NCAA panel recommends marijuana be dropped from banned substance list

I've tried it a few times, drank a few back in the day, and only have one question for folks. What's wrong with being sober Most of the time? Some people just can't face everyday life without something. I don't get it. (I'm a 1 beer a day guy now, 5pm and that's forever) It's important to know what's going on and being in Control instead of being controlled.
lol u drink EVERYDAY and judging others ,??? Wow apparently u can’t face everyday life. Wow the level of hypocrisy in your post is off the proverbial charts.
Don't smoke and post dude..."isolated cases" ?? there isn't a D1 school in america that hasn't dealt with marijuana arrests. Once again, you have chosen to listen to users instead of unbiased information. While overdose deaths don't happen often, they DO indeed happen. Other marijuana deaths happen all the released in October, 2012, found that individuals treated for addiction to marijuana had a higher mortality rate than those with diagnoses related to cocaine or alcohol, but lower than those with methamphetamine or opioid-related disorders.
Please refrain from the mind boggling, ignorant assumptions. "Don't smoke and post dude"......" You have chosen to listen to users"....WTF?? Both of those statements are 100% false. 🤭🤭 Again, the % of athletes being arrested is a miniscule amount of total athletes. Go ahead, get the numbers and do the math. Cite your sources on those mortality rates against alcohol and cocaine. Let's see the details too.
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New unbiased studes and technology have in deed shown that the problems associated with it were ABSOLUTELY rooted in ignorance and outdated information. You keep living in ignorance, but you're just making yourself look dumb online.
The last resort of the triggered calling. Try reading. This shows the direct correlation of pot use amount to the reduction of grey matter in the brain of marijuana users. I doubt you read it, but here is the link that will give you nightmares.

Long-Term Effects of Cannabis on Brain Structure

Also I'm in no position to judge my family has a history with chronic arthritis in knees and back that is the reason I retired early use a walker to walk.Moving on I take pain pills everyday 3 times a day prescribed of course so I'm can't throw stones when I live in a glass house
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Has Bill Walton admitted he smoked weed before games?
Has Bill Walton admitted to ever not being stoned? lol. That is the question. In all seriousness, I just watched the 30 for 30 about the guy. If I was in his shoes, I would have tried anything and everything possible for pain. That poor guy would be in better shape now if he had instead of playing ball just fallen from a ten story building onto concrete.
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So you found three in the last 7 months and that, to you, represents "all the time"? People DO get arrested for marijuana all the time, and they shouldn't. Simple possession shouldn't be a crime. Also, your assertion that 90+% of athletes arrested for marijuana are also arrested for other crimes is ridiculous. You are just making up stuff now. My comment that you are making yourself look dumb stands.
The last resort of the triggered calling. Try reading. This shows the direct correlation of pot use amount to the reduction of grey matter in the brain of marijuana users. I doubt you read it, but here is the link that will give you nightmares.

Long-Term Effects of Cannabis on Brain Structure

View attachment 557886
So now us football fans are worried about the mental health of our football players?? The same ones we cheer on for slamming into eachother at full speed repeatedly?!? Mmkay.
You clearly didn't read the study you linked (which is from 2014 btw. find a newer study to cherry pick next time). is reporting clear and concise data "cherry picking" except that it doesn't fit the narrative that you have created in your own mind to validate your own addiction?
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