an election, and continue that spying after he was elected.


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