NCAA Must Admit Transgender Athletes

I would think feminists would oppose this.

Another case of be careful what you wish for and unintended consequences. Feminists got the balls rolling on "equal rights"; the alphabet gang used that and expanded the definition of "female" ... gender in general. I really want to see feminists stand up against the gender bender generation, and I'm betting they won't.
Another case of be careful what you wish for and unintended consequences. Feminists got the balls rolling on "equal rights"; the alphabet gang used that and expanded the definition of "female" ... gender in general. I really want to see feminists stand up against the gender bender generation, and I'm betting they won't.
They can't, if you stand up for principles you're a bigot. You can't draw lines, there are no more boxes. Up is down, left, right and every other combination possible all at once. Any attempt to point out the obvious is met with feels instead of facts.
According to google, to be a transgender female you don’t actually need an operation. Right?

If that's what they believe, somebody needs to provide them the definition of "transvestite". Of course, definitions being flexible ...
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If that's what they believe, somebody needs to provide them the definition of "transvestite". Of course, definitions being flexible ...
Thanks AM. I’m not familiar with all this, but looking at google’s definition, I can see where a coach would get 5 good male players and put em in drag and win a championship in BBall. That’s crazy. The women’s game just changed for the worst because of this. They’ll have come out with a better definition and rules.
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Let’s not forget the military. If you’re a diabetic, prone to kidney stones, bipolar, or a ton of other treatable ailments you’re automatically disqualified but if you’re a dude with a mental disorder that pretends to be a chic they’ll take you on. All while treating your mental illness to appease you and discriminately catering to your physical and psychological disease to play make believe.
If they allow men with an anotomical advantage to compete against women they should allow those women to use performance enhancing drugs to equal the playing field
Have you seen what estrogen does to women? That is some insane sh1t.
When I go into a public restroom, I just want to use it and get out of it as soon as I can. I really do not care who is standing next to me as long as they don't pea on my shoe. Transsexuals are not exactly known for hanging out in public bathrooms. Why should you or anybody make an issue of a person who just needs to use a restroom?
When I go into a public restroom, I just want to use it and get out of it as soon as I can. I really do not care who is standing next to me as long as they don't pea on my shoe. Transsexuals are not exactly known for hanging out in public bathrooms. Why should you or anybody make an issue of a person who just needs to use a restroom?
I don’t want some freak going in the bathroom at the movies or some other public place when my 13 year old daughter and her friends are in there. What about young kids? They don’t need to see a women flipping out her dick in the bathroom
I don’t want some freak going in the bathroom at the movies or some other public place when my 13 year old daughter and her friends are in there. What about young kids? They don’t need to see a women flipping out her dick in the bathroom

Don't female restrooms have stalls with doors that lock? I doubt they have urinals where women flip out their dicks.
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no - have differing levels depending on ability. Within a level it could be a mix of male/female/whatever.

currently most men's sports do not bar women if they can compete - just extend that with ability levels.

not saying it's perfect

How many basketball teams are you going to have? If you have two based on ability, you're still going to have all men in the lower level. You'll have to have about ten teams before women start figuring into it
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It actually pretty simple, bathrooms are marked “Twigs” and “No Twigs” and for sports “Berries” and “No Berries”
Dress any way you’d like
Don't female restrooms have stalls with doors that lock? I doubt they have urinals where women flip out their dicks.

I don't know. Think back to teenage years - you are likely closer to that than me, but any number of the devil may care type guys would have jumped at the chance for a voyeur afternoon delight ... and in my day there were no cellphones with cameras either. Supporters of the restroom free for all are seriously under-thinking things - not an unusual thing for libs.
Let’s not forget the military. If you’re a diabetic, prone to kidney stones, bipolar, or a ton of other treatable ailments you’re automatically disqualified but if you’re a dude with a mental disorder that pretends to be a chic they’ll take you on. All while treating your mental illness to appease you and discriminately catering to your physical and psychological disease to play make believe.
Marines tossed me because I'm allergic to bee stings
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I don't know. Think back to teenage years - you are likely closer to that than me, but any number of the devil may care type guys would have jumped at the chance for a voyeur afternoon delight ... and in my day there were no cellphones with cameras either. Supporters of the restroom free for all are seriously under-thinking things - not an unusual thing for libs.
Yeah back in those days the only restroom excitement I remember was when one of the hoods set off an M80 in a toilet.

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