"My Pillow" Sues Dominion For $1.6 Billion

While I tend to be libertarian on issues like this, I have to ask this question:

If I, as a private citizen, coerce someone into silence, am I violating their civil rights? If I coerce a group of people as a private citizen, am I? And assume I am not breaking some law to do so, like pointing a gun or making threats such as burning down one's house with them in it, etc.

No, you aren't. If, thru entirely legal means, you entice or coerce or cajole someone to remain silent then that person still willingly sacrificed his opportunity to speak.
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This this this.

I once filed a lawsuit and included in it a questionable claim that I believed I would be able to prove later. During a motion to dismiss that particular count, the Judge looked at me and said, "Son, it's ready, aim, fire not the other way around. Motion granted without prejudice."

As a side note, I have defended a few clients in front of that same judge and when arguing motions dismiss I usually lead with, "A wise man once told me it was "Ready, aim fire, not the other way around." I can just about always catch him smiling as he grants my motion.

Mike’s goofier than an outhouse rat. Almost as crazy as Nuthouse Marjorie Green and that imbecile Maxine Waters. None of them deserve an ounce of attention. They are all on permanent ignore.
Mike opened his “Frank-a-Thon,” an all-day interview, with Dershowitz by announcing that “My Pillow” is suing Dominion for $1.6 billion for violating their First Amendment Right.

Dershowitz explained why Dominion is guilty of violating the First Amendment Rights of Mike Lindell as well as the rights of the media to report the news: “We’re gonna sue you and put you out of business, and we’re not even going to let you see our source codes so you can see what we’re suing you about.”

Dershowitz blasted Dominion for refusing to share its source code. “It’s as if My Pillow ere accused of having some secret poison in its formula, and you couldn’t tell it by just looking at the pillow, and then somehow My Pillow said, we’re not going to give your our formula, we’re going to hide it from you. That’s what they’re trying to do. They’re trying to hide what they’re doing—at the same time that they’re trying to prevent you from entering the marketplace of ideas. They’re in the marketplace of ideas. They’re not only in the marketplace of ideas; they’re in the economic marketplace too. They’re to shut you out of being able to sell your products in stores. They’re trying to silence you, and they’re doing it as the government of the United States. That’s why I’m in this case.

Alan Dershowitz, First Guest On Mike Lindell’s “FRANK” Social Media Platform Drops Bombshell…Announces $1.6 Billion Lawsuit Against Dominion: "It is our right to look at Dominion's source codes"

Isn't Dershowitz part of the liberal pedo cabal?
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Can you believe Trump actually consulted with that crackhead on important national security matters? SMH...
He's going to need all the money he can get to compete against David Hogg's pillow business.

Oh, wait...
Another assumption. Fire aim ready. That's not the only other solution. I'm not suggesting the government is requesting it. I specifically said the people. You just recalled your lesson the judge gave you and you're refusing to apply it.

Well then your issue seems to be a lack of understanding how a government contract operates. I did make the assumption you understood the basics. My bad.
Mike opened his “Frank-a-Thon,” an all-day interview, with Dershowitz by announcing that “My Pillow” is suing Dominion for $1.6 billion for violating their First Amendment Right.

Dershowitz explained why Dominion is guilty of violating the First Amendment Rights of Mike Lindell as well as the rights of the media to report the news: “We’re gonna sue you and put you out of business, and we’re not even going to let you see our source codes so you can see what we’re suing you about.”

Dershowitz blasted Dominion for refusing to share its source code. “It’s as if My Pillow ere accused of having some secret poison in its formula, and you couldn’t tell it by just looking at the pillow, and then somehow My Pillow said, we’re not going to give your our formula, we’re going to hide it from you. That’s what they’re trying to do. They’re trying to hide what they’re doing—at the same time that they’re trying to prevent you from entering the marketplace of ideas. They’re in the marketplace of ideas. They’re not only in the marketplace of ideas; they’re in the economic marketplace too. They’re to shut you out of being able to sell your products in stores. They’re trying to silence you, and they’re doing it as the government of the United States. That’s why I’m in this case.

Alan Dershowitz, First Guest On Mike Lindell’s “FRANK” Social Media Platform Drops Bombshell…Announces $1.6 Billion Lawsuit Against Dominion: "It is our right to look at Dominion's source codes"
That is rather ridiculous. It doesn't take a Harvard Law professor to know that the First Amendment only prohibits the government from abridging the right to free speech. The First Amendment does not prohibit a private company, such as Dominion, or private individuals from restricting speech. Any idiot should know that private companies are not bound by the confines of the First Amendment. Mr. Harvard Law (Dershowitz) has lost his mind.
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"the voice of free speech"

Except they've already listed speech that will get you banned. This guy is a joke

Don't "journalists" sidestep responsibility by claiming what they print is opinion? Does that change the perception of people who read their commentary?
Excuse me? You have presented a problem, you think a private company should release its proprietary information upon government demand. None will comply and, quite frankly, to request it is unamerican. The only solution to your particular problem is for the government to create the code and machines that will run it, but you don't trust the government so that presents the same set of problems to you again.
The government created the laws, processes, and procedures to assure everyone of a free and fair election to begin with so having them make the machines seems like a redundancy.
How long is it going to take courts to start dropping the hammer on people who use them for these publicity stunts?
That is rather ridiculous. It doesn't take a Harvard Law professor to know that the First Amendment only prohibits the government from abridging the right to free speech. The First Amendment does not prohibit a private company, such as Dominion, or private individuals from restricting speech. Any idiot should know that private companies are not bound by the confines of the First Amendment. Mr. Harvard Law (Dershowitz) has lost his mind.

Private companies should not be able to sue you and say you are not allowed to talk about a certain subject and if you do we will put you out of business. That is basically what Dominion has done. I feel fairly confident Mr. Dershowitz probably knows more about the law then me and you put together.
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Same time they go after politicians expressing opinions on ongoing cases publically.
That’s wildly authoritarian considering the politician isn’t subject to the jurisdiction of a court unless he’s a party to one of its cases.

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