Needing prayers.

dylan made a nice rebound in late afternoon, but was curled up on floor, repeatedly tying to check on mom. He did get up uo watch DD and asked if the other dylan in tonite's game was good guy. Son had to take charge of dinner, kids, and he made at last three trips upstairs with towels. Hallie and Lucas seem OK, with Lucas finding ways to get laughs from all. Hallie, BTW, has declared (shouted) for a couple years that her favorite color was orange

Dunno who could be next. Son has to be very concerned, and Mrs AV went to bed saying her stomach was upset and was hoping it was only nerves. Dylan's clinic tests showed he doesnt have the flu or covid, etc

Heat index going to 110 plus inland, but we may barely reach triple digits here

thanks to all
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some prayers might help
DIL said she wasnt struck as violent;y t as Dylan. Said her legs were achy
mrs av's knee and ankle are very badly bruised. Has said that she was very ;lucky that nothing was broken
dylan and i buil;t tunnels and towers on beach but he surrendered to heat
son is oun on 3-mile jog

some prayers might help
DIL said she wasnt struck as violent;y t as Dylan. Said her legs were achy
mrs av's knee and ankle are very badly bruised. Has said that she was very ;lucky that nothing was broken
dylan and i buil;t tunnels and towers on beach but he surrendered to heat
son is oun on 3-mile jog

Still putting up prayers.

🎶 One day we'll look back on this
And it will all seem funny 🎶

some prayers might help
DIL said she wasnt struck as violent;y t as Dylan. Said her legs were achy
mrs av's knee and ankle are very badly bruised. Has said that she was very ;lucky that nothing was broken
dylan and i buil;t tunnels and towers on beach but he surrendered to heat
son is oun on 3-mile jog

Well, the one I'm most worried about now is the one who decided to run in this heat. 😂
Two of the 3 on IL have recovered, Mrs AV still having some trouble, Hopes to be able to walk on the beach before we return home and is thinking she would like to return here next summer for more than one week

thanks to all
for thoughts and prayers
My last go around with TOA. They've scheduled me twice for surgery this week, only to cancel late both days, after I notify my employer. If you need orthopedic treatment in middle Tennessee, I advise Elite Ortho (past experience was outstanding) or Vanderbilt Ortho. The "surgery scheduler" then proceeded to be rude and blame the insurance company, hospital, etc. If her rude a$$ wouldn't schedule surgeries before getting approval from insurance, none of this would've taken place. I let her know yesterday that I'm in control now since she can't get her 💩 together and they are to wait until approval, contact me so I can schedule therapy for the following day (which doc told me was imperative within 24 hours of procedure) and then I'll decide when the surgery will take place. I'll never set foot in another TOA the rest of my life due to this and that's a shame because the surgeon was really good, but everything else is the worst experience I've ever had. They need a major overhaul in office staff and how they operate.

Apologies for the rant, sometimes I wonder how some people even get dressed and make it to work.
Had 2nd procedure on elbow yesterday, finally. No manipulation only another incision and more staples (ughh). Doc said it was full of scar tissue and he feels like that was causing the biggest issue with my range of motion since 1st surgery. Nerve block wore off about 10:30 last night and whooo-boy the pain is intense. Therapy first thing this morning and 3 times per week for the next 4 weeks. Lord I pray that the end is near of this ordeal (the pain the last 4 and half months is taking a toll and I have a long way yet to go). I appreciate any prayers as always. And I'll continue praying for everyone here on VN that is need of them as well.
Had 2nd procedure on elbow yesterday, finally. No manipulation only another incision and more staples (ughh). Doc said it was full of scar tissue and he feels like that was causing the biggest issue with my range of motion since 1st surgery. Nerve block wore off about 10:30 last night and whooo-boy the pain is intense. Therapy first thing this morning and 3 times per week for the next 4 weeks. Lord I pray that the end is near of this ordeal (the pain the last 4 and half months is taking a toll and I have a long way yet to go). I appreciate any prayers as always. And I'll continue praying for everyone here on VN that is need of them as well.
Praying for healing!

We sure don't appreciate joints and muscles when we are young. Well maybe some of us do. I didn't. I do now.
Had 2nd procedure on elbow yesterday, finally. No manipulation only another incision and more staples (ughh). Doc said it was full of scar tissue and he feels like that was causing the biggest issue with my range of motion since 1st surgery. Nerve block wore off about 10:30 last night and whooo-boy the pain is intense. Therapy first thing this morning and 3 times per week for the next 4 weeks. Lord I pray that the end is near of this ordeal (the pain the last 4 and half months is taking a toll and I have a long way yet to go). I appreciate any prayers as always. And I'll continue praying for everyone here on VN that is need of them as well.
I feel your pain. Literally. I had surgery Tuesday, and it hurt like the dickens Wednesday, beginning in the wee hours. The pain dulled throughout Thursday, and I’ve become accustomed to a lesser ache.
Had 2nd procedure on elbow yesterday, finally. No manipulation only another incision and more staples (ughh). Doc said it was full of scar tissue and he feels like that was causing the biggest issue with my range of motion since 1st surgery. Nerve block wore off about 10:30 last night and whooo-boy the pain is intense. Therapy first thing this morning and 3 times per week for the next 4 weeks. Lord I pray that the end is near of this ordeal (the pain the last 4 and half months is taking a toll and I have a long way yet to go). I appreciate any prayers as always. And I'll continue praying for everyone here on VN that is need of them as well.
I'm glad they got the scar tissue out, but ouch. I know that feeling. 🙏 that the end is in sight, with full recovery!
Had 2nd procedure on elbow yesterday, finally. No manipulation only another incision and more staples (ughh). Doc said it was full of scar tissue and he feels like that was causing the biggest issue with my range of motion since 1st surgery. Nerve block wore off about 10:30 last night and whooo-boy the pain is intense. Therapy first thing this morning and 3 times per week for the next 4 weeks. Lord I pray that the end is near of this ordeal (the pain the last 4 and half months is taking a toll and I have a long way yet to go). I appreciate any prayers as always. And I'll continue praying for everyone here on VN that is need of them as well.
Praying for you
grandkids back on road to stl after night in dyersburg. Hallie threw uo but DIL thinks it was car sickness and not bug with struck her and Dylan/

We returned from coast in the evening. Mrs AV in bed, swelling on head from her fall has gone away, but she is having trouble with dizziness and says she's exhausted,, depressed

we just got word they are home
grandkids back on road to stl after night in dyersburg. Hallie threw uo but DIL thinks it was car sickness and not bug with struck her and Dylan/

We returned from coast in the evening. Mrs AV in bed, swelling on head from her fall has gone away, but she is having trouble with dizziness and says she's exhausted,, depressed

we just got word they are home
I'm glad everyone is home safe and hope your wife gets better, but wow what an ordeal.
grandkids back on road to stl after night in dyersburg. Hallie threw uo but DIL thinks it was car sickness and not bug with struck her and Dylan/

We returned from coast in the evening. Mrs AV in bed, swelling on head from her fall has gone away, but she is having trouble with dizziness and says she's exhausted,, depressed

we just got word they are home
Now that you’re back home, y’all might want to think about getting your better half to her doctor to be checked out for concussion. It often isn’t diagnosed in the ER, because it takes a while for symptoms to develop, but dizziness, exhaustion, and depression? After my most recent concussion, I had all three, plus a bad case of The Stoopids, slow thinking and all.

There’s not a ton you can do about concussion, BUT one thing that helps recovery is to go really, really slowly, much more slowly than one wants to.

Trying to get back to usual levels of activity too quickly can make recovery take way longer than it should.

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