NCAA Must Admit Transgender Athletes

From tweet in the OP: "On day 1, Biden unilaterally eviscerates women's sports. Any educational institution that receives federal funding must admit biologically-male athletes to women's teams, women's scholarships, etc. A new glass ceiling was just placed over girls."

Biden did not "unilaterally eviscerate women's sports." The EO does not say a word about sports. It does not say that any school must admit biologically male athletes to women's teams or scholarships. Abigail Shrier, the author of the tweet, just made that up. There is not one word in the Executive Order that even implies such things will happen, not one word mentioned about women's sports or transsexual athletes. Not one word! The tweet is a lie. What in the name of howling dogs is wrong with you people? Are you all crazy?

Here is the Executive Order. Show me where it says what Shrier's tweet says. Show me where it says anything about women's sports.

Executive Order on Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation | The White House
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From tweet in the OP: "On day 1, Biden unilaterally eviscerates women's sports. Any educational institution that receives federal funding must admit biologically-male athletes to women's teams, women's scholarships, etc. A new glass ceiling was just placed over girls."

Biden did not "unilaterally eviscerate women's sports." The EO does not say a word about sports. It does not say that any school must admit biologically male athletes to women's teams or scholarships. Abigail Shrier, the author of the tweet, just made that up. There is not one word in the Executive Order that even implies such things will happen, not one word mentioned about women's sports or transsexual athletes. Not one word! The tweet is a lie. What in the name of howling dogs is wrong with you people? Are you all crazy? Here is the Executive Order. Show me where it says what Shrier's tweet says.

Executive Order on Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation | The White House
"children should be able to learn without worrying about whether they will be denied access to the restroom, the locker room, or school sports."
What is your interpretation of this?
"children should be able to learn without worrying about whether they will be denied access to the restroom, the locker room, or school sports."
What is your interpretation of this?

Why? I do not see that in the EO, so why do you ask?. Lookit, I don't know what will come from this executive order, and the author of the tweet does not know either. It is an order for reviews. There are no recommendations, yet. Maybe those things will come down, but this EO does not tell us what will happen. Will the Administration go as crazy as you think it will? I don't know. But now is not the time to be losing your fudge. Those things have not happened, yet.
From tweet in the OP: "On day 1, Biden unilaterally eviscerates women's sports. Any educational institution that receives federal funding must admit biologically-male athletes to women's teams, women's scholarships, etc. A new glass ceiling was just placed over girls."

Biden did not "unilaterally eviscerate women's sports." The EO does not say a word about sports. It does not say that any school must admit biologically male athletes to women's teams or scholarships. Abigail Shrier, the author of the tweet, just made that up. There is not one word in the Executive Order that even implies such things will happen, not one word mentioned about women's sports or transsexual athletes. Not one word! The tweet is a lie. What in the name of howling dogs is wrong with you people? Are you all crazy?

Here is the Executive Order. Show me where it says what Shrier's tweet says. Show me where it says anything about women's sports.

Executive Order on Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation | The White House
Nice try but everyone knows that EO is for uber liberal policies.
Why? I do not see that in the EO, so why do you ask?. Lookit, I don't know what will come from this executive order, and the author of the tweet does not know either. It is an order for reviews. There are no recommendations, yet. Maybe those things will come down, but this EO does not tell us what will happen. Will the Administration go as crazy as you think it will? I don't know. But now is not the time to be losing your fudge. Those things have not happened, yet.

Biden's order clarifies that "sex" includes sexual orientation and gender identity. "Children should be able to learn without worrying about whether they will be denied access to the restroom, the locker room, or school sports," the executive order states.

Research what an incremental step is..... and then look up the definitions of ignorance and naivety..... and then look in a mirror
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Biden's order clarifies that "sex" includes sexual orientation and gender identity. "Children should be able to learn without worrying about whether they will be denied access to the restroom, the locker room, or school sports," the executive order states.

