Mueller Report Imminent

Does the case look closed?
That particular case is closed. Now the Dems in the House are looking to launch several questionable investigations. I say questionable because I question just how much power should the House have to look into every aspect of a President's life, including those that go beyond his duty as POTUS. That exceeds checks and balance, IMO, and sets the stage for future Presidents to face the same type of investigations. In other words, it will become a political tool to unseat Presidents of opposing parties. Is that the road we want to go down?

Better to try and beat him in 2020 than to upset the system, IMO.
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Yeah, I wish he would keep his trap shut and stop twatting. But, he's no dirtier than his predecessor or opponent.

If we are strictly talking about dirty mouths, he is the clear winner.. As far as crooked, it's always gonna be about how well you CYA.
Nah, I think he should stop falling back on the "well, I didn't do it, so..." excuse for not complying with lawful inquiries.. but, if it's working for him, he's not about to change tactics. As a matter of principal, I think impeachment is warranted. As a matter of politics, I guess the big brains think they shouldn't.

As a matter of opinion, his unparalleled transparency seems rather opaque.
And you don't think those on the right got tired of hearing Barry? It's a matter of politics that no one ever likes what the opposition is saying. Grow thicker skin.

As far as it goes, all Trump's claims he's different, are you really that surprised he's not? Please. tell me, what President has really ran a transparent administration? That's a false promise candidates love to make, but it will never see reality. Anyone choosing to believe that is foolish. So what, he hasn't lived up to things he campaigned on, and he exaggerates and tells lies? OMG. We've never had a POTUS like that. BS. Every POTUS I can remember has been like that. Other than his love of hearing himself talk, I don't see how Trump is much different than recent past Presidents. Sure, the House should have the votes to impeach him for attempting to obstruct, but nothing he's done has warranted removal from office. Realize, I'm basing that off the case of Clinton, who also obstructed justice along with perjury. If that didn't warrant removal, then neither does this.
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Yeah, I wish he would keep his trap shut and stop twatting. But, he's no dirtier than his predecessor or opponent.
Very much this. I'm of the opinion Presidents should be banned from Twitter. Really all politicians, IMO, at least while in office. Must be better ways to spend their time.
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Take your time. I really would like to know what "most corrupt" looks like in your mind.
Look into it yourself and try to keep an open mind. Then ask yourself how much you believe in coincidence? When does coincidence become a pattern? And no, that's not a reference to the deaths.
And you don't think those on the right got tired of hearing Barry? It's a matter of politics that no one ever likes what the opposition is saying. Grow thicker skin.

As far as it goes, all Trump's claims he's different, are you really that surprised he's not? Please. tell me, what President has really ran a transparent administration? That's a false promise candidates love to make, but it will never see reality. Anyone choosing to believe that is foolish. So what, he hasn't lived up to things he campaigned on, and he exaggerates and tells lies? OMG. We've never had a POTUS like that. BS. Every POTUS I can remember has been like that. Other than his love of hearing himself talk, I don't see how Trump is much different than recent past Presidents. Sure, the House should have the votes to impeach him for attempting to obstruct, but nothing he's done has warranted removal from office. Realize, I'm basing that off the case of Clinton, who also obstructed justice along with perjury. If that didn't warrant removal, then neither does this.

I'll just say matters of opinion are just that. The differences between WJ Clinton and DJ Trump are not a matter of opinion, because Trump has yet to have impeachment initiated.

Now, for example, if it happens that Trump has been laundering Russian money (before, or during the 2016 election), should we wait for him to leave office to pursue penalties. This is a hypothetical, but also, would it warrant further investigation?
I'll just say matters of opinion are just that. The differences between WJ Clinton and DJ Trump are not a matter of opinion, because Trump has yet to have impeachment initiated.

Now, for example, if it happens that Trump has been laundering Russian money (before, or during the 2016 election), should we wait for him to leave office to pursue penalties. This is a hypothetical, but also, would it warrant further investigation?
Where is this laundering Russian money coming from? First I've heard of this. Has a credible accusation been made or is this another out of left field, political move?
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A LOT more people feel the same about Trump.

Maybe and maybe not. Generally presidential approval ratings run well ahead of congress. Most likely because all of us select the president while much smaller groups select members of congress like "Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff, Maxine Waters and Jerry Nadler" I'm guessing outside of their schiff holes, they would stand about as much chance of winning an election as an ice cube in hell. Not a one of them would beat Trump in a head to head election across the country.
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Look into it yourself and try to keep an open mind. Then ask yourself how much you believe in coincidence? When does coincidence become a pattern? And no, that's not a reference to the deaths.
You use false equivalence to make a comparative analysis and treat all the coincidences around the Trump campaign and Russia as if they were in a vacuum.
Yep, Pelosi is far more adroit than people give her credit for. She's playing both sides, and will keep it up until voting time. She plays Trump like a cheap drum every day, then makes nice with the lefties. This isn't her first rodeo.

Pelosi is simply a lifetime politician who learned how to play the game ... no different from a chimp or other animal in the jungle. Some of the most adroit congressional leaders have also been men of little moral fiber ... LBJ comes to mind as one great example.
Some have even written and can read books.

Yeah, lots of politicians write books that nobody would read if not for the notoriety ... and likely some are sold as "something of great value" to cover a bribe. Something like speaking fees that should go to the treasury not to an individual ... to use O's version "he/she didn't make that" ... only some words about time in office to give those willing to put up bundles of money to be seen as important (like a royal court made up of jesters). Somehow it seems like the "intellectual property" sold by Clinton or Obama or any number of others really belongs to us, and I would think that theft of our property in exchange for $100K plus speaking fees is grand theft.
Why do you keep glossing over the fact no collusion was found? Sure, you can argue the attempts of obstruction, but still, no collusion was found. The funny thing is, the attempts of obstruction happened during an investigation that turned out to be unwarranted.

Considering the beginnings, I'd say the Mueller witch hunt wasn't just unwarranted but that it was actually criminal.
Yeah, lots of politicians write books that nobody would read if not for the notoriety ... and likely some are sold as "something of great value" to cover a bribe. Something like speaking fees that should go to the treasury not to an individual ... to use O's version "he/she didn't make that" ... only some words about time in office to give those willing to put up bundles of money to be seen as important (like a royal court made up of jesters). Somehow it seems like the "intellectual property" sold by Clinton or Obama or any number of others really belongs to us, and I would think that theft of our property in exchange for $100K plus speaking fees is grand theft.
I take it you're not expecting any "intellectual property" dividends from Trump.
I take it you're not expecting any "intellectual property" dividends from Trump.

Nope, I don't anticipate that any politician or political has been will be attributing intellectual property gained in office to the people who actually paid for it with tax dollars.
Very much this. I'm of the opinion Presidents should be banned from Twitter. Really all politicians, IMO, at least while in office. Must be better ways to spend their time.
I used to agree. I don't any more.

Trump's twitter account is amazingly effective at communicating directly with the American people. He also leverages twitter to pressure foreign leaders and political opposition in the full view of the public.

It's a modern-day fireside chat.
I used to agree. I don't any more.

Trump's twitter account is amazingly effective at communicating directly with the American people. He also leverages twitter to pressure foreign leaders and political opposition in the full view of the public.

It's a modern-day fireside chat.
Let's get this straight, first he is not communicating to you he is telling you what to think, and second Foreign policy by tweet has his own administration not knowing where he stands on foreign policy.
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