Mueller Report Imminent

Congress is the only entity that can proceed. Trump was not exonerated for a reason. What other reason makes sense? Mueller, in so many words, said if Trump were found innocent, he would have said so. He wasn't exonerated on either subject, although Trump would have us believe so.
What are you talking about? Innocent until proven guilty, remember?
Obviously, the better way to reach an impeachment is to investigate him for a decade old real estate deal and then charge him with perjury after he lies about an affair with a consenting adult.

Whitewater and Clinton's impeachment had nothing to do with each other. You can say Whitewater was a waste of time and money, just as Mueller's investigation was a waste of time and money, but there is no reasonable argument against Bill Clinton's impeachment. It didn't come about because of Whitewater.

Clinton was sued by Paula Jones for sexual harassment. He gave a sworn deposition in the case. In an attempt to establish pattern of behavior, Jones' lawyer asked him about an affair with Monica.(they'd been tipped off by Linda Tripp) Under oath, Clinton said he had never had sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky. Under oath, he lied. He also suggested to Monica that she lie. Physical evidence(including recorded conversations and the infamous dress) existed that the President of the United States had committed crimes. There was no guessing. He then admitted to it.

So faced with evidence of a crime, and then admission of a crime, what course of action should have been taken? The farce of it all is not that he was impeached, but that in the face of overwhelming evidence, no Democrats in the Senate voted to convict, making it impossible to reach the two thirds majority needed. The man admitted to the crime, so how could he have been found not guilty?

If that is the precedent to follow, then I see no way whatsoever that there is a real case against Trump. There was a rock solid case against Clinton, while Trump's case is circumstantial at best. The biggest difference is more people loved Clinton while more people loathe Trump. Not liking him is not justification for impeachment and removal from office. He won the election. If you want him out of office, beat him in the next election.
It is not the job of the United States Attorney General to act as the personal defense attorney for the President of the United States... or to act as the de-facto Press Secretary and spin doctor for the President of the United States, but those are all of the services that Barr is currently providing for Donald Trump.

You really are going to make somebody do the Holder as Obama's wing man thing again, aren't you. You must never tire of hearing about your heroes, and their glorious missions together ... like Fast and Furious.
You really are going to make somebody do the Holder as Obama's wing man thing again, aren't you. You must never tire of hearing about your heroes, and their glorious missions together ... like Fast and Furious.

It was already done some pages're late to the party AM64.
It is not the job of the United States Attorney General to act as the personal defense attorney for the President of the United States... or to act as the de-facto Press Secretary and spin doctor for the President of the United States, but those are all of the services that Barr is currently providing for Donald Trump.
I don't disagree with what you're saying, but I question why you never made such statements when a Democrat was in the Oval Office? Do you want accountability because it's the right thing, or do you want accountability because it's Trump? Obama and his staff participated in questionable behavior as well without a peep from those on the left. Accountability should be an across the board thing with partisanship being a non-issue. When you defend the questionable actions of one while damning the questionable actions of another, it's hard to see your argument as credible. If it's wrong, it's wrong no matter who does it. People in your own party shouldn't get a free pass.
If congress has the proof they need to impeach.

Nope. That mandate comes from the public. People knew Trump was a grifter when they elected him and there are enough who don’t think his conduct is impeachable that impeachment is not required.
Nope. That mandate comes from the public. People knew Trump was a grifter when they elected him and there are enough who don’t think his conduct is impeachable that impeachment is not required.
Congratulations! Your mainstream "mockingbird" media mind control programming is complete!

Remember - orange man bad!

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