Research what an incremental step is..... and then look up the definition of ignorance and naivety..... and then look in a mirror

Well, I am not seeing this wording. In what Section and subsection do you find it? I got a paywall on WaPo.
99.99998% of the population should not have to appease .00012% of the population.

If the APA (American Psychiatric Association) had any backbone they would have raised Munchausen by Proxy warnings 10 years ago as pertains to boys being raised by single mothers 'identifying as trans', and never removed Gender Dysmorphia's classification as a Mental Disorder.

Feminism will never step up and address the trans issue. Kind of like the percentage of violent crimes committed by men raised in single mother households.

Without IDPOL victim points, the entire trans issue falls apart. All the APA cucking out and embracing IDPOL has done is exasperate the amount of cases being weaponized

I feel sorry for the infinitesimal amount of people who actually suffer from Gender Dysmorphia. Forcing their discomfort or imbalance on the rest of the world is not the answer.
From tweet in the OP: "On day 1, Biden unilaterally eviscerates women's sports. Any educational institution that receives federal funding must admit biologically-male athletes to women's teams, women's scholarships, etc. A new glass ceiling was just placed over girls."

Biden did not "unilaterally eviscerate women's sports." The EO does not say a word about sports. It does not say that any school must admit biologically male athletes to women's teams or scholarships. Abigail Shrier, the author of the tweet, just made that up. There is not one word in the Executive Order that even implies such things will happen, not one word mentioned about women's sports or transsexual athletes. Not one word! The tweet is a lie. What in the name of howling dogs is wrong with you people? Are you all crazy?

Here is the Executive Order. Show me where it says what Shrier's tweet says. Show me where it says anything about women's sports.

Executive Order on Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation | The White House
Section 1, 2nd paragraph.
From tweet in the OP: "On day 1, Biden unilaterally eviscerates women's sports. Any educational institution that receives federal funding must admit biologically-male athletes to women's teams, women's scholarships, etc. A new glass ceiling was just placed over girls."

Biden did not "unilaterally eviscerate women's sports." The EO does not say a word about sports. It does not say that any school must admit biologically male athletes to women's teams or scholarships. Abigail Shrier, the author of the tweet, just made that up. There is not one word in the Executive Order that even implies such things will happen, not one word mentioned about women's sports or transsexual athletes. Not one word! The tweet is a lie. What in the name of howling dogs is wrong with you people? Are you all crazy?

Here is the Executive Order. Show me where it says what Shrier's tweet says. Show me where it says anything about women's sports.

Executive Order on Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation | The White House
"Children should be able to learn without worrying about whether they will be denied access to the restroom, the locker room, or school sports. " Section 1
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Biden's order clarifies that "sex" includes sexual orientation and gender identity. "Children should be able to learn without worrying about whether they will be denied access to the restroom, the locker room, or school sports," the executive order states.

Research what an incremental step is..... and then look up the definition of ignorance and naivety..... and then look in a mirror
Yep. The “expert” once again is commenting on something he has no damn idea about. The EO also explicitly lists title IX as one of its examples on how to enforce gender equality.
An influx of TGs to women' sports, I presume. Non-TG women (or however you define that term) will be sent to the back, so to speak .. both team positions and schollys.

I'd think softball and basketball would be the most affected sports.
trying to give rights to a very few and in the process taking away the rights of tens of thousands---really makes sense
trying to give rights to a very few and in the process taking away the rights of tens of thousands---really makes sense
That’s what this administration is all about. Taking care of the few and screwing over as many as possible of the others. Women voters were a large portion of his election. He just, figuratively speaking, screwed em all.
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My understanding of this issue of declaring a protected class is that it's something done by Congress and the U.S. Supreme Court. Executive Orders are supposed to be have foundation in extant law. Maybe it's there; maybe it is not. I don't really know, but I think that sexual orientation is not in the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the USSC has avoided declaring sexual orientation to be a protected class.

Executive Order on Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation | The White House

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