Mueller Report Imminent

I'd say she's doing her job pretty well, especially if it's getting the red-hats to squirm.

So that’s her job?

That’s what you expect from a congress woman?

She has a chance to end the man you despise but she just likes making red-hats squirm?

She is doing a disservice to this country and the constitution she swore to uphold if she has all this evidence of collusion and obstruction that you and constituents claim and doesn’t want impeach because you think she makes a group of people squirm.

You seem like a man of integrity. Do you believe that Lynch, Comey, Obama, and the clintons, should be charged with obstruction?
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So that’s her job?

That’s what you expect from a congress woman?

She has a chance to end the man you despise but she just likes making red-hats squirm?

She is doing a disservice to this country and the constitution she swore to uphold if she has all this evidence of collusion and obstruction that you and constituents claim and doesn’t want impeach because you think she makes a group of people squirm.

You seem like a man of integrity. Do you believe that Lynch, Comey, Obama, and the clintons, should be charged with obstruction?

I'd say she's doing to the red hats exactly what the red hat's love about trumps approach to 'the liberals'.

I think Hillary Clinton should be serving time, yes. The rest, not so much.
On a scale of 1 to AOC, how mad are you guys that Mueller just wiped his ass on Barrs shirt? Mueller's integrity is the gift that keeps giving.

I don’t care about Barr, Mueller, or this investigation.... It is idiotic and typical politics nowadays.
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Lol @ the Mueller hate by the Trump sycophants. Bob is an American hero, his morning bowel movements have more class and character than the whole of the Trump family lineage.

I can hear him commenting on his bowel movement now. “I can’t say it smelled like sh!t.....but I can’t say it didn’t either”.
Yesterday's Dog and Pony Show was for you guys. Worked too! Got you guys ALL stirred up. It is fun to watch.

I guess what you see depends on where you sit. Watching trump and his henchmen attempt damage control is downright Orwellian.
I can hear him commenting on his bowel movement now. “I can’t say it smelled like sh!t.....but I can’t say it didn’t either”.

The irony is that is exactly what he could say and the fact you won't (or can't) grasp that is amusing.
Changing the topic doesn't refute the fact that you lie all the time about the people that you oppose, including myself and Amash. The irony is Trump is 100x the socialist Amash is.
fact is you have fallen into the liberal trap by socialist hacks, not surprising
Senate Republicans need to grow a spine and subpoena Mueller for testimony. If he refuses, then hold him in contempt.

Mueller has held this country hostage for 2 years, and now he just gets a free pass? No effing way.

Come on Reps.
Senate Republicans need to grow a spine and subpoena Mueller for testimony. If he refuses, then hold him in contempt.

Mueller has held this country hostage for 2 years, and now he just gets a free pass? No effing way.

Come on Reps.
What good does that do? He's put out a 400 page report that tells us what he thinks about every conceivable question.
Senate Republicans need to grow a spine and subpoena Mueller for testimony. If he refuses, then hold him in contempt.

Mueller has held this country hostage for 2 years, and now he just gets a free pass? No effing way.

Come on Reps.

Mueller has done everything that he was tasked by the people's representatives to do. The anger the media pundits have stirred up on you is really a you problem, until yesterday I don't recall ever hearing his voice, had you? He did his job and gave it to them to digest.
Senate Republicans need to grow a spine and subpoena Mueller for testimony. If he refuses, then hold him in contempt.

Mueller has held this country hostage for 2 years, and now he just gets a free pass? No effing way.

Come on Reps.

Trump should be demanding it too, right? Why isn't he? Has he? Did I miss it?
What good does that do? He's put out a 400 page report that tells us what he thinks about every conceivable question.
It would clear up the discrepancy between Barr's testimony to Congress and what Mueller said, for one.

And, he really didn't tell us what he thought, did he? He only presented the evidence gathered. He never once recommended a course of action.

However, with the press conference yesterday, he opened the door for impeachment by the Dems.
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What good does that do? He's put out a 400 page report that tells us what he thinks about every conceivable question.

I think he should testify. But he made it clear yesterday he's not going to volunteering a lot of information.
I think he should testify. But he made it clear yesterday he's not going to volunteering a lot of information.
I think he should too as a matter of procedure, but given his statement, I don't see the point. It'll be hours of grandstanding with him saying "I refer you to my report" 100 times.
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I think he should testify. But he made it clear yesterday he's not going to volunteering a lot of information.

Hell yes he should testify, if subpoenaed. But you're right, he'd just tell them to RTFM, like they should be doing.
I thought it needed to be looked at bc it was messed up so badly but after the initial investigation.... it was just as dumb as this.

That did not seem to be the view of the bulk of your brethren at the time. What was it, ten separate investigations into the same exact thing?

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