NCAA panel recommends marijuana be dropped from banned substance list

Allowing students to use marijuana is a recipe for disaster. I wish the truth of the marijuana users arguments matched the passion that they have proclaiming it. How often are the athletes that are arrested for marijuana arrested for some other crime? 90+%? The reality is that marijuana did not magically become less harmful. It did not become magically less addictive. It did not start curing cancer or any other disease. New unbiased studies and technology did not show that the problems associated with marijuana were rooted in ignorance or outdated information. The only difference in marijuana from now to 25 years ago is that there are enough people are using it and addicted to it to have a political voice to influence elections. It is the same cancer on our society and youth that it has always been.
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Its not just a collegiate problem...the company I work for has stopped testing for it. Want to bet that if someone gets hurt bad that they test them anyways to protect their own rearend? The new plant manager was just caught hitting a thc vape inside breakroom. The employee that caught him was told if they say anything they will be fired. Lawlessness and its only going to get worse.
There's an easy remedy for that threatened employee. Not sure I actually believe it
This to me is similar to what many companies are doing with their drug screening process to align with changing state laws. This only makes sense for general testing but would not excuse someone being under the influence of it while at work and would not excuse or allow a player to be under the influence of it during a game. It basically becomes like alcohol. Yes you can buy it at a certain age and use it at times but you can’t come to a practice or game under the influence of it
Allowing students to use marijuana is a recipe for disaster. I wish the truth of the marijuana users arguments matched the passion that they have proclaiming it. How often are the athletes that are arrested for marijuana arrested for some other crime? 90+%? The reality is that marijuana did not magically become less harmful. It did not become magically less addictive. It did not start curing cancer or any other disease. New unbiased studies and technology did not show that the problems associated with marijuana were rooted in ignorance or outdated information. The only difference in marijuana from now to 25 years ago is that there are enough people are using it and addicted to it to have a political voice to influence elections. It is the same cancer on our society and youth that it has always been.
When was the last time you heard an athlete was arrested for pot? Your claim is nowhere near accurate. Other false statements in your post as well
As a long term weed smoker after many years I quit permanently.

Weed was the best thing I ever took for insomnia. Nothing works as well and gives you better sleep. Period.

It helps with depression but NOT anxiety. It amps up anxiety in my experience. Most people I've found that claim the opposite are also drinking or jacking off to porn or having sex which is actually what is reducing their anxiety; the Dopamine release.

Weed DOES have side effects that are detrimental.

Short and Long term memory loss was significant in my experience. Also, while weed helps you concentrate, I often found it hard to remember what I read or watched. By the end people were REALLY noticing my memory issues and beginning to comment on it openly and to my face.

Numerous studies have found that weed makes it difficult for people to change their minds and while about 3 puffs of weed can have anti-carcinogenic effects in some studies, in other studies, using more weed [but less than I smoked] has the opposite effect.

Also with weed being so readily available [especially in Tennessee] you are essentially self-medicating. It will not solve the underlying causes of some mental illnesses. It just kind of numbs the mind to it. It is very easy to abuse and while not addictive can lead to the amount of weed your smoking to expand dramatically.

As an athlete smoking anything damages the lungs and results in less oxygen reaching the blood stream.

The weed we smoke today also is 50% to 90% stronger than what was smoked a decade ago. Tolerance for THC also builds up over time. Quitting weed also has side effects. Namely nausea and excessive showering for some reason. Mine lasted for about 3 days so kind of negligible.

On a personal note, I thought I had "solved" my anger management issues. Nope. Quit weed and they roared back. Having to learn to control it all over again with other techniques.

Now having said all this, weed effects people slightly differently and not all users experienced the same effects.

