Mueller Report Imminent

He has the power to investigate, bring it on. Of course he's probably just making hay from innuendo.
Barr is acting as Trump's minion. Nothing more or less. Barr is a political partisan. Barr shot his credibility with his misrepresentation of the Mueller report. He will not be taken seriously by anyone who isn't also a Trump minion.
Simple. Mueller implied that the only reason he didn’t charge Trump is because he is President. He said the exact opposite to Barr with witnesses present. That is a specific example that immediately calls into question his integrity. He chose to say nothing for quite a while and when he finally speaks his words are not consistent with what he said previously.

Mueller stated charging the president was never an option due to DOJ guidelines. If Mueller "said the exact opposite" to Barr surely you can cite that source?

The fact that you state "he chose to say nothing" regarding what he's "done for a while" is your tell, he's remained silent - as any competent special investigator should. That you'd see leaking tidbits here and there (without a complete report) as an option is amusing and speaks to the very integrity that you question.

Now, if you can cite the source that has Mueller explicitly stating that he'd charge the president if he could, I'd appreciate it.
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I don't know if your characterization of Barr is a very accurate representation. Seems that your opinion is colored by the decisions he has made that goes against your predilections. Did you watch that interview of Barr after Mueller had his press conference?

Here so you can say that you did.

William Barr interview: Read the full transcript
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Mueller stated charging the president was never an option due to DOJ guidelines. If Mueller "said the exact opposite" to Barr surely you can cite that source?

The fact that you state "he chose to say nothing" regarding what he's "done for a while" is your tell, he's remained silent - as any competent special investigator should. That you'd see leaking tidbits here and there (without a complete report) as an option is amusing and speaks to the very integrity that you question.

Now, if you can cite the source that has Mueller explicitly stating that he'd charge the president if he could, I'd appreciate it.

Am I the one who feels like Mueller didn’t do all the things Trumpets wanted to criticize him for, so now they’re just criticizing him for not doing them, instead?
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Barr is acting as Trump's minion. Nothing more or less. Barr is a political partisan. Barr shot his credibility with his misrepresentation of the Mueller report. He will not be taken seriously by anyone who isn't also a Trump minion.

How would YOU possibly know that? You are just regurgitating what you have heard. The entire group of investigators, including Mueller, were in the tank for the Democratic party. Did you have any problem with that? No, that was great wasn't it. Now you are pointing fingers at the AG, how absurd. We want total bias in our investigations, no wait, we want no bias in our investigations , no wait...who is being investigated again? Make up your mind!
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