Mueller Report Imminent

How would YOU possibly know that? You are just regurgitating what you have heard. The entire group of investigators, including Mueller, were in the tank for the Democratic party. Did you have any problem with that? No, that was great wasn't it. Now you are pointing fingers at the AG, how absurd. We want total bias in our investigations, no wait, we want no bias in our investigations , no wait...who is being investigated again? Make up your mind!

Seems as if BB does not acknowledge the fact that ALL AGs are appointed and serve on the sitting president's cabinet.
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Barr is acting as Trump's minion. Nothing more or less. Barr is a political partisan. Barr shot his credibility with his misrepresentation of the Mueller report. He will not be taken seriously by anyone who isn't also a Trump minion.

Funny >>> that's what all the people on the loony left have to say about it..........this isn't something of a surprise.
But, thanks for the loony left talking points for the day.
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Seems as if BB does not acknowledge the fact that ALL AGs are appointed and serve on the sitting president's cabinet.
It is not the job of the United States Attorney General to act as the personal defense attorney for the President of the United States... or to act as the de-facto Press Secretary and spin doctor for the President of the United States, but those are all of the services that Barr is currently providing for Donald Trump.
Barr is like some stooge out of a banana republic. Not someone who could possibly spear head anything of consequence. This is what he had to do to get his job. He is a fat little flunky. soon as Barr says something you loony lefties like he'll be your hero forever. Hypocrite.
It is not the job of the United States Attorney General to act as the personal defense attorney for the President of the United States... or to act as the de-facto Press Secretary and spin doctor for the President of the United States, but those are all of the services that Barr is currently providing for Donald Trump.

I bet you a cheeseburger w/fries you were in total love w/Eric Holder.
Mueller stated charging the president was never an option due to DOJ guidelines. If Mueller "said the exact opposite" to Barr surely you can cite that source?

The fact that you state "he chose to say nothing" regarding what he's "done for a while" is your tell, he's remained silent - as any competent special investigator should. That you'd see leaking tidbits here and there (without a complete report) as an option is amusing and speaks to the very integrity that you question.

Now, if you can cite the source that has Mueller explicitly stating that he'd charge the president if he could, I'd appreciate it.
Perhaps you missed the word “implied”. I never said Mueller said he would charge the President if he could. You missed what I was saying. This week Mueller implied that he would charge the President if not for DOJ guidelines. Previously, he told Barr, with witnesses present, that the DOJ guidelines had no bearing on Mueller’s decision to not state Trump had committed a crime. Maybe Mueller is playing the semantics game to get everyone off his back but his behavior is odd at best and certainly raises red flags when he tells Barr one thing and the public another. You can find your own sources on that as that is widely known. And if Mueller didn’t intend on stirring the pot then why not stay silent? As he stated, his report conveyed his entire thought process. 440+ pages is enough.
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Pelosi will not pursue impeachment because she knows it will hand control of the House right back to the R's. Swing voters will see this as highly partisan, impeachment talk will overshadow any positive thing that the dems will do legislatively, Senate will dismiss any impeachment resolution passed by the House anyway.

You could possibly get the obstruction to maybe stick for a article for impeachment if only you had evidence that the Trump campaign conspired with the Russians in with the election.

So in other words there was no collusion?

So the dems have no proof of anything that has been claimed for over 2 years?
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Because the President cannot be found to have committed a crime, the president may have committed impeachable offenses, but it’s not Robert Mueller’s job to hold him accountable because the president was elected by the people and Mueller was not.

If congress has the proof they need to impeach.
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Barr is acting as Trump's minion. Nothing more or less. Barr is a political partisan. Barr shot his credibility with his misrepresentation of the Mueller report. He will not be taken seriously by anyone who isn't also a Trump minion.

That was Barry and Holder
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It is not the job of the United States Attorney General to act as the personal defense attorney for the President of the United States... or to act as the de-facto Press Secretary and spin doctor for the President of the United States, but those are all of the services that Barr is currently providing for Donald Trump.

Is it their job to tell the FBI not to charge a guilty person?
Oh no, Barr was Trump's handpicked Attorney General, unlike all the previous ones. I heard it on tv.

Unlike the one he handpicked that wouldn't do his bidding and was thrown under the bus. I think Sessions is a weasel, but he got one thing right.
I don't believe that I have ever used the term "fake news." Having said that, most of the news media has egg on their faces from false stories.

You should start using it more 72. It drives people crazy when you can prove they are lying.

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