Here is an excellent YouTube video on Cannabis by Dr. Andrew Huberman of Stanford:

I've tried it a few times, drank a few back in the day, and only have one question for folks. What's wrong with being sober Most of the time? Some people just can't face everyday life without something. I don't get it. (I'm a 1 beer a day guy now, 5pm and that's forever) It's important to know what's going on and being in Control instead of being controlled.
Who says they do? In your mind do all athletes smoke weed? Most football players are fitness freaks and don't do recreational drugs regularly. People treat weed like a religion, it's so weird.
Sorry, need was probably the wrong word. Why do they use it? I doubt that all athletes smoke weed or it seems there would be a lot more people getting suspended and/or kicked of teams. I am seemingly one of the few people I know who have never smoked weed, so I don't really get the draw.
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When was the last time you heard an athlete was arrested for pot? Your claim is nowhere near accurate. Other false statements in your post as well

What planet do you live on? Athletes get arrested for marijuana all the time. There are other news sources besides high times.

Coastal Carolina quarterback arrested on drugs, weapons charges

Texas A&M OL PJ Williams arrested on marijuana charge
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It's basically anything goes for student-athletes these days. Hey, you want cash in addition to your free four-year education worth $200K? No
problem! You wanna smoke pot before playing? No problem. Activists on the one hand and greed on the other are ruining college athletics.

Lmao yes now you can smoke before a game...just like you can chug 10 beers before a game.

How dare they! Clearly they'll do BOTH before a game now! 🤭🤭🤣
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Ok . There are always isolated cases, and there are always radicals like you who broad brush with them. The number of athletes being arrested with it is a miniscule % of total athletes. Funny you brought up high times. Didn't know it still existed. I've actually never read it. You made the claim that MJ was a cancer. You do know no one has ever died of it, right? If you are as well read as you want us to believe you are, then you would know that the criminalization of it was a fraud perpetuated by our government, courtesy of Tricky Dick.

Do you drink coffee or alcohol?
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Allowing students to use marijuana is a recipe for disaster. I wish the truth of the marijuana users arguments matched the passion that they have proclaiming it. How often are the athletes that are arrested for marijuana arrested for some other crime? 90+%? The reality is that marijuana did not magically become less harmful. It did not become magically less addictive. It did not start curing cancer or any other disease. New unbiased studies and technology did not show that the problems associated with marijuana were rooted in ignorance or outdated information. The only difference in marijuana from now to 25 years ago is that there are enough people are using it and addicted to it to have a political voice to influence elections. It is the same cancer on our society and youth that it has always been.

New unbiased studes and technology have in deed shown that the problems associated with it were ABSOLUTELY rooted in ignorance and outdated information. You keep living in ignorance, but you're just making yourself look dumb online.
Student A smokes one joint on August 1. Orders taco bell delivery. Plays some video games and gets a good night of sleep.

Student B gets insanely drunk and does an 8 ball of cocaine every night from Aug 1-Aug 29.

Both Students get popped with a random drug test on September 1.

Student A gets his life ruined with a failed drug screen and has to go back home and work in the local plant.

Student B passes that test and steals student A’s girlfriend and gets hired by a big firm out of college.

Before you suggested that drug screens for marijuana are a good thing you have to acknowledge that people will fail a long time after they were under the influence. That factory worker who was in a forklift accident might have been high 3 weeks ago but perfectly under control at the time of the accident.
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Ok . There are always isolated cases, and there are always radicals like you who broad brush with them. The number of athletes being arrested with it is a miniscule % of total athletes. Funny you brought up high times. Didn't know it still existed. I've actually never read it. You made the claim that MJ was a cancer. You do know no one has ever died of it, right? If you are as well read as you want us to believe you are, then you would know that the criminalization of it was a fraud perpetuated by our government, courtesy of Tricky Dick.

Do you drink coffee or alcohol?

Don't smoke and post dude..."isolated cases" ?? there isn't a D1 school in america that hasn't dealt with marijuana arrests. Once again, you have chosen to listen to users instead of unbiased information. While overdose deaths don't happen often, they DO indeed happen. Other marijuana deaths happen all the released in October, 2012, found that individuals treated for addiction to marijuana had a higher mortality rate than those with diagnoses related to cocaine or alcohol, but lower than those with methamphetamine or opioid-related disorders.
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