NCAA panel recommends marijuana be dropped from banned substance list is reporting clear and concise data "cherry picking" except that it doesn't fit the narrative that you have created in your own mind to validate your own addiction?
Pretty childish to accuse him of being an addict. I read it too and you've certainly cherry picked stats from it to support your narrative. You left out quite a bit that goes against your highly biased opinion
So you found three in the last 7 months and that, to you, represents "all the time"? People DO get arrested for marijuana all the time, and they shouldn't. Simple possession shouldn't be a crime. Also, your assertion that 90+% of athletes arrested for marijuana are also arrested for other crimes is ridiculous. You are just making up stuff now. My comment that you are making yourself look dumb stands.
I've posted factual links to everything you two have argued against and all you can say is that it is "not true" and that i'm "making stuff up". I deal with addicts on a daily basis and these are classic addiction defense behaviors. Create a false narrative based on conjecture and biased opinion. When given truth, you resort to name calling and grasping at straws trying to discredit anyone that brings light to darkness that you live in. I raised the question for open discussion about the majority of marijuana arrests are also charged with other crimes. I don't know they exact numbers but that's where I would estimate it at. If you have some statistics to refute that or want to do a little research yourself instead of name calling, go right ahead.
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I don't see either of you denying it.
Denying what? There are literally millions of Americans who believe marijuana should be legal that don"t use it on a regular basis or don't use it at all. Just because someone disagrees with your opinion on it doesn't make them an addict or stoner. BTW, I'm not high right now as you suggested nor do get my info from users as you suggested.

Just a reminder: Yes, I do live on planet earth.
Less than 1/10th of 1% of ALL D1 student athletes are arrested for marijuana in any given year. So no, it's not a huge issue
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Oh no! A substance that is legal in half the country is going to be removed as a banned substance! But what if the players smoke the pot before a game??

you ****in dorks.
Legal in half the country has a logical corollary though, no?
That also means it is ILLEGAL in half the country. And we are speaking of a sport in which teams play schools from other states on a weekly basis. That creates all kinds of fairness issues IMO.
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Legal in half the country has a logical corollary though, no?
That also means it is ILLEGAL in half the country. And we are speaking of a sport in which teams play schools from other states on a weekly basis. That creates all kinds of fairness issues IMO.
Why does it create fairness issues? PED???? is reporting clear and concise data "cherry picking" except that it doesn't fit the narrative that you have created in your own mind to validate your own addiction?

Like I said, you didn't read the article or you would've seen that it was an incredibly small case study and that the data was inconclusive and not indicative of large-scale results. They even admit to outliers where grey matter increased and there were inconsistencies between heavy and light users. Almost every study in the last 10 years has been about adolescent use that leads to heavy adult use. Those studies show that in heavy, long-term usage there is a slight decrease in IQ (less than 10 points) and memory. That doesn't reflect recreational or light usage, and it doesn't reflect medical usage. Cigarettes and alcohol are also much worse when you start young and use heavily into adulthood. It doesn't mean everyone that smokes or drinks in any capacity is at the same risk. Marijuana is FAR less addictive than nicotine, and FAR less debilitating than other drugs including alcohol. Of course heavy usage has side effects, but there is no study in the last 10 years that agrees with you that it is dangerous or addictive like other drugs. If you overuse, then of course you can create an addiction, but the same can be said for sugar.

You need to actually read some scientific studies if you want to try and use science to prove your point.
Pretty childish to accuse him of being an addict. I read it too and you've certainly cherry picked stats from it to support your narrative. You left out quite a bit that goes against your highly biased opinion
I don't even smoke pot. lol. I just know it isn't dangerous or evil. It should be legal everywhere.
Two arguments best to avoid:
Never argue with a vegan or a marijjuana defender. They will fight more tenaciously than a cornered bobcat and you will never convince them even if God himself were to appear at your side and endorse your position 😂

Did a pot smoking vegan kill your puppy when you were little? Who hurt you?
Why does it create fairness issues? PED????
Recruiting. In half the states, players would be risking legal penalties for something that the other half wouldn’t. I don’t see how the NCAA could create a situation in which they give half of the schools an advantage. They almost have to wait until the country comes to a consensus IMHO anyway
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Recruiting. In half the states, players would be risking legal penalties for something that the other half wouldn’t. I don’t see how the NCAA could create a situation in which they give half of the schools an advantage. They almost have to wait until the country comes to a consensus IMHO anyway
Less than 1/10 of 1% are being arrested
I don't see either of you denying it.

lol. OK Clark. You haven't posted anything that shows that 90+% of athletes arrested for pot are also arrested for other crimes. You also haven't shown that recreational or medicinal pot use is dangerous or addictive. You cited one study that you clearly didn't read and linked three athletes that were arrested since last November. I hate to break it to you, but when you make claims then it is up to you to prove those claims. It isn't up to anyone else to disprove them. You can't just act like we all have to believe you because you said it. If you claim it, then you have to prove it. You haven't done that. Go cry about it.

Also, I don't believe for a second that you "deal with addicts on a daily basis". If you do, you definitely don't need to be doing whatever you do. Based on how you've responded to drugs and addiction on here, you don't need to be anywhere near an actual addict. I don't even smoke pot, but because I disagreed with you I MUST be a pot addict in your mind. I hate to break it to you, but you don't have to smoke pot to be smart enough to figure out that it isn't a dangerous drug.
Neither. All I am saying is that there are some arguments that are un-winnable. Might as well save your breath and time (and theirs as well).
Same thing I would say about most political arguments as well FWIW

If you are arguing that pot is as dangerous or addictive as any other drug (legal or illegal), then you are arguing a long disproven argument and you literally can't win that. So yes, that particular argument is unwinnable. If "person A" is arguing something that they believe because they WANT it to be true despite facts and evidence showing it to be false, then they are making an unwinnable argument, but the other side (person B) will never win either because person A doesn't care about facts and information. Both sides are unwinnable for different reasons. That's politics in a nutshell.
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Like I said, you didn't read the article or you would've seen that it was an incredibly small case study and that the data was inconclusive and not indicative of large-scale results. They even admit to outliers where grey matter increased and there were inconsistencies between heavy and light users. Almost every study in the last 10 years has been about adolescent use that leads to heavy adult use. Those studies show that in heavy, long-term usage there is a slight decrease in IQ (less than 10 points) and memory. That doesn't reflect recreational or light usage, and it doesn't reflect medical usage. Cigarettes and alcohol are also much worse when you start young and use heavily into adulthood. It doesn't mean everyone that smokes or drinks in any capacity is at the same risk. Marijuana is FAR less addictive than nicotine, and FAR less debilitating than other drugs including alcohol. Of course heavy usage has side effects, but there is no study in the last 10 years that agrees with you that it is dangerous or addictive like other drugs. If you overuse, then of course you can create an addiction, but the same can be said for sugar.

You need to actually read some scientific studies if you want to try and use science to prove your point.
Very well said.
If you won't take athletes' words for it, maybe try talking to some veterans
I'll stick to listening to the guys who have pHds. I'm not saying it doesn't have therapeutic benefits or do something else entirely, but it's not a medicine. Cocaine helps a lot of problems too and is a much better remedy for pain lmao.
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I'll stick to listening to the guys who have pHds. I'm not saying it doesn't have therapeutic benefits or do something else entirely, but it's not a medicine. Cocaine helps a lot of problems too and is a much better remedy for pain lmao.
You actually believe marijuana has no medicinal value? Is that just because the government tells you that?
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